(I'm re-sending this after 24 hours of not seeing it show up on the list)
Don't believe everything you read in a book.
I spent a long time yesterday trying to figure out how to reconcile the
claim that Ed quoted, that "handedness has no meaning in spaces with 4
dimensions or more", with the fact that I observe a handedness in MC4D
(we cannot create the left-right mirror image of the solved position via
any sequence of rotations; nor could I conceive of any non-stretching
rotations that MC4D could be lacking).
The resolution is simple: the quote is WRONG, completely wrong. There
is handedness in n-space for every n, called "orientation".
There are always two orientations, corresponding to a positive and
negative determinant of the unique linear transformation between a pair
of ordered bases. In every dimension n, if we put distinct colors on
all 2n sides of an n-dimensional hypercube, the object can never be
rotated into its mirror image.
Now I will try to expunge that wrong idea from my head.
It's not just you, nor just this list. Many groups have been out for
3+ days.
Someday, my mail will come.
=EF=BB=BF (I'm re-sending this after 24 hours of not seeing it show up on th=
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What Ed is saying about an L-shape being chiral in 2D but achiral in 3D is
definitely correct. However, what Marc is saying about orientation is also
correct; a rotation matrix always has determinant 1 (and an n-2 dimensional
eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue 1, what we rotate "around")
whereas a matrix describing mirroring always has determinant -1 (and an n-1
dimensional eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue 1, what we mirror
"in"). Note that the inverse is also true: all matrices with determinant 1
is a rotation matrix and all matrices with determinant -1 is a mirror
An object in an n-dimensional space is achiral if it cannot be
distinguished from its mirror image (per definition). Therefore there exist
a rotation matrix and a mirror matrix that (when the corresponding
transformation is performed on the object) produce the same result.
Combining this mirror transformation with the inverse of the rotation
(which also is a rotation) we get a new transformation that doesn't affect
the object and has determinant (-1)*1 and, thus, is a mirror
transformation. So, the object is achiral if and only if there exists a
mirror transformation that doesn't affect it (meaning that the object is
symmetrical with respect to an n-1 dimensional subspace corresponding to
the eigenspace of the transformation).
So, regarding the handedness of an n-dimensional "magic cube", it comes
down to the question "is the object symmetrical with respect to an n-1
dimensional subspace?". A cube (without coloured faces) is definitely
achiral but I don't believe that a coloured cube is (assuming that all
colours are distinct) since this breaks the mirror symmetry. If the
coloured cube is achiral there must exist a rotation that only swaps places
of two opposite colours. However, since all colours are distinct that means
that the rotation can affect no other colour. This implies that there is an
n-1 dimensional eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue 1 which
contradicts the assumption (since a rotation has an n-2 dimensional
eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue 1) and, hence, a cube coloured
with distinct colours is chiral.
tl;dr "magic cubes" are chiral and we can indeed talk about handedness.
Best regards,
Den 24 nov. 2017 2:41 em skrev "'Eduard Baumann' ed.baumann@bluewin.ch
[4D_Cubing]" <4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com>:
Take the 3D/2D analogon.
A flat L-shape is *achiral* in 3D but *chiral* in 2D.
You can chose 2 different projections from 3D to 2D to produce the two
forms of the chiral L in 2D.
The flat 2D L-shape *can be turned in 3D* to become a mirrored example.
Same in 4D/3D
The *achiral* tesseract in 4D can be projected to 3D by two different
projections (operations) to produce a right handed or a left handed 3D
projection (result).
The righthanded 3D projection (result) of 2^4 *can be turned in 4D* to the
lefthanded 3D projection (result) of 2^4.
Handedness of 2^4 appears only after the 4D/3D projection and you have two
possible projections.
MCD4 has chosen one specific projection. The physical 2^4 should chose the
same projection for practical reasons.
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
*From:* Marc Ringuette ringuette@solarmirror.com [4D_Cubing]
*To:* 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 21, 2017 7:04 PM
*Subject:* [MC4D] Yes, there is handedness in 4D, 5D, etc
(I'm re-sending this after 24 hours of not seeing it show up on the list)
Don't believe everything you read in a book.
I spent a long time yesterday trying to figure out how to reconcile the
claim that Ed quoted, that "handedness has no meaning in spaces with 4
dimensions or more", with the fact that I observe a handedness in MC4D
(we cannot create the left-right mirror image of the solved position via
any sequence of rotations; nor could I conceive of any non-stretching
rotations that MC4D could be lacking).
