A plane consist of squares. Remove one square from each vertex (removed squares are black). The most obvious solution is given on the left below.  It is possible to move the horizontal rows with black squares one step or the vertical columns with black squares one step. If one makes the decision to move at least one horizontal row then no vertical column can be moved. Of course other horizontal rows can moved one step.



{4,5} 10


An elementary cell, or repeat unit, consists of an array of  4 squares (1 removed, black), a cube with the bottom and the top removed on the black square, and on top an array of 4 squares (1 removed, black).

In total 3+4+3 = 10 squares.


There are two different ways to tile this cell into an infinite regular polyhedron. I.e. two different sets of translation vectors shown below.








    vrml-model                                                            vrml-model                                                          





{4,5} 20

This elementary cell consists of an array of 8 squares (2 removed, black), a cube with the bottom and the top removed on one of the black square, an array of 8 squares (2 removed, black) and a cube without top and bottom on the other square. In total 6+4+6+4 = 20 squares.






{4,5} 20


This elementary cell consists of an array of 8 squares (2 removed, black) in a somewhat different situation.


There are two tilings of this cell shown below.













vrml-model                                                                   vrml-model