Thread: "Hyperburg - 3-dimensional version of Carcassonne"

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 09:10:21 -0000
Subject: Hyperburg - 3-dimensional version of Carcassonne

Hi all,
I've just finished another small project - three-dimensional version of C=
arcassonne game. I've called it "Hyperburg" because you can consider it as =
exploration of the surface of 4D planet.=20
Rules are almost classic with oe exception - there is no "farmers" becaus=
e roads don't divide 3D hypersurface, and instead I've added "seas and rive=
rs" system that is like "roads and cities" with some small differences.
Web page for the game (with download link) is here: http://astr73.narod.r=
u/Hyperburg/index.html . Game requires Windows with .NET 2.0 - but this tim=
e it uses OpenGL, so no DirectX is required.

Good luck!=20


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