Thread: "Workable 3^5 Posted"

From: "Roice Nelson" <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 11:16:36 -0500
Subject: Workable 3^5 Posted

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
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Hey Guys,

Charlie and I have a fully functioning MC5D puzzle for you now. The
twisting is worked out as I had described and you can now save to a log
file. You can also save all your projection settings, and keep a set of
them if you want to easily switch between different views. There is macro
support, and a number of other new little features and cleanups that make
working with it nicer and more tractable. I've listed some specifics on th=
website (

I think development will probably slow at this point, but we'll definitely
keep improving it in the background. We still have a few things from the
previous to do list (incorporating Melinda's rotation code and stereo
viewing are two that come to mind), and we'd appreciate feedback if you see
anything that could be done better or would like to see something new.

I've started doing a solution myself this week and should be able to
complete it relatively soon. I'll post it and any solutions you guys do on
the site. Getting used to it is a lot like getting used to MC4D for the
first time, and there are some new interesting scenarios to deal with
because of the extra 5th dimension. Overall, I'd say the puzzle is more
tedious though, mostly because of the number of cubies, but also because th=
twisting input is more complex. I've also had my brain play necker-cube
like tricks on me more than once. It doesn't happen too much, but stereo
would probably help avoid this. Some things I am personally finding
indispensable are:

(1) Macros
(2) Dimming pieces. This is currently allowed by piece type, but maybe need=
to be allowed by slices in case someone wanted to solve using a
layer-by-layer approach.
(3) Having both buttons and sticker-clicking available for twisting. The
click twisting is nice because it is more intuitive than thinking about axe=
labels. Using the buttons is nice because I can twist invisible faces
without having to first make them visible.

I was going to try to post a little blurb soon about the number and types o=
pieces in MC5D. I haven't calculated the number of possible permutations
yet. Anyone want to take a stab? I'd happily post something like what Eri=
did for MC4D on the site.

Good luck to any of you who are going to attempt a solution! I was thinkin=
of calling the MC5D solvers list the "Hall of Insanity" :) What do you


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Hey Guys,


Charlie and I have a fully functioning MC5D puzzle for you now.  =
The twisting is worked out as I had described and you can now save to a log=
file.  You can also save all your projection settings, and keep a set=
of them if you want to easily switch between different views.  There =
is macro support, and a number of other new little features and cleanups th=
at make working with it nicer and more tractable.  I've listed some sp=
ecifics on the website (


I think development will probably slow at this point, but we'll defini=
tely keep improving it in the background.  We still have a few things =
from the previous to do list (incorporating Melinda's rotation code and ste=
reo viewing are two that come to mind), and we'd appreciate feedback if you=
see anything that could be done better or would like to see something new.


I've started doing a solution myself this week and should be able to c=
omplete it relatively soon.  I'll post it and any solutions you guys d=
o on the site.  Getting used to it is a lot like getting used to MC4D =
for the first time, and there are some new interesting scenarios to deal wi=
th because of the extra 5th dimension.  Overall, I'd say the puzzle is=
more tedious though, mostly because of the number of cubies, but also beca=
use the twisting input is more complex.  I've also had my brain play n=
ecker-cube like tricks on me more than once.  It doesn't happen t=
oo much, but stereo would probably help avoid this.  Some things I am =
personally finding indispensable are:


(1) Macros

(2) Dimming pieces. This is currently allowed by piece type, but maybe=
needs to be allowed by slices in case someone wanted to solve using a laye=
r-by-layer approach.

(3) Having both buttons and sticker-clicking available for twisting.&n=
bsp; The click twisting is nice because it is more intuitive than thinking =
about axes labels.  Using the buttons is nice because I can twist invi=
sible faces without having to first make them visible.


I was going to try to post a little blurb soon about the number and ty=
pes of pieces in MC5D.  I haven't calculated the number of possible pe=
rmutations yet.  Anyone want to take a stab?  I'd happily post so=
mething like what Eric did for MC4D on the site.


Good luck to any of you who are going to attempt a solution!=
  I was thinking of calling the MC5D solvers list the "Hall of In=
sanity" :)  What do you think?



From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 21:52:46 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted

Roice does it again: Another tour de force! And thanks to Charlie who
I'm sure made it possible. I'm relishing this period--probably
short--between the implementation of this much-discussed monster and its
first solution. It's really nice of Roice to publish it before he
performs his first solution in order to give others a chance to pluck
this lovely record. I hope some people are already attempting it. My big
question is not how long it will take for a first solution but how hard
it is and whether we'll ever see a 2nd one!