The resolution is simple: the quote is WRONG, completely wrong. There
is handedness in n-space for every n, called "orientation".
There are always two orientations, corresponding to a positive and
negative determinant of the unique linear transformation between a pair
of ordered bases. In every dimension n, if we put distinct colors on
all 2n sides of an n-dimensional hypercube, the object can never be
rotated into its mirror image.
Now I will try to expunge that wrong idea from my head.
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
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being chiral in 2D but achiral in 3D is definitely correct. However, what M=
arc is saying about orientation is also correct; a rotation matrix always h=
as determinant 1 (and an n-2 dimensional eigenspace associated with the eig=
envalue 1, what we rotate "around") whereas a matrix describing m=
irroring always has determinant -1 (and an n-1 dimensional eigenspace assoc=
iated with the eigenvalue 1, what we mirror "in"). Note that the =
inverse is also true: all matrices with determinant 1 is a rotation matrix =
and all matrices with determinant -1 is a mirror matrix.
An object i=
n an n-dimensional space is achiral if it cannot be distinguished from its =
mirror image (per definition). Therefore there exist a rotation matrix and =
a mirror matrix that (when the corresponding transformation is performed on=
the object) produce the same result. Combining this mirror transformation =
with the inverse of the rotation (which also is a rotation) we get a new tr=
ansformation that doesn't affect the object and has determinant (-1)*1 =
and, thus, is a mirror transformation. So, the object is achiral if and onl=
y if there exists a mirror transformation that doesn't affect it (meani=
ng that the object is symmetrical with respect to an n-1 dimensional subspa=
ce corresponding to the eigenspace of the transformation).
it comes down to the question "is the object symmetrical with respect =
to an n-1 dimensional subspace?". A cube (without coloured faces) is d=
efinitely achiral but I don't believe that a coloured cube is (assuming=
that all colours are distinct) since this breaks the mirror symmetry. If t=
he coloured cube is achiral there must exist a rotation that only swaps pla=
ces of two opposite colours. However, since all colours are distinct that m=
eans that the rotation can affect no other colour. This implies that there =
is an n-1 dimensional eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue 1 which con=
tradicts the assumption (since a rotation has an n-2 dimensional eigenspace=
associated with the eigenvalue 1) and, hence, a cube coloured with distinc=
t colours is chiral.
iral and we can indeed talk about handedness.
' ed.baumann=
@bluewin.ch [4D_Cubing]" <ps.com" target=3D"_blank">4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com>:
ribution">argin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left=
chiral in 2D.
from 3D to 2D=20
to produce the two forms of the chiral L in 2D.
n 3D to=20
become a mirrored example.
be projected=20
to 3D by two different projections (operations)=C2=A0to produce a right han=
or a left handed 3D projection (result).
2^4 can be turned in 4D to the lefthanded 3D projection (result)=C2=
he 4D/3D=20
projection and you have two possible projections.
n. The=20
physical 2^4 should chose the same projection for practical=20
Message -----
228,228,228) none repeat scroll 0% 0%">From:=20
or.com+[4D_Cubing]" target=3D"_blank">Marc Ringuette=20
ringuette@solarmirror.com [4D_Cubing]
m" target=3D"_blank">4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com
uesday, November 21, 2017 7:04=20
in 4D, 5D, etc
Don't believe everything you read in a book.
I sp=
ent a=20
long time yesterday trying to figure out how to reconcile the
claim t=
Ed quoted, that "handedness has no meaning in spaces with 4
nsions or=20
more", with the fact that I observe a handedness in MC4D
(we can=
not create=20
the left-right mirror image of the solved position via
any sequence o=
rotations; nor could I conceive of any non-stretching
rotations that =
could be lacking).
The resolution is simple:=C2=A0 the quote is WR=
completely wrong. There
is handedness in n-space for every n,=C2=A0 c=
Orientation_(vector_space)" target=3D"_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki=
are always two orientations, corresponding to a positive and
determinant of the unique linear transformation between a pair
of ord=
bases.=C2=A0=C2=A0 In every dimension n, if we put distinct colors on
2n sides of an n-dimensional hypercube, the object can never be
into its mirror image.
Now I will try to expunge that wrong idea f=
my head.
