Thread: "Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?"

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:21:36 -0700
Subject: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?
I suppose it could be faked but it looks OK to me.

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 23:21:39 -0000
Subject: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?

My solvings 91 to 100

91 Solving of MT ell sph cube F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (72 twists=
92 Solving of MT ell sph dodeca F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (269 twi=
93 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 9 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (81 twists)
94 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 16 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (155 twists=
95 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 7 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (169 twists)
96 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 16 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (217 twists=
97 Solving of MT eucl klein {6,3} 9 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (169 twists)
98 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} CB E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (7 twists)
99 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} 5 no E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (81 twis=
100 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {10,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (19 twists)

I have added the chapter G4GX.

From: Ray Zhao <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 21:28:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

It seems legit, cuz there are so many motors...I bet the machine cost
hundreds or something. Maybe it was the same position, like off-camera the
machine scans it?


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It seems legit, cuz there are so many motors...I bet the machine cost hundr=
eds or something. Maybe it was the same position, like off-camera the machi=
ne scans it?





From: Brandon Wong <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 20:13:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

It's=C2=A0CubeStormer II (
f_cube_solving_robots#CubeStormer_II). =C2=A0It uses a 2-phase method for s=
olving cubes move optimally (not Fridrich) as used prominently by Cube Expl=
orer 5.00 ( =C2=A0It orients all the pieces, =
and then permutates all the pieces using only half turns on the left, front=
, right, and back faces, and quarter or half turns on the top and bottom fa=
ces. =C2=A0This makes it easy for the robot's four arms' graplers to be abo=
ut to turn the cube quickly without letting go of the cube. =C2=A0I had mad=
e a human thistlethwaite algorithm for solving the cube in under 40 moves (=
HTM) and had worked on (and given up on) making a human 3-phase method for =
fewest moves that involves orienting the edges intuitively, orienting the f=
ront and back layer corners or top and bottom layer corners or left and rig=
ht layer corners optimally, and then permutating all pieces optimally for a=
n average 25
moves HTM (half turn metric). =C2=A0I also have a LEGO=C2=A0Mindstorms=C2=
=A0NXT robotics kit (bought for about $400) which is used for the robot, bu=
t I only have one and CubeStormer II uses two NXT computers with six indivi=
dual servo motors while I only have three individual servo motors. =C2=A0Al=
though I don't have a camera, the additional NXT computer, and three additi=
onal servo motors, I managed to make a robot that solves the cube in less t=
hat 3 minutes on average with a light sensor (not colour sensor) that obser=
ves the shades of the stickers. =C2=A0For a simple cube solving robot that =
uses the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kit , go to=C2=A0http://tiltedtwister=
.com/tiltedtwister2.html =C2=A0There are also other robots that solve bigge=
r cubes and puzzles such as the megaminx and can be found at http://www.spe=

Hope this helps,

From: Ray Zhao
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:28 PM
Subject: [MC4D] Re: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?

It seems legit, cuz there are so many motors...I bet the machine cost hundr=
eds or something. Maybe it was the same position, like off-camera the machi=
ne scans it?



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mes new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt">
, 255); font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'times new roman', 'new york', times,=
serif; ">
"yiv1260798574yui_3_2_0_20_1338516101482168">It's CubeStormer II (http=
mer_II).  It uses a 2-phase method for solving cubes move optimally (n=
ot Fridrich) as used prominently by Cube Explorer 5.00 (
/cube.htm).  It orients all the pieces, and then permutates all the pi=
eces using only half turns on the left, front, right, and back faces, and q=
uarter or half turns on the top and bottom faces.  This makes it easy =
for the robot's four arms' graplers to be about to turn the cube quickly
without letting go of the cube.  I had made a human thistlethwaite al=
gorithm for solving the cube in under 40 moves (HTM) and had worked on (and=
given up on) making a human 3-phase method for fewest moves that involves =
orienting the edges intuitively, orienting the front and back layer corners=
or top and bottom layer corners or left and right layer corners optimally,=
and then permutating all pieces optimally for an average 25 moves HTM (hal=
f turn metric).  I also have a LEGO 
ze: 12pt; ">Mindstorms >NXT robotics kit (bought for about $400)=
which is used for the robot, but I only have one and CubeStormer II uses t=
wo NXT computers with six individual servo motors while I only have three i=
ndividual servo motors.  Although I don't have a camera, the additiona=
l NXT computer, and three additional servo motors, I managed to make a
robot that solves the cube in less that 3 minutes on average with a light =
sensor (not colour sensor) that observes the shades of the stickers.  =
For a simple cube solving robot that uses the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics =
kit , go to  There a=
re also other robots that solve bigger cubes and puzzles such as the megami=
nx and can be found at
Hope this helps,
=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: times, serif; ">
"font-size: 12pt; font-family: times, serif; "
id=3D"yiv1260798574yui_3_2_0_20_133851610148256" class=3D"yiv1260798574yui=
mes new roman', 'new york', times, serif; " class=3D"yiv1260798574yui_3_2_0=
r size=3D"1"> From: Ray Zh=
ao <>
t:bold;">Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:28 PM
[MC4D] Re: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds?


It seems legit, cuz there are so many motors...I bet the machine=
cost hundreds or something. Maybe it was the same position, like off-camer=
a the machine scans it?





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