TUTOR v1.10 by Melinda Green Copyright 1992, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003 Superliminal Software TERMS OF USE: Tutor is free for non-commercial use. You may use tutor freely and share it with anyone you like, however I retain all rights to this work and expect you to honor my copyright. You may not disassemble or otherwise attempt to reverse-engineer my work. You wouldn't want people to attempt to steal your creative works, so don't you do that. You may not redistribute Tutor. Users will always find the latest version at http://www.superliminal.com/tutor/tutor.htm DESCRIPTION: This document describes the Tutor vocabulary teaching program. Tutor is something like the ultimate flash-card partner. A good human flash-card partner will know which words you know well and which you're having trouble with. They will then select mostly those words which are most important for you at that moment, but will occasionally select words which are less important or which they know you already know fairly well, just to keep your memory refreshed. Other vocabulary teaching software simply select words at random. That is a poor approach for all but the smallest dictionaries because users tend to become frustrated and lost quickly. Attempts to fix that such as partitioning dictionaries into lots of smaller groups of related words may help with this, but risk boring the intelligent users with too much repetition. The Tutor program does this in a very optimal way. It adapts to the current user's ability to learn, and takes into account their past performance with each word. It also accounts for the basic importance of each word in its language and will continue to adapt to the user over multiple sessions. When using the program, it's best not to try too hard to puzzle out which answer to select. If you don't know a word, then just make a quick guess. There's no harm in missing lots of words since Tutor will quickly bring up problem words so frequently that you can't help but quickly get them right. Tutor is not a test, but a learning tool, so don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are a very important part of learning anything. USING THE PROGRAM: The program is very simple to use. Whenever it is running, the next selected word for you to translate appears printed large at the top of the window. Simply click on the button underneath which you believe is the correct translation. When you make an incorrect selection, you will need to keep making more selections until you pick the right one. Each time you get a word right, a new one is selected and displayed. The word you just got right is still displayed in the bottom left corner along with its translation. This serves as a reminder and also shows you all the possible correct translations for that word. A good strategy for optimal learning is to move through as many words as you can as quickly as you can while at least still reading all the choices. A good idea would be to set yourself a goal of seeing a certain number of flashes instead of a certain amount of time. 100 flashes seems to be a good goal for a single sitting and can be reached in just a few minutes. It doesn't matter at all how many words you get right or even the ratio of right to wrong answers. Just do as many as you have patience for at any one time. It's also a good idea to not set your goals so high that it becomes a real chore to do. Tutor will work very effectively when used often but for short periods rather than a few long sessions. The Tutor program learns a lot about your learning progress with each vocabulary. Before quitting a session, hit the "save" button if you want Tutor to remember your progress with the last vocabulary for the next time. Tutor can be used to train you in *any* vocabulary, and is not restricted to natural languages, but could be used to memorize technical terms, chemical compounds, anatomy, or any other such word associations. MANAGING YOUR VOCABULARIES This distribution only comes with a single example vocabulary, but may more are available at the Tutor web site located at http://www.superliminal.com/tutor/tutor.htm. The example vocabulary "capitals.csv" teaches the names of the capitals of all the countries. When you start the program and click the "Load Dic" button, a file dialog box will appear to let you select a vocabulary to learn. If you store any vocabularies that you download into the same folder as the program and sample vocabulary, then you will see all these dictionaries when you hit the load button. Conversely, if you've stored additional vocabularies in other locations, then you will have to use the file dialog to locate them. If there is a vocabulary that you intend to use often, you can make it the default vocabulary which will load automatically whenever you run Tutor. To do this, simple rename that vocabulary to be "words.csv" and place it either in the same folder as the the program file Tutor.exe, or put it at the root of the same drive as the program. VOCABULARY FILE FORMAT: Tutor dictionaries are plain text comma separated files which you can edit with Excel or any text editor. You can create a new vocabulary by following the simple format of the capitals.csv vocabulary supplied with the program. Here are the first four lines from that vocabulary: WORD,TYPE,IMPORTANCE,DEFINITION Afghanistan,Central Asia,2,Kabul Albania,Eastern Europe,4,Tirana Algeria,North Africa,2,Algiers The first line contains the labels for the fields and must appear exactly as shown. Each subsequent line represents a word to be learned. The meaning of the fields are as follows: FIELD 1: This is the text of the word or concept to be learned. FIELD 2: This is a "type" descriptor. This can be any single word you like and is used to organize the flashes to only show decoy words of the same type. For natural languages, good type choices are "noun", "verb", "adj", etc. The capitals.csv vocabulary used each country's geographic region because nearby countries are often mistaken for each other. Other catagorizations make sense for other subjects. In general, it's usually best to choose a catagorization such that it's not usually obvious which decoy is the correct choice. FIELD 3: The third field is the relative importance of that word on a scale from zero to ten. Ideally you'd have very few words with value 10, more with 9, still more with 8, and eventually lots of relativily unimportant words with values 1 or 2. Initially, the number should be the word's relative importance in the language, but as you use the program and save the results, the numbers will change to reflect the importances of those words to *you*. You might therefore want to make copies of any initial vocabularies before you start running Tutor on them. FIELD 4: Is the translation or definition of the word. The translation may contain multiple correct definitions separated by semicolon characters. When Tutor displays a word with multiple definitions it chooses one at random each time, though it always displays all definitions for the previous word in the lower left corner. If you have multiple synonyms within a definition, you should separate them with a forward slash character. For example, the entry for the German word "Lager" looks like this: das Lager,neutnoun,4,camp;store/stock It has two different definitions, and the second one has two synonyms. Note that the definition "store" is used in the sence of stock or supplies as opposed to a place to buy things. Note that it's crucial that these four fields exist for each word, that they are separated from each other by commas, and that there *not* be any commas anywhere else on those lines. If you create any useful vocabularies, I'd love to add them to the web site. Please send them to me at the email address at the end of this file. As mentioned before, this will also entitle you to a free license for yourself or a friend. APPLICATIONS: You'll note that the program interface is extremely simple. The interface is simply a test bed for the underlying algorithm. This is very much a work in progress, and I'd be especially interested to hear your suggestions about potential applications this algorithm might be integrated into. Licensing and collaboration opportunities are most welcome. I'll also be very curious to hear any feedback you'd care to give. I hope you find Tutor useful. I wrote it as an aid for me to learn German, but I think the underlying algorithm is general enough to be useful for many different applications. Melinda Green Superliminal Software 2340 Francisco St. #301 San Francisco, CA 94123 email: melinda at superliminal.com tel: 415-673-5965