MagicTile is so beautiful and rich that a book should be written.
Imagine all the possible fine illustrations.
I see also a special chapter with the name "Pitdeodom".
Best regards
Solving of MT skew {4,4|3} 9 E 0:1.41:0 ----- || 01/31/2013 || 1696
Solving of MT skew {4,4|5} 25 E 0:1.41:0 ----- || 02/02/2013 || 4306
The two small brothers (9 and 25) of the PitDeoDom familly. The odds are ce=
rtainly not smaller than 50% to encounter the parity problem. I encountered=
it in all my three cases! Do first only the diamond faces and the edges to=
see the parity. Eventually repair the parity. Then only handle the triangu=
lar faces, the central faces and the corners.
My 246th MT solving. Where are the other solvers? Are they writing a book ?=