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I have the same feelings. It's a great idea though we mainly need to consid=
er the interaction with r/cubers. As Liam mentioned, it would be good to ha=
ve a place for discussing things they wouldn't be interested in, however so=
me of our announcements definitely belong in r/cubers. They are not limited=
to physical puzzles even if that's their bias. We could cross post those a=
s needed though that splits topic discussions between the two posts. Someon=
e can certainly create the sub and let it be OK if it doesn't get a lot of =
posts. Once nice thing about it is that it solves the problem of image atta=
chments, at least when a single image will do.
For those unfamiliar with reddit, it's a discussion board broken into thous=
ands of top-level categories called "subreddits" or "subs", and within each=
category, posts and comments within posts get voted up and down so that th=
e best content tends to drift towards the top for easy reading. The cubing =
community is found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/. So the first que=
stion is whether we would we be Hypercubing or Hypercubers. The next questi=
on is whether this should be our new home. The other options are Google (gr=
oups, Google+, or Hangouts), Facebook, Tumblr, others. Here's one discussio=
n comparing Google+ with reddit
ut I recognize it's enormity. Reddit has been around for a long time and I =
like it a lot, especially recently. It's easy to use though it's a little c=
onfusing at first and the generally anonymous culture may be a bit odd for =
us. It doesn't=20
require an account to read, just to post or comment, and joining only requi=
res an email address. It's well implemented and allows for people to easily=
discover new interests.
I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on the subject. Are there platform=
s where we could even move all of our previous discussion archives with us?=
Are there platforms you would /not /join if we moved to them? I would not =
want to leave anyone behind. Of course we don't need to make any decisions =
right now, and when it's not necessary to make a decision, it's necessary t=
o /not /make a decision! :-)
On 2/26/2017 10:11 AM, liamjwright@btinternet.com [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> Evening,
> I think that creating a subreddit could be a good idea. I feel this group=
is more geared towards discussion, while a subreddit would be much simpler=
way of sharing links and other media. Of course, how much hypercubing medi=
a there is to share on a subreddit is a different matter, but nobody says a=
subreddit has to overflow with content.
> Reddit is also a much larger platform than yahoo groups; a subreddit pote=
ntially opens up hypercubing to a whole new audience of people who might no=
t be so interested in a more formal group like this, but still want to disc=
uss hypercubing.
> I don't think that interference with /r/cubers would be an issue. A simpl=
e way of combating the issue would be to simply avoid crosspo sting onto /r=
/cubers. Besides, /r/cubers is more geared towards physical puzzling anyway=
; content regarding MC4D, MagicTile, and other similar software/ideas doesn=
't seem to do too well there.
> Just some thoughts. As I say, I'm in favour, although I fear it might lac=
k content a little.
> -Liam
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I think that creating a subreddit could be a good idea. I
feel this group is more geared towards discussion, while a
subreddit would be much simpler way of sharing links and other
media. Of course, how much hypercubing media there is to share
on a subreddit is a different matter, but nobody says a
subreddit has to overflow with content style=3D"word-spacing:normal;">.
Reddit is also a much
larger platform than yahoo groups; a subreddit potentially
opens up hypercubing to a whole new audience of people who
might not be so interested in a more formal group like this,
but still want to discuss hypercubing.
I don't think that
interference with /r/cubers would be an issue. A simple way of
combating the issue would be to simply avoid crosspo sting
onto /r/cubers. Besides, /r/cubers is more geared towards
physical puzzling anyway; content regarding MC4D, MagicTile,
and other similar software/ideas doesn't seem to do too well
Just some thoughts. As I
say, I'm in favour, although I fear it might lack content a
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
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Images attached to reddit posts are automatically uploaded to imgur, but th=
at doesn't bother me because that's about as permanent place to host images=
as any. Posting more than one image is possible but much more trouble, req=
uiring an album, but usually one image is enough and they always make posts=
more interesting and attractive.
Yes, cross-posting and some self-promotion is allowed. A subreddit may well=
augment rather than replace Yahoo, though I always imagine Yahoo will disa=
ppear at some point, but somehow they keep on going. I would love to have a=
plan for that though.
I don't know if capitalization matters in subreddit names, but Cubers is ca=
pitalized, so Hypercubers probably should be too. The URL should work regar=
As for the automatic archiving of posts, I hate that too, but I don't think=
it would affect us too much because we never seem to reply to threads olde=
r than 6 months anyway. But we'll try it and see. I think it's a good idea =
even if it's not perfect.
On 2/27/2017 3:05 PM, thermostatico@gmail.com [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> If image attachments is the main problem, there's imgur. But, the images =
would be really scattered in that case. Having a subreddit would at least p=
ut the images all in one group. Still, I'd really like to know a better pla=
tform that's dedicated to sharing images (easy registration, pictures last =
a long time and can be categorized into groups).
