Thread: "Guides for the 3^4 hypercube"

From: "alegend45" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 19:08:46 -0000
Subject: Guides for the 3^4 hypercube

Yeah, I was wondering if there were any guides, other than Roice's, for sol=
ving the 3^4 hypercube.

From: "alegend45" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 19:30:10 -0000
Subject: Guides for the 3^4 hypercube

Sheerin and Zhao posted their method here:

It's an analog of the CFOP method for speed cubing.=20

Enright also made two videos introducing the puzzle and explaining how to u=
se commutators to solve it.


--- In, "alegend45" wrote:
> Yeah, I was wondering if there were any guides, other than Roice's, for s=
olving the 3^4 hypercube.

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