Reason why I need 20'000 twists where Nan uses only 380 twists.
MT IRP {4,6} 12 F 0:1:0 has allways TWO elements in the intersection of tw=
o non neigbouring faces. You must commutate these two faces if you don't wa=
nt move the edges. These means that you get two 3-cycles for face elements.=
In order to get a narrowed single 3-cycle I constructed a macro with 134 t=
wists. Applying this macro I had difficulties to click the right reference =
point. So I often worked by trial and error. If the macro didn't yield what=
I expected I immediately inversed the macro. All these tries are noted in =
the log file (no optimization). For the first part arranging the edges I ne=
eded 130 twists. My 134 twist macro is stronger than necessary. With that m=
acro I can solve a version of MT IRP {4,6} 12 F 0:1:0 which has numbered f=
ace elements!
My solvings No 47,48 and 49:
MT proj hemi dode 6 e 1:0:0 (59 twists)
MT proj hemi cube 3 e 1:0:0 (11 twists)
MT proj hemi octa 4 e 1:0:0 (31 twists)
I have also added 14 pictures in wiki.
I solved my no 50
MT skew {4,4|7} 49 e 0:1:0 (935 twists)
times 10 =3D 500 a lot left.
My No 51 and 52
MT skew {4,6|3} 30c e 0:1:0 (481 twists)
MT hyp {4,5} 5c e 0.75:0:0 (11 twists)
I think there exists no single 3-cycle in this "hyp".
My no 55: MT proj hemi dode e 0:1:0=20=20
I thought it was an easy edge turning puzzle.
But it was challenging!
Strategy: fat faces - corners - thin faces
Corners need rotation AND mirroring!
My no 56
MT skew {6,4|3} 20c E 1:0:0 523 twists
My no 57 and 58:
MT hyp {5,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/21/12 (43 twists)
Remark: You cannot avoid the commutator with more than one element in the i=
ntersection of the supports.
MT hyp {5,4} 6 no E 1:0:0 ----- 05/21/12 (553 twists)
Remark: You must avoid the commutator with more than one element in the int=
ersection of the supports with setup's. Go far enough in the orbit when you=
search an exchange partner.
My no 59 and 60:
MT hyp {5,4} 12 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/21/12 (717 twists)
MT proj hemi octa F 0:0:1----- 05/22/12 (17 twists)
I had to open a second page "User:Baumann2". "User:Baumann" was no longer u=
ploadable (to big).=20
10 more, small ones:
61 Solving of MT proj hemi octa v 0:0:1----- 05/22/2012 (29 twists)
62 Solving of MT proj hemi octa f 0:1:0 v 1:0:0 ----- 05/22/2012 (33 twi=
63 Solving of MT proj hemi icosa v 0:0:1----- 05/22/2012 (105 twists)
64 Solving of MT proj hemi icosa f 0:1:0 v 1:0:0 ----- 05/22/2012 (125 tw=
65 Solving of MT proj hemi cube f 0:1:0 v 1:0:0 ----- 05/22/2012 (29 twis=
66 Solving of MT proj hemi dode f 0:1:0 v 1:0:0 ----- 05/22/2012 (125 twi=
67 Solving of MT proj hemi dode v 1,5:0:0 ----- 05/22/2012 (99 twists)
68 Solving of MT proj hemi dode f 0:0:1 ----- 05/22/2012 (101 twists)
69 Solving of MT proj hemi cube f 0:0:1 ----- 05/22/2012 (3 twists)
70 Solving of MT proj hemi cube v 0:0:1 ----- 05/22/2012 (13 twists)
That checkerboard was a fun problem. I did it in 5 twists.
That non-orientable 6-color puzzle is a much different beast however
given how strangely interconnected it is. I will have to study it more.
On 5/21/2012 4:06 AM, Eduard wrote:
> My no 57 and 58:
> MT hyp {5,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/21/12 (43 twists)
> Remark: You cannot avoid the commutator with more than one element in the intersection of the supports.
