Subject: 4D Pocket=
Cube Nomination
Dear Mr. Bailey,
I just got your letter recommending the 4=
D Pocket Cube for the National Toy Hall of Fame. Thank you! I have forwarde=
d the information to our chairman for the nomination committee and the cube=
will officially get a nomination. The best advice I can give you at this p=
oint is to get your friends and other fans of the cube to go online and nom=
inate it as well. And you can also vote yourself=E2=80=94I think the limit =
is once daily but not sure about that. The more votes it gets, the more lik=
ely it will be to finally get inducted. I assure you that all the votes get=
counted, and they become one of the stronger factors for eventual inductio=
I myself will give it a nomination vote. You=E2=80=99ve convinced me wit=
h your heartfelt letter. Thank you very much for taking the time to write m=
e and for thinking of Strong Museum.
Nicolas Ricketts
e Strong
One Manhattan Square
Rochester, NY 14607 U.S.A.
If you know the d=
evice well, filling in the field =E2=80=9CWhy does this toy deserve to be i=
n the hall of fame?=E2=80=9D may be easy. If you need some words my own no=
mination words were:
To appreciate the innovation of Melinda's 2x2x2x2, co=
nsider how hard it would be
reduce the dimensionality of the Rubik's Cube f=
rom three dimensions to two. A three dimensional
puzzle reduced to a two di=
mensional challenge requires imagination.
It is just as hard to reduce th=
e dimensionality of a abstract device such as a four dimensional
Rubik's C=
ube. Four dimensional Rubik's cubes, implemented as
computer representation=
s and virtual display imagery have been available since 1988. Melinda's 2x2=
provides an actual three dimensional artifact that presents the four =
dimensional challenge
in physical form. Rendered in hard colored plastic =
pieces using a 3D printer
and cleverly placed magnets, it presents a challe=
nge that requires patience and
determination to solve. Only twelve "twisty=
puzzle" solvers have presented solutions.
Fewer than one hundred instances=
of the device have been produced. As a puzzle on the leading edge
of tech=
nology and challenge, this puzzle deserves early recognition.
Go to http://= for more information.
Thanks for your hel=
John Bailey