I love your idea for the Hall of Insanity. I mean how does one even
begin to explain what it means to have your name listed there? I'm sure
that "insanity" will be a word that will come easily into the horrified
mind of any loved one listening to such an explanation. As much as I
want to add the list to the 4D hall-of-fame I sadly recognize that
that's not where it belongs. I will however add prominent references to
it from the HOF. I do hope that nobody will want to move 5D discussion
topics to a separate Yahoo group. The 4D group may not have the perfect
name to include both but its stated purpose is certainly for all things
related to the 4D cube, and that certainly includes the 5D version.

Great job Roice. This is wonderful.

Roice Nelson wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> Charlie and I have a fully functioning MC5D puzzle for you now. The
> twisting is worked out as I had described and you can now save to a
> log file. You can also save all your projection settings, and keep a
> set of them if you want to easily switch between different views.
> There is macro support, and a number of other new little features and
> cleanups that make working with it nicer and more tractable. I've
> listed some specifics on the website (
> ).
> I think development will probably slow at this point, but we'll
> definitely keep improving it in the background. We still have a few
> things from the previous to do list (incorporating Melinda's rotation
> code and stereo viewing are two that come to mind), and we'd
> appreciate feedback if you see anything that could be done better or
> would like to see something new.
> I've started doing a solution myself this week and should be able to
> complete it relatively soon. I'll post it and any solutions you guys
> do on the site. Getting used to it is a lot like getting used to MC4D
> for the first time, and there are some new interesting scenarios to
> deal with because of the extra 5th dimension. Overall, I'd say the
> puzzle is more tedious though, mostly because of the number of cubies,
> but also because the twisting input is more complex. I've also had my
> brain play necker-cube like tricks on me more than once. It doesn't
> happen too much, but stereo would probably help avoid this. Some
> things I am personally finding indispensable are:
> (1) Macros
> (2) Dimming pieces. This is currently allowed by piece type, but maybe
> needs to be allowed by slices in case someone wanted to solve using a
> layer-by-layer approach.
> (3) Having both buttons and sticker-clicking available for twisting.
> The click twisting is nice because it is more intuitive than thinking
> about axes labels. Using the buttons is nice because I can twist
> invisible faces without having to first make them visible.
> I was going to try to post a little blurb soon about the number and
> types of pieces in MC5D. I haven't calculated the number of possible
> permutations yet. Anyone want to take a stab? I'd happily post
> something like what Eric did for MC4D on the site.
> Good luck to any of you who are going to attempt a solution! I was
> thinking of calling the MC5D solvers list the "Hall of Insanity" :)
> What do you think?
> Roice

From: <>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 02:51:55 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


ROICE !!! You are unbeliveble!!! BIG RESPECT for you and Charlie! You did v=
ery good job! It will be great pleasure to fun with that stuff!

Yesterday I really wanted to write that it is impossible me to solve cube t=
hat you suggested (I couldn't get use to your vision). I've opened Outlook =
and... there was information from you! (funny coincedence:)

Message that You will soon S-O-L-V-E this shook me! I didn't see the pieces=
, stickers, faces and moves enough to do anything...

Today during talk with Kirfo I tested some sets of parameters... and when I=
get set which I attached to this message everything became so clear...

All... moves, twists, etc. the whole concept...


It's working great! (unfortunately I don't have time during this week to st=
art real solve)

(I can give you some printscreens which I made some time ago during testing=
program. It's nothing, just funny views of solved 5D cube;)

(click in the middle to get to the folder where I put my best "view" (http:=


- (Ctr+Z) doesn't work on my computer (laptop, Acer Aspire 3000), Michal W=
izner doesn't have this problem on his PC (Please give REDO also, it helps =
a lot)

- Hypersticers in view which I prefer - look in attached file (Michal liked=
this very much too) could be less stretched..but nevermind -> "view" I've=
got works fine with me ;-)

- You should give this parameters
/1.png as second deafault=20=20

- put file with description of keys (txt in program folder) (It will help =
people... hmmm... hhihihihihi... (what people?;))

Really best wishes in solving 3x3x3x3x3...=20

Remigiusz Durka

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ROICE !!! You are unbeliveble!!! BIG RESPE=
CT for=20
you and Charlie! You did very good =
job! It=20
will be great pleasure to fun with that stuff!



Yesterday I really wanted to write that it=
impossible me to solve cube that you suggested (I couldn't get use to =
vision). I've opened Outlook and... there was information from you! (funny=


Message that You will soon S-O-L=
-V-E this=20
shook me! I didn't see the pieces, stickers, faces and moves enough to=



Today during talk with Kirfo I tested some=
sets of=20
parameters... and when I get set which I attached to this message everythin=
became so clear...