> As for cross-posting flagged as spam, it turns out I didn't read the /r/C=
ubers sidebar carefully enough.
> They have this rule:
> "Self promotion (youtube videos, etc) is allowed /once/ per week."
> Good enough for us to cross-post occasionally then! -- it's not like we r=
elease software on a nightly basis.
> I messaged the mods about this but they haven't replied so I've a feeling=
it doesn't really matter for them?
> As for the name, /r/hypercubers works. I'll probably make it some time th=
is week.
> "I would not want to leave anyone behind."
> Same, though L iam's suggestion, "I feel this group is more geared toward=
s discussion, while a subreddit would be much simpler way of sharing links =
and other media," means it won't be a move as much as it will be an expansi=
> It can't be a move anyway: each thread doesn't have a very long lifetime,=
so it's much more suited for show-off threads or daily progress threads. E=
ven images won't last very long, as people often won't go past the first pa=
ge. There's /r/Cubers again for an example on how short people's attention =
could be...Reddit might as well be a Twitter++ for groups.
> For the other social networks:
> Google+ I don't use. I think it tried grabbing people from Facebook but d=
idn't grab a lot. Maintaining accounts on both is annoying, which is also w=
hy I wouldn't go for Facebook even though I'm on it all day.
> Tumblr I've never used, though its system of liking and reblogging (read:=
sharing) makes it seem like a more minimalist Facebook. Its interface sugg=
ests more of FB timeline than Reddit. It really doesn't seem to distinguish=
between Rubik's cubes, political rants, and NSFW media though, so it's too=
much of a mess for us imo.
> Raymond
> ---In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com,
> I have the same feelings. It's a great idea though we mainly need to cons=
ider the interaction with r/cubers. As Liam mentioned, it would be good to =
have a place for discussing things they wouldn't be interested in, however =
some of our announcements definitely belong in r/cubers. They are not limit=
ed to physical puzzles even if that's their bias. We could cross post those=
as needed though that splits topic discussions between the two posts. Some=
one can certainly create the sub and let it be OK if it doesn't get a lot o=
f posts. Once nice thing about it is that it solves the problem of image at=
tachments, at least when a single image will do.
> For those unfamiliar with reddit, it's a discussion board broken into tho=
usands of top-level categories called "subreddits" or "subs", and within ea=
ch category, posts and comments within posts get voted up and down so that =
the best content tends to drift towards the top for easy reading. The cubin=
g community is found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/. So the first q=
uestion is whether we would we be Hypercubing or Hypercubers. The next ques=
tion is whether this should be our new home. The other options are Google (=
groups, Google+, or Hangouts), Facebook, Tumblr, others. Here's one discuss=
ion comparing Google+ with reddit
but I recognize it's enormity. Reddit has been around for a long time and =
I like it a lot, especially recently. It's easy to use though it's a little=
confusing at first and the generally anonymous culture may be a bit odd fo=
r us. It=20
> doesn't require an account to read, just to post or comment, and joining =
only requires an email address. It's well implemented and allows for people=
to easily discover new interests.
> I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on the subject. Are there platfo=
rms where we could even move all of our previous discussion archives with u=
s? Are there platforms you would /not /join if we moved to them? I would no=
t want to leave anyone behind. Of course we don't need to make any decision=
s right now, and when it's not necessary to make a decision, it's necessary=
to /not /make a decision! :-)
> -Melinda
> On 2/26/2017 10:11 AM, liamjwright@...
g] wrote:
>> Evening,
>> I think that creating a subreddit could be a good idea. I feel this =
group is more geared towards discussion, while a subreddit would be much si=
mpler way of sharing links and other media. Of course, how much hypercubing=
media there is to share on a subreddit is a different matter, but nobody s=
ays a subreddit has to overflow with content.
>> Reddit is also a much larger platform than yahoo groups; a subreddit=
potentially opens up hypercubing to a whole new audience of people who mig=
ht not be so interested in a more formal group like this, but still want to=
discuss hypercubing.
>> I don't think that interference with /r/cubers would be an issue. A =
simple way of combating the issue would be to simply avoid crosspo sting on=
to /r/cubers. Besides, /r/cubers is more geared towards physical puzzling a=
nyway; content regarding MC4D, MagicTile, and other similar software/ideas =
doesn't seem to do too well there.
>> Just some thoughts. As I say, I'm in favour, although I fear it migh=
t lack content a little.
>> -Liam
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Images attached to reddit posts are automatically uploaded to imgur,
but that doesn't bother me because that's about as permanent place
to host images as any. Posting more than one image is possible but
much more trouble, requiring an album, but usually one image is
enough and they always make posts more interesting and attractive.
Yes, cross-posting and some self-promotion is allowed. A subreddit
may well augment rather than replace Yahoo, though I always imagine
Yahoo will disappear at some point, but somehow they keep on going.