From: Marc Ringuette <ringuette@solarmirror.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2017 10:16:45 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Yes, there is handedness in 4D, 5D, etc
(While I was finishing this message, Joel made a correct, and
math-laden, reply. Hi Joel! This is my own reply to Ed, taking a
different more intuitive tack.)
Hi, Ed,
> Handedness of 2^4 appears only after the 4D/3D projection
No, sorry, this is wrong.
This is a really interesting and worthwhile topic to me. I think
you're missing something important. I'm not sure I've got it 100%
straight either -- perhaps some other people on the MC4D list can help
me not to screw it up.
I will start by spending a lot of time talking about 2D faces embedded
in 3D.
> A flat L-shape is achiral in 3D.
No, not always. Only if its top and bottom cannot be distinguished.
If the L-shape is colored blue on top and green on the bottom, then it
is chiral in 3D also. It is permanently a blue L, and the backwards L
is permanently green.
This is not a sneaky trick. Sneaky would have been making the L shape
indistinguishable on the top and the bottom; we typically want to color
all of the sides of our puzzles differently, not keep pairs of them
Another way to tell the sides of the L apart would be to glue the bottom
side onto our puzzle. The physical constraints of a puzzle can provide
the distinction, so we don't need an extra color to tell the inside from
the outside.
I will briefly mention a potentially important detail, and then I will
try to ignore it again: a completely flat 2D object can't be
manipulated in 3D because it does not exist. There are no atoms in it.
It is just an idea. An "image". We can PRETEND that a thin sheet
of rubber, or a piece of paper, or a wood tile, are 2D objects, but they
are not really. In fact, all three of these versions have different 3D
properties. The rubber can be both bent and stretched; the paper can
be bent (folded) but not stretched; the tile can be neither bent nor
stretched. Most of the time we're happy to pretend that a thin piece
of paper has zero thickness and forget about it, but sometimes we might
need to think about it explicitly, in order to make sure we're not
making weird assumptions without noticing them. For instance, when
making claims like "in 3D, a 2D object can be distorted until any two
points touch each other." Well, only if, when we distort it, we follow
the rules of a 2D surface painted onto a piece of paper or rubber, and
not the rules of a 2D surface painted onto a wood tile.
Now I'll go back to ignoring the thickness of the paper.
Here is an extended example, in 3 dimensions. (If you wish, you may
substitute "is chiral" whenever I say "has a handedness", and "is
achiral" for "has no handedness". I'll use them interchangeably,
treating handedness as a synonym for chirality, because I usually prefer
the more familiar plain-English words.)
Consider a solid stiff wood block painted like a Rubik's Cube. Each of
the six 2D faces has a distinct color painted on it. Each face has an
outside (that we can see) and an inside (facing into the wood), that are
different and cannot be exchanged. It has a handedness (white-red-green
Consider six flat flexible square sheets of rubber, of six different
colors (same color on both sides) glued together along their edges into
a cube without any holes or slices in it. Fill the cube with a little
bit of colored gas, to remind us that it has an inside and an outside.
Each face has an outside and an inside, that are different and cannot be
exchanged. It has a handedness.
Now take the 6-color rubber-sided cube with colored gas in it, and cut a
slice in one side. The gas rushes out through the slice. Now, because
the rubber is flexible and stretchy, we can invert the cube through the
slice, turning it inside out. Each face no longer has a fixed outside
and inside. The object no longer has a handedness.
Now, make the rubber-sided cube 12-colored, so we can distinguish the
outside from the inside again. Say, we put black polka-dots all over
the exterior of the cube. Now, if we turn the cube inside-out, we can
tell the difference. It has a handedness again: if the cube shows
"white-red-green clockwise with dots" and "white-red-green anticlockwise
without dots", then it can never be transformed into its mirror image
that shows "white-red-green clockwise without dots".
So, is a 3D cube, made from 2D colored faces, chiral or achiral? Chiral,
if it has distinguishable sides and a permanent outside or inside,
achiral if not. Chiral if it is stiff, or if it can't be turned
inside-out, or is 12-colored so we can tell when it is inside-out;
achiral if it is flexible, invertible, and 6-colored with the inside and
outside of each face the same color.
So, is it a flaw that the Rubik's Cube is chiral? Would the achiral
Rubik's Cube, with indistinguishable outside and inside, be a better
puzzle? Perhaps we should make flexible rubber Rubik's Cubes and see
if we like them better when we can turn them inside-out. Or not.
