Thread: "Fifth solve of 3^7!"

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:01:37 -0000
Subject: Fifth solve of 3^7!

Yesterday I've got a message from Philip Strimpel about the new achievement=
: he has solved 3^7 puzzle! Log file says that it took 1.25M twists and 858=
hours of program run (35 days).
As far as I know, he skipped 6D cube, but solved the largest mht633 puzzl=
e (52 colors) instead :)
Congratulations, Philip!

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 20:59:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fifth solve of 3^7!

Hi all,
First off, I apologize as I know that I haven't been on here in a while. I just went through a sad divorce with my wife of almost 4 years, so I've been too depressed to write anything; but I am now back with exciting news! I am now #5 in the world to solve Magic Cube 7d! :D Boy, this has DEFINATELY been the most complex twisty puzzle that I have ever solved! o.o However, you can only view the last 300,000 moves. For some strange reason the program stops one you get down to the 991,771st move! :/ Now I think that I will attempt to solve 3^6 cube WITHOUT macros, 'gulp', so everybody can actually view the log file without lag or bugs! Wish me luck!

GOD Bless,
Philip Strimpel

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