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It's so you can control the thickness of the edge pieces in puzzles with
pentagons and above. It doesn't work on squares. Here's a comment from
the related code:
// Fractional lengths are basically a hack for
// and higher gons
// so that the middle edge width can be controlled
// by the user; we don't want it to apply
// to squares though
Try building "{5,3}x{} 2.8" and play with the fraction to see. The
entire "Invent My Own" thing is some very cool stuff from Don but is
experimental and unsupported.
On 7/20/2015 7:38 AM, deust.secard94@yahoo.ca [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> Hi all,
> So while messing around with the code I noticed that it was already
> possible to make puzzles with a decimal number of slices. In
> rendering, it shows up as the next highest number, so 3.2 goes to 4
> and a 4x4x4x4 is shown. Question is, why are these decimal numbers
> allowed?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted by: deust.secard94@yahoo.ca
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Hi all,
So while messing around with the code I noticed that it was
already possible to make puzzles with a decimal number of slices.
In rendering, it shows up as the next highest number, so 3.2 goes
to 4 and a 4x4x4x4 is shown. Question is, why are these decimal
numbers allowed?
background-color:#E3E3E3;"> Posted by: bbreviated" href=3D"mailto:deust.secard94@yahoo.ca">deust.secard94@yahoo.ca=
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Heh, well it looks like you found some puzzle descriptions that cause
failures in the code that culls inverted faces. The spurious stickers
you see are from the invisible faces. Creating custom puzzles is
definitely an experimental feature. Please do file a bug with this data.
On 8/9/2015 8:16 PM, phamthihoa4444@gmail.com [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> What happens with these puzzle?
> {5}x{4} 3.38196601125
> {5,3}x{} 3.38196601125
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What happens with these puzzle?
{5}x{4} 3.38196601125
{5,3}x{} 3.38196601125