> MT hyp {5,4} 6 no E 1:0:0 ----- 05/21/12 (553 twists)
> Remark: You must avoid the commutator with more than one element in the intersection of the supports with setup's. Go far enough in the orbit when you search an exchange partner.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
My newest 7 MT
76 Solving of MT hyp {6,4} 8 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/24/2012 (115 twists)
77 Solving of MT hyp {6,4} 8 F 1:0:0 E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (232 twis=
78 Solving of MT hyp {6,4} 8 F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (201 twists=
79 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 6 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (261 twists)
80 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 6 F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (130 twists=
81 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 12 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (253 twists)
82 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 12 F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/26/2012 (543 twist=
Nan has at least 83 solves.
Well that sounds like a challenge to me, and the sort that Nan can not
I'm now in third place with 11 solutions and quite satisfied with my
tiny accomplishment.
On 5/28/2012 12:39 PM, Eduard wrote:
> My newest 7 MT
> 76 Solving of MT hyp {6,4} 8 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/24/2012 (115 twists)
> 77 Solving of MT hyp {6,4} 8 F 1:0:0 E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (232 twists)
> 78 Solving of MT hyp {6,4} 8 F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (201 twists)
> 79 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 6 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (261 twists)
> 80 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 6 F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (130 twists)
> 81 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 12 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/25/2012 (253 twists)
> 82 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 12 F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/26/2012 (543 twists)
> Nan has at least 83 solves.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
You all make me seriously want to solve some puzzles ^_^, but right now I'm
more interested in finding better solutions for the 3^4 and visualizing a
mechanism for it as well. =P
I also have summatives ;_;
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You all make me seriously want to solve some puzzles ^_^, but right now I=
39;m more interested in finding better solutions for the 3^4 and visualizin=
g a mechanism for it as well. =3DP
I also have summatives ;_;
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Maybe try some of the simple edge turning puzzles that Ed and I have
been having fun with? I enjoy those that do not require any algorithms
beyond a [1,1] commutator. That means that I can do it purely
intuitively and is actually a relaxing activity, probably similar to the
tedious parts of the 120-Cell and other large puzzles. It's also great
to get a feel for the 3D and 4D spaces in which these manifolds live.
You probably already have about as much of a sense of the 4D cube as one
can have. These puzzles offer similar understandings.
As for your quest for a 4D mechanism, I'm guessing that the difficulties
have something in common with 5D puzzles. That's because in the 4D cube
puzzle, our activity is analogous to an ant crawling on the surface of a
3D cube but being completely unaware about the volume of stuff under
that skin. What we see in MC4D shows exactly that 3D skin. When I 4D
rotate an object, I can sometimes get a sense that there is a kind of
volume that is being contained by the 3D geometry but I can't "see"
anything about the 4D volume. You could really use a 5D sensing ability
in order to look into the interior of a 4D object which is what you are
trying to do.
On 5/28/2012 6:31 PM, Ray Zhao wrote:
> You all make me seriously want to solve some puzzles ^_^, but right
> now I'm more interested in finding better solutions for the 3^4 and
> visualizing a mechanism for it as well. =P
> I also have summatives ;_;
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But you don't need 4D senses to look inside the classic Rubik's cube - scre=
wdriver works better for it. So for 3^4 mechanism it's enough to have power=
ful 4D viewer (to visualize and investigate non-convex bodies) or good 4D i=
magination (it a question of couple of months to develop it for a short tim=
But I see a problem with physical implementation of 3^4. Consider two cel=
ls A and B with common ridge Q. You can rotate any of these cells around th=
e axis going throwgh the center of Q (90 deg twists). And these twists have=
exactly the same plane of 4D rotation: it's plane containing centers of cu=
be, of A and of B. So if we take block 3x3x1x1 at the ridge Q, its points w=
ill have the same physical movements in both twists. I afraid that it will =
allow you to twist just Q without moving of the rest of A and B cells - tha=
t is not a model that we use to play with.=20=20
--- In, Melinda Green
> Maybe try some of the simple edge turning puzzles that Ed and I have=20
> been having fun with? I enjoy those that do not require any algorithms=20
> beyond a [1,1] commutator. That means that I can do it purely=20
> intuitively and is actually a relaxing activity, probably similar to the=
> tedious parts of the 120-Cell and other large puzzles. It's also great=20
> to get a feel for the 3D and 4D spaces in which these manifolds live.=20
> You probably already have about as much of a sense of the 4D cube as one=
> can have. These puzzles offer similar understandings.
