Thread: "a long time ago"

From: Denny <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:49:43 +0200
Subject: a long time ago

Hello everyone,

I know, it was quite a time, when I wrote the last time... And it was
also long ago, that I solved the 3^4 cube... But in the last days I had
the feeling I have to do this once more, maybe with the other cubes
(2^4, 4^4,5^4)... I found, that the programm was growing a little bit
since the last version I had... so all cubes are now implemented... I
like this.. But after a few minutes I found a problem... I don't know
how to move the little cubes in the middle of the big cubes... So for
the 3^4 there was no problem, because one can move the two sides left
and right of it and it looks the same, but in the 4^4 and the 5^4 there
is no possibility to do so, because I can't reach the 4 (4^4) or 27
(5^4) cubes in the middle of the big cubes... But I remembered, that
there was another way to make a move, but I don't remember the way
itself... :-( So if anyone of you understand what I mean and knows a
solution for my problem, please help... I know my english is not very
good and I can't describe the cubes not so good... But I hope, that you
will understand my problem... :-)

Wish you all a nice day and hopefully good solutions in every situation


From: "Melinda" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:03:00 -0000
Subject: Re: a long time ago

Hello Denny,

Welcome Back. The features you are looking for are the slice masks.
Holding down any number key 1..N when you click will twist only the
slice the specified number of layers below the one you clicked on.
When no number keys are pressed the number '1' is assumed. For
example, holding the '2' key on the 3^4 puzzle will twist only the
middle slice. You can combine number keys which is why we call it a
mask. Holding both the '2' and '3' key when clicking on the 4^4 will
move both middle slices together which may be the operation you are
looking for.

Good luck solving the larger cubes!

--- In, Denny wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I know, it was quite a time, when I wrote the last time... And it was=20
> also long ago, that I solved the 3^4 cube... But in the last days I had=20
> the feeling I have to do this once more, maybe with the other cubes=20
> (2^4, 4^4,5^4)... I found, that the programm was growing a little bit=20
> since the last version I had... so all cubes are now implemented... I=20
> like this.. But after a few minutes I found a problem... I don't know=20
> how to move the little cubes in the middle of the big cubes... So for=20
> the 3^4 there was no problem, because one can move the two sides left=20
> and right of it and it looks the same, but in the 4^4 and the 5^4 there=20
> is no possibility to do so, because I can't reach the 4 (4^4) or 27=20
> (5^4) cubes in the middle of the big cubes... But I remembered, that=20
> there was another way to make a move, but I don't remember the way=20
> itself... :-( So if anyone of you understand what I mean and knows a=20
> solution for my problem, please help... I know my english is not very=20
> good and I can't describe the cubes not so good... But I hope, that you=20
> will understand my problem... :-)
> Wish you all a nice day and hopefully good solutions in every situation
> Ciao
> Denny

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