Magic Simplex 5D

Solved 5D Simplex
This puzzle by Andrey Astrelin
implements the 5D analog of the Pyraminx.
Download the puzzle here. Unpack the zip-file in new folder and double click MS5D.exe.
This program requires Microsoft .NET 3.5 and DirectX.
If you break a record, you may self-administer your achievement in the 5D Simplex section of
Magic Puzzle Ultimate.
Let me know
if you need a wiki account and what user name you would like.
The source code is here.
Use it as you like so long as you give clear and obvious credit to the author.
Good luck!
- Stereographic projection to 4D
- Perspective projection of 4D to 3D (4D camera)
- Perspective projection of 3D to the screen. (3D camera)
- Left drag - rotation of 3D camera around the center
- Shift-Left drag - Alternative 3D rotation
- Right drag (Up/Down) - 4D slide of camera. It is the only way to change center of the model view.
- Right drag (Left/Right) - Screen rotation
- Ctrl-Left button - Zoom in 3D (Up/Down) and in 4D (Left/Right)
- 3-click model is implemented: if you have cell ABCDE (corners are named) and click three corner stickers ("5C"), say, A,C,D, then cell will twist to the CBDAE orientation.
- If you click 4C stickers adjacent to the same corner, e.g. AB, AC, AE, then block centered in the vertex A will twist from BCDEF position to CEDBF.
- Right click in the sticker shows all stickers of the piece. Color filters not tested.
- Ctrl-alt-click one of 5C stickers - Start macro recording. For autoreference program tries to recognize a "constellation" of other 5C stickers of the same cell.
- Ctrl-M - Stop recording
- Alt-click in the reference sticker - Start the selected macro.
Related links
- MagicCube4D - Not only cubes. There are many other 4D puzzles inside one program, most of them are still unsolved
- MagicCube5D - 5-dimensional magic cubes from 25 to 75.
- MagicCube7D - Seven-dimensional cube! Cubes from 34 to 57 are implemented
- Magic120Cell - The 120-cell is the second largest regular polytopes in 4D. This puzzle is a 4D analog of the 3D Megaminx.
- Magic Tile - Equivalent to Rubik's Cube in hyperbolic space and beyond
- Magic Hyperbolic Tile 633 - A twisty puzzle in 3D Hyperbolic space. Wow!
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