All... moves, twists, etc. the whole=20






It's working great! (unfortunately I don't=
time during this week to start real solve)


(I can give you some printscreens which I =
made some=20
time ago during testing program. It's nothing, just funny views=20
of solved 5D cube;)




(click in the middle to get to the folder =
where I=20
put my best "view" (href=3D"">http://www.genez=





- (Ctr+Z) doesn't work on my computer=
Acer Aspire 3000),  Michal Wizner doesn't have this problem on hi=
s PC=20
(Please give REDO also, it helps a lot)


- Hypersticers in view which I prefer - lo=
ok in=20
attached file (Michal liked this very much too)  could be less=20
stretched..but nevermind -> "view" I've got works fine with me=


- You should give this parameters  =20
as second deafault  


- put file with description of=20
keys (txt in program folder)  (It will help people... hmmm...=20





Really best wishes in solving 3x3x3x3x3...=


Remigiusz Durka



12px Courier New, Courier,; padding: 3px; background: #ffffff;=
color: #000000">----------------------------------------------------------=

Poznaj Stefana! Zmien komunikator! >>>">


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Content-Disposition: attachment;


From: "Charlie Nevill" <>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 22:31:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted

Hi Folks,

I decided to go ahead and join the list so that Roice doesn't have to
keep forwarding me the 5-d cube messages. This seems like a great
bunch of people, and I'm happy to be playing my small part in the
development of the 5-d cube. So far, my contributions have been
mostly in the area of the GUI and a few performance enhancements; I
hope to get to do more work on the real cube stuff in the future, time

Roice forwarded me this message from Remigiusz, and I wanted to
provide a bit of extra info about the saved settings feature. For
those who had not yet found this, if you don't like the default "--
Default --" settings, you can save any other configuration with this
same name, and your new settings will become the new defaults. So
when you click Save As..., just type "-- Default -- ", and you will
get a new .settings file with your new default settings, which will be
used whenever you start the program. If you later decide to revert to
the original defaults, just delete this file and restart the program.

It sounds like there are a few other UI glitches/requests that we will
hoepfully be able to address in the next iteration (whenever that is),
so thanks for the feedback. Regarding the non-functionality of
Ctrl+Z, I have a wild guess that it might relate to keyboard layouts.
Are you using a standard english keyboard with normal input settings,
or something set up for a different language? Do you know whether you
have the same settings as Michal?

Thanks, and glad to meet you all,

Charlie Nevill

> From: <>
> Date: May 13, 2006 7:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted
> To:
> Hello!
> ROICE !!! You are unbeliveble!!! BIG RESPECT for you and Charlie! You did=
very good job! It will be great pleasure to fun with that stuff!
> Yesterday I really wanted to write that it is impossible me to solve cube=
that you suggested (I couldn't get use to your vision). I've opened Outloo=
k and... there was information from you! (funny coincedence:)
> Message that You will soon S-O-L-V-E this shook me! I didn't see the piec=
es, stickers, faces and moves enough to do anything...
> Today during talk with Kirfo I tested some sets of parameters... and when=
I get set which I attached to this message everything became so clear...
> All... moves, twists, etc. the whole concept...
> --------------------
> It's working great! (unfortunately I don't have time during this week to =
start real solve)
> (I can give you some printscreens which I made some time ago during testi=
ng program. It's nothing, just funny views of solved 5D cube;)
> (click in the middle to get to the folder where I put my best "view" ( ht=
> Suggestions:
> - (Ctr+Z) doesn't work on my computer (laptop, Acer Aspire 3000), Michal=
Wizner doesn't have this problem on his PC (Please give REDO also, it help=
s a lot)
> - Hypersticers in view which I prefer - look in attached file (Michal lik=
ed this very much too) could be less stretched..but nevermind -> "view" I'=
ve got works fine with me ;-)
> - You should give this parameters
5d/1.png as second deafault
> - put file with description of keys (txt in program folder) (It will hel=
p people... hmmm... hhihihihihi... (what people?;))
> Really best wishes in solving 3x3x3x3x3...
> Remigiusz Durka

From: "Rage" <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 12:54:59 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

It sounds like there are a few other UI glitches/requests that we will
hoepfully be able to address in the next iteration (whenever that is),
so thanks for the feedback. Regarding the non-functionality of
Ctrl+Z, I have a wild guess that it might relate to keyboard layouts.

#) Ctr+Z is working now. I had to only restart computer after instalation..=
. So everything works now.