> As for your quest for a 4D mechanism, I'm guessing that the difficulties=
> have something in common with 5D puzzles. That's because in the 4D cube=20
> puzzle, our activity is analogous to an ant crawling on the surface of a=
> 3D cube but being completely unaware about the volume of stuff under=20
> that skin. What we see in MC4D shows exactly that 3D skin. When I 4D=20
> rotate an object, I can sometimes get a sense that there is a kind of=20
> volume that is being contained by the 3D geometry but I can't "see"=20
> anything about the 4D volume. You could really use a 5D sensing ability=20
> in order to look into the interior of a 4D object which is what you are=20
> trying to do.
> -Melinda
> On 5/28/2012 6:31 PM, Ray Zhao wrote:
> >
> >
> > You all make me seriously want to solve some puzzles ^_^, but right=20
> > now I'm more interested in finding better solutions for the 3^4 and=20
> > visualizing a mechanism for it as well. =3DP
> > I also have summatives ;_;
Did I misspeak? You are right that you don't need 4D senses to look
inside the classic Rubik's cube but you definitely need a good 3D sense,
and in many ways that is a much bigger requirement than sensing the
pattern of stickers on it's surface. MagicTile shows us you only need 2D
ability for that. By analogy you need 3D ability to deal with the 3D
surface of a hypercube and you will need 4D ability to understand its 4D
interior. I have no such ability and therefore have no idea what sort of
mechanisms might work for 4D beings. I also have very little interest in
that problem because I am much more interested in what the physical
models can show us compared to how they might physically do that.
On 5/29/2012 9:21 PM, Andrey wrote:
> But you don't need 4D senses to look inside the classic Rubik's cube - screwdriver works better for it. So for 3^4 mechanism it's enough to have powerful 4D viewer (to visualize and investigate non-convex bodies) or good 4D imagination (it a question of couple of months to develop it for a short time).
> But I see a problem with physical implementation of 3^4. Consider two cells A and B with common ridge Q. You can rotate any of these cells around the axis going throwgh the center of Q (90 deg twists). And these twists have exactly the same plane of 4D rotation: it's plane containing centers of cube, of A and of B. So if we take block 3x3x1x1 at the ridge Q, its points will have the same physical movements in both twists. I afraid that it will allow you to twist just Q without moving of the rest of A and B cells - that is not a model that we use to play with.
> Andrey
> --- In, Melinda Green
>> Maybe try some of the simple edge turning puzzles that Ed and I have
>> been having fun with? I enjoy those that do not require any algorithms
>> beyond a [1,1] commutator. That means that I can do it purely
>> intuitively and is actually a relaxing activity, probably similar to the
>> tedious parts of the 120-Cell and other large puzzles. It's also great
>> to get a feel for the 3D and 4D spaces in which these manifolds live.
>> You probably already have about as much of a sense of the 4D cube as one
>> can have. These puzzles offer similar understandings.
>> As for your quest for a 4D mechanism, I'm guessing that the difficulties
>> have something in common with 5D puzzles. That's because in the 4D cube
>> puzzle, our activity is analogous to an ant crawling on the surface of a
>> 3D cube but being completely unaware about the volume of stuff under
>> that skin. What we see in MC4D shows exactly that 3D skin. When I 4D
>> rotate an object, I can sometimes get a sense that there is a kind of
>> volume that is being contained by the 3D geometry but I can't "see"
>> anything about the 4D volume. You could really use a 5D sensing ability
>> in order to look into the interior of a 4D object which is what you are
>> trying to do.
>> -Melinda
>> On 5/28/2012 6:31 PM, Ray Zhao wrote:
>>> You all make me seriously want to solve some puzzles ^_^, but right
>>> now I'm more interested in finding better solutions for the 3^4 and
>>> visualizing a mechanism for it as well. =P
>>> I also have summatives ;_;
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
I have reached 90.
