? Three Color Series

The Ultimate Solution to a 3x3x3x3

using the interface of MagicCube4D

Three-Color Series

These are a set of eight-move sequences that will shuffle around or reorient three-colored pieces.  These will also alter the position of some corner pieces, but since we will be solving the edges before we worry about the corners, that doesn?t matter.

The First Three-Color Series will shuffle around 3 three-colored edge pieces.  To execute this sequence, do the following moves:

Top, 11, Left
Left, 11, Left
Top, 11, Right
Right, 11, Right
Top, 11, Left
Left, 11, Right
Top, 11, Right
Right, 11, Left

Compare as much as you can the moves and results of this sequence with those of the 3D cube Corner Sequence, and you will see they are almost identical.

Except for the sticker we click, the Second and Third Three-Color Series identical to the First.  The moves are:

Second Three-Color Series

Top, 7, Left
Left, 7, Left
Top, 7, Right
Right, 7, Right
Top, 7, Left
Left, 7, Right
Top, 7, Right
Right, 7, Left

Third Three-Color Series

Top, 4, Left
Left, 4, Left
Top, 4, Right
Right, 4, Right
Top, 4, Left
Left, 4, Right
Top, 4, Right
Right, 4, Left

If you want more flexibility, you can do the moves in the reverse of the order I have listed above.  The pieces will also shuffle in an opposite manner to the before/after screen shots I show below.  You do not need the reverse sequences to solve the puzzle, but may want them.  I have never used them in solving the hypercube.

First Three-Color Series before and after screen shots

Second Three-Color Series before and after screen shots


Third Three-Color Series before and after screen shots