My favorite sport is radio-controlled glider combat. Here's an
example video of the sort of thing we do. That was from a contest in Colorado with a very larage number of planes. Here is a combat video I shot which includes on-board video. We fly these nearly indestructible flying wing design gliders in ridge lift and smash them together in an attempt to put the other gliders down while flying away unscathed. It is incredibly fun but surprisingly difficult to make the planes hit even when everyone is cooperating. The problem is that binocular depth perception is normally only effective at distances up to about 50 feet whereas glider combat tends to happen in the 100 to 200 foot range. To rectify this problem I designed a head mounted system of mirrors that increases the effective distance in which the pilot's binocular depth perception is still effective.
Here is my latest version. Notice how you can see that his eyes can be seen just beyond the sides of his head, roughly tripling his intra-ocular distance.
The goggles give excellent increased depth perception up to 100 feet or more but also give surprisingly comfortable close-up views. What is it like to wear them? The first thing you notice is that everything seems very tiny, even though nothing has changed size on your retnas. That's because your brain interprets the increased angle between your eyes to mean that everything is very close to you. So what does this do to your vision? It's surprising how quickly your brain adapts to the change. Luckily, your brain quickly adapts back to normal after taking them off, but those first few minutes can be quite bizarre! Here is a funny video showing some people trying to catch a ball after removing them.
This version is 3D printed, and I've made it available so now you can print your very own viewer! Order 3D prints here. You'll need to cut your own mirrors and attach the viewer to some standard safety goggles, but it's not difficult and the above link includes instructions.
Here are a couple photos of the first version of my device which worked surprisingly well.
Of course no one with any dignity would allow themselves to be photographed, let alone seen, wearing such a contraption which is why I took these shots of some friends. Note how I cleverly inserted myself into the photograph.