Still no help.
I have a macro which does a double swap of elements in the same orbit. In m=
y solving I'm left with an swap in one orbit and the second swap in the oth=
er orbit.
Kind regards
--- In, "Eduard"
> Let`s define =84Barbicontello" =3D MagicTile hyp {3,8} 8 V 001. It`s a ph=
antasy name.
> Barbicontello has only one type of elements (2c edges) and should be a lo=
w hanging fruit. I have started to solve it but did nit yet succeed to fini=
sh it. It is important not to get stuck by only using grade 1 commutators l=
ike [a^(1), b^(-1)] when you search a single 3-cycle. Using commutators [a^=
m, b^n] with m,n different from +-1 is the solution. You can make the obser=
vation that the 2c edges move in two separated orbits! After scrambling and=
rearranging the 8c corners (which is not so easy) you experience that ofte=
n all 2c edges are in the wrong orbit! I had a doubt and tried 5 scrambling=
s. Only le 5th had the edges not in the wrong orbits (parity problem?). Now=
I was searching a move which allows to change the orbit for an edge. abb, =
with a nd b being neighbours, does the job. But all edges change theire orb=
it simultaneously. Who can help me to solve Barbicontello?
> Kind regards
> Ed