With default set parameters I must say it should be for example 3 default (=
Michal and I spend a lot of time trying to find the best view -> and mine w=
as good for both of us)

(it's hard beginner to know what to look for in a view ;-). After some time=
of course everyone will find the best for himself ..)

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



FT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
It sounds like there are a few other UI glitches/requests that we=20
hoepfully be able to address in the next iteration (whenever that=
so thanks for the feedback.  Regarding the non-functionality=
Ctrl+Z, I have a wild guess that it might relate to keyboard=20

#) Ctr+Z is working now. I had to onl=
restart c
omputer after instalation.=
.. So=20
everything works now.


With default set parameters I must say it =
should be=20
for example 3 default (Michal and I spend a lot of time trying to find the =
view -> and mine was good for both of us)


(it's hard beginner to know what to look f=
or in a=20
view ;-). After some time of course everyone will find the best for himself=



12px Courier New, Courier,; padding: 3px; background: #ffffff;=
color: #000000">----------------------------------------------------------=

Poznaj Stefana! Zmien komunikator! >>>">


From: "Roice Nelson" <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 11:01:07 -0500
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

Thanks Melinda :) I just wanted to make a quick reply to this that I also
hope no one will want to move the 5D discussion to a separate group. This
feels like the right place for these topics to me too.


On 5/12/06, Melinda Green wrote:
> Roice does it again: Another tour de force! And thanks to Charlie who
> I'm sure made it possible. I'm relishing this period--probably
> short--between the implementation of this much-discussed monster and its
> first solution. It's really nice of Roice to publish it before he
> performs his first solution in order to give others a chance to pluck
> this lovely record. I hope some people are already attempting it. My big
> question is not how long it will take for a first solution but how hard
> it is and whether we'll ever see a 2nd one!
> I love your idea for the Hall of Insanity. I mean how does one even
> begin to explain what it means to have your name listed there? I'm sure
> that "insanity" will be a word that will come easily into the horrified
> mind of any loved one listening to such an explanation. As much as I
> want to add the list to the 4D hall-of-fame I sadly recognize that
> that's not where it belongs. I will however add prominent references to
> it from the HOF. I do hope that nobody will want to move 5D discussion
> topics to a separate Yahoo group. The 4D group may not have the perfect
> name to include both but its stated purpose is certainly for all things
> related to the 4D cube, and that certainly includes the 5D version.
> Great job Roice. This is wonderful.
> -Melinda
> Roice Nelson wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > Charlie and I have a fully functioning MC5D puzzle for you now. The
> > twisting is worked out as I had described and you can now save to a
> > log file. You can also save all your projection settings, and keep a
> > set of them if you want to easily switch between different views.
> > There is macro support, and a number of other new little features and
> > cleanups that make working with it nicer and more tractable. I've
> > listed some specifics on the website (
> >
> > ).
> >
> > I think development will probably slow at this point, but we'll
> > definitely keep improving it in the background. We still have a few
> > things from the previous to do list (incorporating Melinda's rotation
> > code and stereo viewing are two that come to mind), and we'd
> > appreciate feedback if you see anything that could be done better or
> > would like to see something new.
> >
> > I've started doing a solution myself this week and should be able to
> > complete it relatively soon. I'll post it and any solutions you guys
> > do on the site. Getting used to it is a lot like getting used to MC4D
> > for the first time, and there are some new interesting scenarios to
> > deal with because of the extra 5th dimension. Overall, I'd say the
> > puzzle is more tedious though, mostly because of the number of cubies,
> > but also because the twisting input is more complex. I've also had my
> > brain play necker-cube like tricks on me more than once. It doesn't
> > happen too much, but stereo would probably help avoid this. Some
> > things I am personally finding indispensable are:
> >
> > (1) Macros
> > (2) Dimming pieces. This is currently allowed by piece type, but maybe
> > needs to be allowed by slices in case someone wanted to solve using a
> > layer-by-layer approach.
> > (3) Having both buttons and sticker-clicking available for twisting.
> > The click twisting is nice because it is more intuitive than thinking
> > about axes labels. Using the buttons is nice because I can twist
> > invisible faces without having to first make them visible.
> >
> > I was going to try to post a little blurb soon about the number and
> > types of pieces in MC5D. I haven't calculated the number of possible
> > permutations yet. Anyone want to take a stab? I'd happily post
> > something like what Eric did for MC4D on the site.
> >
> > Good luck to any of you who are going to attempt a solution! I was
> > thinking of calling the MC5D solvers list the "Hall of Insanity" :)
> > What do you think?
> >
> > Roice
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Thanks Melinda :)  I just wanted to make a quick reply to this th=
at I also hope no one will want to move the 5D discussion to a separate gro=
up.  This feels like the right place for these topics to me too.<=



