Hi guys, been a while since I posted here. I've not had as much free time =
as I would have liked or anticipated, but I'm still here in the background =
somewhere and enjoying reading the posts which drop into my inbox.
Anyway, after attending another speedcubing competition last month I've had=
time to focus on other puzzles, and I finally took on one of the strange b=
easts from the MHT633 program. I went for the 8 colour version since it wo=
uld take less time as it has less pieces, and also because it is more compa=
ct which adds a bit of difficulty in finding sequences of moves, although i=
t was still relatively simple. I'm not sure what the shortest solution is,=
but I used 2057 twists without paying too much attention to reducing movec=
ount. I could easily reduce this number a lot, but I wasn't comfortable en=
ough with the geometry at the start to try and use a more efficient method.=
I'm more familiar with it now, but it's still a bit unusual (and having b=
een a member here for a couple of years, that's really saying something).
I noticed the lengthy discussion recently about hyperbolic puzzles, mainly =
the {3,3,7}, and while it seemed like an interesting discussion, most of it=
went over my head, can anyone recommend a good source to read to explain t=
hese things to an amateur like me?
If anyone wants to see my solution, I uploaded my log file to my folder.
Hopefully I can be a little more active here until I start my next year at =
university, at which point I will likely not have much time to spend on puz=
zles. I'll try and make the most of it and I'll try and bring some interes=
ting news to you all over the next few weeks :).
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Yay, congrats for finishing the 633! Are you going to finish the 533
(120-cell) now? Did you use Roice method? ^^
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Yay, congrats for finishing the 633! Are you going to finish the 533 (120-c=
ell) now? Did you use Roice method? ^^