Getting back to 4D, it seems to me that the MC4D hypercube puzzles, like
the real 3D Rubik's Cube puzzles, keep the inside and outside
separate. There is no mirror operation that flips orientation (in the
sense of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientation_(vector_space) ); nor
are there puzzle moves that mirror-flip a slice of the puzzle. This is
not a byproduct of how we view the puzzle in MC4D, but rather is a
property of the 4D puzzle itself.
From: Bob Hearn <bob.hearn@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2017 09:20:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Yes, there is handedness in 4D, 5D, etc
From: Bob Hearn <bob.hearn@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2017 20:04:39 +0100
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Yes, there is handedness in 4D, 5D, etc
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Hi Marc,
I agree with most of what you said. Regarding the L, you are absolutely
correct, giving the two sides different colours makes the L chiral in 3D
(mathematically this makes the object an oriented surface which basically
is a surface with a specified normal). With the standard set of legal moves
for magic cubes, there are no moves that change the orientation of a
sticker (ie, if you put an arrow on a sticker that points away from the
center of the cube it will always point away from the center no matter how
you twist the cube). This property is equivalent to the cube being "stiff",
you can't turn it inside out, and I agree that this is not a flaw but
rather a property of these puzzles.
This isn't really important for the discussion regarding chirality but
still an interesting topic. Regarding "a [...] 2D object [...] does not
exist [in 3D]" I do not agree. Although the statement might be true for our
physical universe (however, an object don't have to be made of atoms so if
our universe is continuous we can construct 2D object, although that is not
my point right now) I would, personally, say that the Rubik's Cube is an
abstract object rather than a physical one and that the stickers are indeed
n-1 dimensional.
Best regards,
2017-11-24 15:20 GMT+01:00 Bob Hearn bob.hearn@gmail.com [4D_Cubing] <
> > On Nov 24, 2017, at 8:41 AM, 'Eduard Baumann' ed.baumann@bluewin.ch
> [4D_Cubing] <4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> >
> > Handedness of 2^4 appears only after the 4D/3D projection and you have
> two possible projections.
> > MCD4 has chosen one specific projection. The physical 2^4 should chose
> the same projection for practical reasons.
> >
> > Hmph.
> >
> > Best regards
> > Ed
> But that=E2=80=99s just a matter of color assignment. The physical 2x2x2x=
2 colors
> are not even the same set as the default MC4D colors, let alone the same
> assignment. So I don=E2=80=99t see what the issue is here?
> Bob
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what you said. Regarding the L, you are absolutely correct, giving the two =
sides different colours makes the L chiral in 3D (mathematically this makes=
the object an oriented surface which basically is a surface with a specifi=
ed normal). With the standard set of legal moves for magic cubes, there are=
no moves that change the orientation of a sticker (ie, if you put an arrow=
on a sticker that points away from the center of the cube it will always p=
oint away from the center no matter how you twist the cube). This property =
is equivalent to the cube being "stiff", you can't turn it in=
side out, and I agree that this is not a flaw but rather a property of thes=
e puzzles.
This isn't really important for the discussion regard=
ing chirality but still an interesting topic. Regarding "a [...] 2D ob=
ject [...] does not exist [in 3D]" I do not agree. Although the statem=
ent might be true for our physical universe (however, an object don't h=
ave to be made of atoms so if our universe is continuous we can construct 2=
D object, although that is not my point right now) I would, personally, say=
that the Rubik's Cube is an abstract object rather than a physical one=
and that the stickers are indeed n-1 dimensional.
bob.hearn@gmail.com [4D_Cubing]=
<=3D"_blank">4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com>:=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padd=
> On Nov 24, 2017, at 8:41 AM, 'Eduard Baumann' o:ed.baumann@bluewin.ch" target=3D"_blank">ed.baumann@bluewin.ch [4D_Cu=
bing] <4D=
_Cubing@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Handedness of 2^4 appears only after the 4D/3D projection and you have=
two possible projections.
> MCD4 has chosen one specific projection. The physical 2^4 should chose=
the same projection for practical reasons.
> Hmph.
> Best regards
> Ed
But that=E2=80=99s just a matter of color assignment. The physical 2x2x2x2 =
colors are not even the same set as the default MC4D colors, let alone the =
same assignment. So I don=E2=80=99t see what the issue is here?