On 5/12/06, =
Melinda Green
> wrote:
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">Roice does it again: Another tou=
r de force! And thanks to Charlie who
I'm sure made it possible. I'm rel=
ishing this period--probably

short--between the implementation of this much-discussed monster and it=
first solution. It's really nice of Roice to publish it before he
erforms his first solution in order to give others a chance to pluck

this lovely record. I hope some people are already attempting it. My big>question is not how long it will take for a first solution but how hard>it is and whether we'll ever see a 2nd one!

I love your idea for th=
e Hall of Insanity. I mean how does one even

begin to explain what it means to have your name listed there? I'm sure=

that "insanity" will be a word that will come easily into the=
mind of any loved one listening to such an explanation. As mu=
ch as I

want to add the list to the 4D hall-of-fame I sadly recognize that
hat's not where it belongs. I will however add prominent references to
t from the HOF. I do hope that nobody will want to move 5D discussion

topics to a separate Yahoo group. The 4D group may not have the perfect
name to include both but its stated purpose is certainly for all things
related to the 4D cube, and that certainly includes the 5D version.

Great job Roice. This is wonderful.

Roice Nelson wro=
> Hey Guys,
> Charlie and I have a fully functionin=
g MC5D puzzle for you now.  The
> twisting is worked out as=
I had described and you can now save to a

> log file.  You can also save all your projection setting=
s, and keep a
> set of them if you want to easily switch between diff=
erent views.
> There is macro support, and a number of other new litt=
le features and

> cleanups that make working with it nicer and more tractable. =
> listed some specifics on the website (
> =3D"">

> <
> I think development w=
ill probably slow at this point, but we'll
> definitely keep improvin=
g it in the background.  We still have a few

> things from the previous to do list (incorporating Melinda's rotat=
> code and stereo viewing are two that come to mind), and we'd>> appreciate feedback if you see anything that could be done better or

> would like to see something new.
> I've started doin=
g a solution myself this week and should be able to
> complete it rel=
atively soon.  I'll post it and any solutions you guys
> do=
on the site.  Getting used to it is a lot like getting used to M=

> for the first time, and there are some new interesting scenarios t=
> deal with because of the extra 5th dimension.  Overall,=
I'd say the
> puzzle is more tedious though, mostly because of the n=
umber of cubies,

> but also because the twisting input is more complex.  I'=
ve also had my
> brain play necker-cube like tricks on me more than o=
nce.  It doesn't
> happen too much, but stereo would probab=
ly help avoid this.  Some

> things I am personally finding indispensable are:
> =
(1) Macros
> (2) Dimming pieces. This is currently allowed by piece t=
ype, but maybe
> needs to be allowed by slices in case someone wanted=
to solve using a

> layer-by-layer approach.
> (3) Having both buttons and stick=
er-clicking available for twisting.
> The click twisting is nice beca=
use it is more intuitive than thinking
> about axes labels. &nbs=
p;Using the buttons is nice because I can twist

> invisible faces without having to first make them visible.

> I was going to try to post a little blurb soon about the number an=
> types of pieces in MC5D.  I haven't calculated the numb=
er of possible

> permutations yet.  Anyone want to take a stab? &nbs=
p;I'd happily post
> something like what Eric did for MC4D on the sit=
> Good luck to any of you who are going to attempt a solut=
ion!  I was
> thinking of calling the MC5D solvers list the=
"Hall of Insanity" :)

> What do you think?
> Roice

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From: David Vanderschel <>
Date: 15 May 2006 20:02:52 -0500
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Workable 3^5 Posted

On Monday, May 15, "Roice Nelson" wrote:
> ... I just wanted to make a quick reply to this that I also
>hope no one will want to move the 5D discussion to a separate group. This
>feels like the right place for these topics to me too.

The concern about moving the discussion seems
unfounded to me. Is _anyone_ seriously proposing it?
This sort of extension was anticipated when we formed
the Group. Indeed, the first sentence of the Group's
description states, "The 4D_Cubing Group is a Group
for people interested in higher dimensional analogues
of the Rubik's Cube puzzle." The "4D" in the name was
just a quick way of indicating something beyond 3D.
You can't hope to capture every aspect of a Group's
raison d'etre in its short name. (Would anyone have
liked "nD_Cubing_where_n_is_greater_than_3"? :)

David V.

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