83 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 12B E 1:0:0 ----- 05/29/2012 (497 twists)
84 Solving of MT hyp {8,3} 12B F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/29/2012 (620 twis=
85 Solving of MT ell sph octa E 0:1:0 ----- 05/29/2012 (52 twists)
86 Solving of MT ell sph cube E 1:0:0 ----- 05/29/2012 (65 twists)
87 Solving of MT ell sph icosa E 0:1:0 ----- 05/29/2012 (277 twists)
88 Solving of MT ell sph dodeca E 1:0:0 ----- 05/29/2012 (232 twists)
89 Solving of MT ell sph octa F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (77 twists=
90 Solving of MT ell sph icosa F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (325 twis=
ad no 83:
Change from flip of singe color in the orbit to flip of doubled color in th=
e orbit!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Same here; I just thought that it would be interesting to visualize a basic
Also, I have almost solved the 3^4 again, but this time using the layer by
layer approach, which works alright.
For the last layer I tried to use Dan Brown's method, but I learned that
his method for 4d cubes is as inefficient as his method for 3d cubes (in
move count, not algorithm count).
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Same here; I just thought that it would be interesting to visualize a basic=
Also, I have almost solved the 3^4 again, but this time usin=
g the layer by layer approach, which works alright.
For the last layer I=
tried to use Dan Brown's method, but I learned that his method for 4d =
cubes is as inefficient as his method for 3d cubes (in move count, not algo=
rithm count).
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Hey Raymond,
=C2=A0Could you send me your log file for your partial solution as I am sti=
ll interested in getting back into hypercubing? =C2=A0I am also interested =
in a mechanism to, but gave up on that in late 2009 after I solved the 3^4.=
=C2=A0Good to see you getting involved in the MC4D group.
Best regards speedsolving,
Brandon Wong (4thdimensiontime)
From: Ray Zhao
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MagicTile solving
Same here; I just thought that it would be interesting to visualize a basic=
Also, I have almost solved the 3^4 again, but this time using the layer by =
layer approach, which works alright.
For the last layer I tried to use Dan Brown's method, but I learned that hi=
s method for 4d cubes is as inefficient as his method for 3d cubes (in move=
count, not algorithm count).
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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me your log file for your partial solution as I am still interested in gett=
ing back into hypercubing? I am also interested in a mechanism to, bu=
t gave up on that in late 2009 after I solved the 3^4. tyle=3D"font-size: 12pt; ">Good to see you getting involved in the MC4D gro=
bold;">From: Ray Zhao <>
, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject:> Re: [MC4D] MagicTile solving
ize a basic mechanism.
Also, I have almost solved the 3^4 again, but thi=
s time using the layer by layer approach, which works alright.
For the l=
ast layer I tried to use Dan Brown's method, but I learned that his method =
for 4d cubes is as inefficient as his method for 3d cubes (in move count, n=
ot algorithm count).
Since when do we have the G4GX puzzles? That's a perfect name for {4,10}'s!=
I didn't notice this series until today.
--- In, "Eduard"
> My solvings 91 to 100
> 91 Solving of MT ell sph cube F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (72 twis=
> 92 Solving of MT ell sph dodeca F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (269 t=
> 93 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 9 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (81 twists=
> 94 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 16 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (155 twis=
> 95 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 7 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (169 twist=
> 96 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 16 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (217 twis=
> 97 Solving of MT eucl klein {6,3} 9 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (169 twist=
> 98 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} CB E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (7 twist=
> 99 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} 5 no E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (81 tw=
> 100 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {10,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (19 twist=
> I have added the chapter G4GX.
ang=3D"EN-GB">MT =84hyp {5,4} 16 no e 0.5:0:0 v 1:0:0" has a very beau= Cool. What made it difficult? size=3D2>16/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>17/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>17/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>17/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>17/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>19/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>18/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>18/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>18/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>16/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>19/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>16/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>16/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>16/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>18/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>17/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>19/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>19/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> = size=3D2>18/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
The Gathering for Gardner has this tradition where the attendees prepare
gifts for everyone, so I made these puzzles as my G4GX
playing off the numbers 4 and 10. They have been there since late March,
and I meant to announce them here, but forgot.
Congrats on completing a century of puzzles Ed. That's an awesome
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:54 PM, schuma
> Since when do we have the G4GX puzzles? That's a perfect name for
> {4,10}'s! I didn't notice this series until today.