I would love to have a plan for that though.
I don't know if capitalization matters in subreddit names, but
Cubers is capitalized, so Hypercubers probably should be too. The
URL should work regardless.
As for the automatic archiving of posts, I hate that too, but I
don't think it would affect us too much because we never seem to
reply to threads older than 6 months anyway. But we'll try it and
see. I think it's a good idea even if it's not perfect.
If image attachments is the main problem, there's imgur. But, the
images would be really scattered in that case. Having a subreddit
would at least put the images all in one group. Still, I'd really
like to know a better platform that's dedicated to sharing images
(easy registration, pictures last a long time and can be
categorized into groups).
As for cross-posting flagged as spam, it turns out I didn't read
the /r/Cubers sidebar carefully enough.
They have this rule:
"Self promotion (youtube videos, etc) is allowed once
per week."
Good enough for us to cross-post occasionally then! -- it's not
like we release software on a nightly basis.
I messaged the mods about this but they haven't replied so I've a
feeling it doesn't really matter for them?
As for the name, /r/hypercubers works. I'll probably make it some
time this week.
"I would not want to leave anyone behind."
Same, though L iam's suggestion, "I
feel this group is more geared towards discussion, while a
subreddit would be much simpler way of sharing links and other
media," means it won't be a move as much as it will be an
It can't be a move anyway: each thread doesn't have a very long
lifetime, so it's much more suited for show-off threads or daily
progress threads. Even images won't last very long, as people
often won't go past the first page. There's /r/Cubers again for
an example on how short people's attention could be...Reddit
might as well be a Twitter++ for groups.
For the other social networks:
Google+ I don't use. I think it tried grabbing people from
Facebook but didn't grab a lot. Maintaining accounts on both is
annoying, which is also why I wouldn't go for Facebook even though
I'm on it all day.
Tumblr I've never used, though its system of liking and reblogging
(read: sharing) makes it seem like a more minimalist Facebook. Its
interface suggests more of FB timeline than Reddit. It really
doesn't seem to distinguish between Rubik's cubes, political
rants, and NSFW media though, so it's too much of a mess for us
---In g@yahoogroups.com">4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, rfc2396E" href=3D"mailto:melinda@..."><melinda@...> wrote :
I have the same feelings. It's a great idea though we mainly
need to
consider the interaction with r/cubers. As Liam mentioned, it
be good to have a place for discussing things they wouldn't be
interested in, however some of our announcements definitely
in r/cubers. They are not limited to physical puzzles even if
their bias. We could cross post those as needed though that
topic discussions between the two posts. Someone can certainly
create the sub and let it be OK if it doesn't get a lot of
Once nice thing about it is that it solves the problem of
attachments, at least when a single image will do.
For those unfamiliar with reddit, it's a discussion board
into thousands of top-level categories called "subreddits" or
"subs", and within each category, posts and comments within
get voted up and down so that the best content tends to drift
towards the top for easy reading. The cubing community is
here: class=3D"ygrps-yiv-1033802651moz-txt-link-freetext"
target=3D"_blank" href=3D"https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/">htt=
So the first question is
whether we would we be Hypercubing or Hypercubers. The next
is whether this should be our new home. The other options are
(groups, Google+, or Hangouts), Facebook, Tumblr, others.
Here's one
discussion target=3D"_blank"
Google+ with reddit. I don't use Facebook and am
reluctant to
join, but I recognize it's enormity. Reddit has been around
for a
long time and I like it a lot, especially recently. It's easy
to use
though it's a little confusing at first and the generally
culture may be a bit odd for us. It doesn't require an account
read, just to post or comment, and joining only requires an
address. It's well implemented and allows for people to easily
discover new interests.
I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on the subject. Are
platforms where we could even move all of our previous
archives with us? Are there platforms you would not join
we moved to them? I would not want to leave anyone behind. Of
we don't need to make any decisions right now, and when it's
necessary to make a decision, it's necessary to not make
decision! :-)
10:11 AM,
target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:liamjwright@...">liamjwright=
[4D_Cubing] wrote:
idea. I
feel this group is more geared towards discussion,
while a
subreddit would be much simpler way of sharing links
and other
media. Of course, how much hypercubing media there is
to share
on a subreddit is a different matter, but nobody says
subreddit has to overflow with content style=3D"word-spacing:normal;">.
larger platform than yahoo groups; a subreddit
opens up hypercubing to a whole new audience of
people who
might not be so interested in a more formal group
like this,
but still want to discuss hypercubing.
interference with /r/cubers would be an issue. A
simple way of
combating the issue would be to simply avoid crosspo
onto /r/cubers. Besides, /r/cubers is more geared
physical puzzling anyway; content regarding MC4D,
and other similar software/ideas doesn't seem to do
too well
thoughts. As I
say, I'm in favour, although I fear it might lack
content a