Chris has been struggling with the puzzle for a while, and I think he's fin=
ally gotten his head around it. Today he posted a new video of a solution a=
ttempt where he came very close:
He ended up stuck with a single 90 degree twist of one end cap which I beli=
eve should be impossible, right? I did see a small mistake at the 12:06 mar=
k where he makes identical twists on both halves rather than reversing one =
of them, but that should result in a 180 degree twist which I believe shoul=
d be solvable. Some sharp-eyed viewers commented that he appears to have me=
ssed up when replacing a couple of popped pieces which appears to be true f=
rom my examination. I left a comment with these observations, and I encoura=
ge everyone to watch the video and add any help or observations you may hav=
e. And of course please upvote his video and share it with your social netw=
We don't get to see his scrambling sequence, but would one of you please at=
tempt to solve it from his starting position and let us and/or him know if =
it was valid?
And now an update on the project: Marc and I have been assembling puzzles a=
s sales dribbled in at a slow pace, but after Chris' first introduction vid=
eo got some 65,000 views (!) we got over 50 quote requests resulting in ten=
sales! We just now got enough 3D printed parts to cover those, and shortly=
we should have enough magnets, so we will be in assembly mode for some tim=
e. I have no idea what sort of sales will be generated from Chris' new vide=
o, but if it's anything like his first, that will be pretty wonderful. I've=
never run any sort of retail business, so this is all new to me, but thank=
goodness for Marc's help and some other friends pitching in! I couldn't do=
this on my own.
Happy puzzling!