> Nan
> --- In, "Eduard"
> >
> > My solvings 91 to 100
> >
> > 91 Solving of MT ell sph cube F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (72
> twists)
> > 92 Solving of MT ell sph dodeca F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (269
> twists)
> > 93 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 9 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (81
> twists)
> > 94 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 16 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (155
> twists)
> > 95 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 7 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (169
> twists)
> > 96 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 16 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (217
> twists)
> > 97 Solving of MT eucl klein {6,3} 9 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (169
> twists)
> > 98 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} CB E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (7
> twists)
> > 99 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} 5 no E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (81
> twists)
> > 100 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {10,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (19
> twists)
> >
> > I have added the chapter G4GX.
> >
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The Gathering for Gardner has this tradition where the attendees prepare gi=
fts for everyone, so I made these puzzles">as my G4GX gift, playing off the numbers 4 and 10. =A0The=
y have been there since late March, and I meant to announce them here, but =
s an awesome milestone!
schuma <=3D"_blank">> wrote:
x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Since when do we have the G4GX puzzles? That=
's a perfect name for {4,10}'s! I didn't notice this series unt=
il today.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.c=
om, "Eduard" <baumann@...> wrote:
> My solvings 91 to 100
> 91 =A0Solving of =A0MT ell sph cube F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (=
72 twists)
> 92 =A0Solving of =A0MT ell sph dodeca F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012=
(269 twists)
> 93 =A0Solving of =A0MT eucl torus {4,4} 9 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (81=
> 94 =A0Solving of =A0MT eucl torus {4,4} 16 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (1=
55 twists)
> 95 =A0Solving of =A0MT eucl torus {6,3} 7 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (16=
9 twists)
> 96 =A0Solving of =A0MT eucl torus {6,3} 16 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (2=
17 twists)
> 97 =A0Solving of =A0MT eucl klein {6,3} 9 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (16=
9 twists)
> 98 =A0Solving of =A0MT hyp G4GX {4,10} CB E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (=
7 twists)
> 99 =A0Solving of =A0MT hyp G4GX {4,10} 5 no E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012=
(81 twists)
> 100 =A0Solving of =A0MT hyp G4GX {10,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (1=
9 twists)
> I have added the chapter G4GX.
From: "schuma" <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 05:32:00 -0000
Subject: Re: MagicTile solving
Hi Ed,
I did a search for your name on the wiki-solution page. Chrome says there a=
re 98 matches. And under "hemi-dodecahedron V1.5:0:0" there are two solutio=
ns with your name. So there are at least three puzzles that you have solved=
but haven't put onto the page. It would be good if you can make the page c=
onsistent with your counting.=20
I've solved several simple puzzles this afternoon, so that my name has 127 =
matches on the page now. There are just too many low hanging fruits.
--- In, "Eduard"
> My solvings 91 to 100
> 91 Solving of MT ell sph cube F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (72 twis=
> 92 Solving of MT ell sph dodeca F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (269 t=
> 93 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 9 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (81 twists=
> 94 Solving of MT eucl torus {4,4} 16 E 0:1:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (155 twis=
> 95 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 7 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (169 twist=
> 96 Solving of MT eucl torus {6,3} 16 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/30/2012 (217 twis=
> 97 Solving of MT eucl klein {6,3} 9 E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (169 twist=
> 98 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} CB E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (7 twist=
> 99 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {4,10} 5 no E 0.5:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (81 tw=
> 100 Solving of MT hyp G4GX {10,4} CB E 1:0:0 ----- 05/31/2012 (19 twist=
> I have added the chapter G4GX.
From: "Eduard Baumann" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 13:07:00 +0200
Subject: Re: MagicTile solving
Content-Type: text/plain;
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Hi Nan,
You are rigth. I will change my counting.
Congratulations for the lead.
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 20:50:30 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
Solving of MT hyp {5,4} 24 E 1:0:0 ----- 06/03/2012 (187 twists)
Solving of MT hyp {5,4} 24 E 0.5:0:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 06/03/2012 (381 twists=
Solving of MT hyp {5,4} 16 no E 0.5:0:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 06/04/2012 (357 twi=
Thanks to Nan for the valuable hint for the third of these puzzles!
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 22:26:16 -0500
Subject: MagicTile solving
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I like how you laid out the graph, and how it emphasizes the special role
of the white face :) It'd also be cool to see a presentation of the graph
without intersections. That should be possible (embedded in 3D), though I
guess it wouldn't be as nicely symmetrical as the one you made.
I searched around a little (on Google, Wikipedia, and Wolfram Alpha) to see
if there was a special name for this graph, or for the graph you get after
removing the red nodes, but did not have any luck. An interesting close
call to the latter was the Grotzsch
For this tiling/coloring, we have 16 faces, 30 edges, and 15 vertices,
giving a Euler Characteristic of 1 (projective plane). Seems like a lot of
the asymmetrical colorings end up producing that topology.
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 6:32 AM, Eduard
> MT =84hyp {5,4} 16 no e 0.5:0:0 v 1:0:0" has a very beautyful color
> graph! 16 no color graph
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ole of the white face=A0:)=A0 It'd also be cool to see a presentation o=
f the graph without intersections.=A0 That should be possible (embedded in =
3D), though I guess it wouldn't be as nicely symmetrical as the one you=
=A0Wolfram Alpha) to see if there was a special name for this graph, or for=
the graph you get after removing the red nodes, but did not have any luck.=
=A0An interesting close call to the latter was the" target=3D"_blank">Grotzsch graph.=
nd 15 vertices, giving a Euler Characteristic of 1 (projective plane).=A0 S=
eems like a lot of the asymmetrical colorings end up producing that topolog=
=A0> wrote:
1px;border-left-style:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">
tyful color graph!=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 roups/10714925/tn/1867620670/name/color+graph+16no.jpg" target=3D"_blank">1=
6 no color graph=A0
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 11:22:12 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
Solving of MT hyp {5,4} 12 no E 0.5:0:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 06/05/2012 (485 tw=
Solving of MT IRP {4,5} b 30 E 0.75:0:0 ----- 06/06/2012 (211 twists)
Solving of MT hyp {5,4} 4 E 0.5:0:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 06/07/2012 (48 twists)
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:28:38 -0700
Subject: MagicTile solving
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit in case you didn't find it. It
has gotten *much* better since you wrote.
On 2/7/2012 9:17 AM, Chris Chiesa wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm new here, and not yet sure I know what-all's going on... I
> tried a very early version of MC4D back around 1999 or so, and enjoyed
> it (couldn't solve it, but got to the point where I could at least see
> my way to reverse four quarter-turns or so, by sight). I'm a little
> bothered to find that, whereas it was a Windows .exe back then,
> nowadays it's a .jar... but I understand why. I could also really,
> really use some documentation. Macros? Notation? Shortcut keys?
> Concepts for things other than the plain old Cube? (I don't "get"
> what the other shapes are/do.) I've seen the video for the solution
> of the 5 (?) dimensional one, but can't even see what's going on, let
> alone follow the action. Can human beings actually solve a thing like
> that?!?
> I also have no idea what MagicTile is, but it sounds interesting;
> can someone give me a link to where I can get it?
> Cheers,
> Chris Chiesa
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
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http-equiv="Content-Type"> in case you didn't find it.
It has gotten *much* better since you wrote.
On 2/7/2012 9:17 AM, Chris Chiesa wrote:
Hello all,
I'm new here, and not yet sure I know what-all's going
on... I tried a very early version of MC4D back around
1999 or so, and enjoyed it (couldn't solve it, but got to
the point where I could at least see my way to reverse
four quarter-turns or so, by sight). I'm a little
bothered to find that, whereas it was a Windows .exe back
then, nowadays it's a .jar... but I understand why. I
could also really, really use some documentation.
Macros? Notation? Shortcut keys? Concepts for things
other than the plain old Cube? (I don't "get" what the
other shapes are/do.) I've seen the video for the
solution of the 5 (?) dimensional one, but can't even see
what's going on, let alone follow the action. Can human
beings actually solve a thing like that?!?
I also have no idea what MagicTile is, but it sounds
interesting; can someone give me a link to where I can get
Chris Chiesa
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 17:49:07 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
Good luck Brandon.=20
I wonder which puzzle are you playing? Vertex turning or edge or face?
--- In, "brandonc.wong55@..."
> Hi everybody. I just decided to start solving the Klein Quartic {3,7} 56=
-Color in the fewest moves that I can and have solved 66 pieces so far. If=
anyone is interested at my progress please post. I will provide a log fil=
e later on once I down to the last few adjacent layers.
> Brandon.
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:43:11 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
more =AB low hanging fruits =BB=20=20
Solving of MT IRP {4,5}a 30 E 0.75:0:0 ----- 06/14/2012 (142 twists)
Solving of MT IRP {3,9}c 24 E 0:1:0 ----- 06/14/2012 (184 twists)
Solving of MT IRP {3,9}b 24 E 0:1:0 ----- 06/14/2012 (136 twists)
Solving of MT IRP {3,9}a 36 E 0:1:0 ----- 06/15/2012 (260 twists)
Solving of MT hyp G4GX {10,4}8 E 1:0:0 ----- 06/16/2012 (178 twists)
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 22:01:23 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
more =AB low hanging fruits =BB (less low ?)=20
Solving of MT proj hemi icosa f 0:0:1 ----- 06/16/2012 (280 twists)
Solving of MT proj hemi dodeca v 0:0:1 ----- 06/16/2012 (262 twists)
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 23:37:42 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
Not easy:
Solving of MT IRP {4,6]b 12 f 0:0:1 ----- 06/18/2012 (1598 twists)
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 16:48:52 -0700
Subject: MagicTile solving
Cool. What made it difficult?
On 6/17/2012 4:37 PM, Eduard wrote:
> Not easy:
> Solving of MT IRP {4,6]b 12 f 0:0:1 ----- 06/18/2012 (1598 twists)
From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 07:08:43 -0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MagicTile solving
I just updated the applet again to include four more weird honeycombs: {6,3=
,3}, {6,3,4}, {6,3,5} and {4,4,3}. Please check them out if you think every=
thing so far are natural.=20
I intentionally set the viewpoints of {6,3,4} and {6,3,5} to be identical t=
o those of {5,3,4} and {5,3,5}, respectively. You'll find that they look si=
milar. I remember when Andrey released his MHT633 puzzle, Roice said that t=
he hexagons looked like pentagons. I'm talking about the same similarity he=
There are more hyperbolic tessellations including the duals of the four new=
{3,3,6}, {4,3,6}, {5,3,6}, {3,4,4}
and the self-duals:
{4,4,4}, {6,3,6}, {3,6,3}.=20
But the vertices of these seven honeycombs are infinitely far away, and the=
edges are some infinitely long straight lines. Since my applet is based on=
the coordinates of the vertices, including these seven honeycombs requires=
significant changes. Maybe another visualization such as a Poincare model =
makes more sense.=20
--- In, "schuma"
> Hi guys,
> I've added the six spherical polytopes (platonic solids), and the
> trivial cubic tessellation in Euclidean space, to the applet
> are arranged in a table.
> The natural next step is to understand the tessellations with infinite
> cells and vertex figures, like {6,3,3}.
> Nan
> > --- In, Roice Nelson
> > Even though there are existing youtube videos and> programs, S3 would
> still> be a nice addition to your applet. It's great> to be able to run
> this stuff> right on a web page, without anything to> install.> >
> Cheers,> Roice>>
From: "Eduard Baumann" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 09:14:13 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MagicTile solving
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I finished the orientable edge elements in about 100 twists (near neighbour=
The face elements had to be managed with far neighbour commutators.
There are only two types of those (color topology).
Both don't have only one element in the intersection of the supports.
Hence I got only 3-cycle pairs.
Nevertheless I succeded to construct a mono 3-cycle (macro) which I used he=
avily with setups.
Kind regards
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Melinda Green=20
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MagicTile solving
Cool. What made it difficult?
On 6/17/2012 4:37 PM, Eduard wrote:
> Not easy:
> Solving of MT IRP {4,6]b 12 f 0:0:1 ----- 06/18/2012 (1598 twists)
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100 twists (near neighbour commutator).
neighbour commutators.
intersection of the supports.
o 3-cycle=20
(macro) which I used heavily with setups.
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: =
0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial; BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; font-color: black">Fro=
href=3D"">Melinda Green
href=3D""> <=
On 6/17/2012 4:37 PM, Eduard=20
> Not easy:
> Solving of MT IRP {4,6]b 12 f 0:0:1 ----=
06/18/2012 (1598 twists)
From: "Eduard" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 14:34:27 -0000
Subject: MagicTile solving
Solving of MT eucl torus {3,6} 8c F 0:1:0 V 1:0:0 ----- 07/13/2012 (101 tw=
Solving of MT eucl torus {3,6} 8c V 0:0:1 ----- 07/14/2012 (42 twists)
Solving of MT eucl torus {3,6} 8c F 0:0:1 ----- 07/23/2012 (379 twists)
The first two were easy, but the third is very hard. I do not understand ho=
w Nan can do this in 138 moves.
MT eucl torus {3,6} 8c F 0:0:1
Near commutator for edges: color arrangement is important else you are left=
with a single edge swap.
Far commutator for faces: It is not easy at all to find a single 3-cycle of=
faces. I found one with 38 moves.
The actual ranking for MT solves is
1. Nan 146
2. Eduard 117
3. Melinda 17
4. Roice 2
5. Andrey 1
Are there solvers who don't insert their name in the table?=20
From: "Eduard Baumann" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 19:39:24 +0100
Subject: MagicTile solving
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Waiting for the 1000 mark I solved:
16/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_icosa_f0-1,3-0.xml 36=
5 twists
17/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_tetra_Pyraminx.xml 115=
17/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,4}_4A_f010_v100.xml =
28 twists
17/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,4}_4B_f010_v100.xml =
30 twists
17/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,5}_4_f010_v100.xml =
65 twists
19/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,5}_8_f0-0,6-0_f0-0,8-0_eh00.xml =
93 twists
18/11/16 eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,5}_8_f010_v100.xml =
59 twists
18/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_klein_{4,4}_4_fev0,7-0-0.xml =
141 twists
18/11/16 eb_MT_proj_hemi_dode_f201.xml =
5482 twists
16/11/16 eb_MT_proj_hemi_icosa_v021.xml =
772 twists
19/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{3,6}_14_f010_v100.xml =
172 twists
16/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{3,6}_14_v1,33-0-0.xml =
272 twists
16/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_f0,33-0-1.xml =
10 twists
16/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_f020.xml 4 =
18/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_fev0,7-0-0.xml =
117 twists
17/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_v200.xml 17=
2 twists
19/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_9_f020.xml 29=
80 twists
19/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{6,3}_7_fe100.xml 2=
73 twists
18/11/16 eb_MT_proj_hemi_cube_e0-1,67-0.xml 5=
0 twists
19/11/16 eb_MT_eucl_torus_{3,6}_8c_E100 200 t=
Best regards
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365 twists
eb_MT_ell_sph_tetra_Pyraminx.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
115 twists
eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,4}_4A_f010_v100.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
28 twists
eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,4}_4B_f010_v100.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
30 twists
eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,5}_4_f010_v100.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
65 twists
eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,5}_8_f0-0,6-0_f0-0,8-0_eh00.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
93 twists
eb_MT_ell_sph_{3,5}_8_f010_v100.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
59 twists
eb_MT_eucl_klein_{4,4}_4_fev0,7-0-0.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
141 twists
eb_MT_proj_hemi_dode_f201.xml =
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{3,6}_14_f010_v100.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
172 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{3,6}_14_v1,33-0-0.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
272 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_f0,33-0-1.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
10 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_f020.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
4 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_fev0,7-0-0.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
117 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_4_v200.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
172 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{4,4}_9_f020.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
2980 twists
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{6,3}_7_fe100.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
273 twists
eb_MT_proj_hemi_cube_e0-1,67-0.xmlstyle=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
50 twists
family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: FR; mso-fareast-language: DE;=
mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"=20
lang=3DFR>19/11/16style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
eb_MT_eucl_torus_{3,6}_8c_E100style=3D"mso-tab-count: 1"> =
200 twists