Thread: "IRP {4,6} VT solved"

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 12:34:23 -0000
Subject: IRP {4,6} VT solved

Hi all,
today I tried to solve {4,6} (12 colors, vertex-turning) in IRP mode. It =
was hard enough. One twist touches about 1/3 of puzzle pieces (almost as in=
3^3), and at the first glance, two intersecting circles have two areas of =
intersection. But some investigation revealed that actually number of eleme=
nts in this puzzle is not 92 (as expected), but only 50: all non-vertex pie=
ces are grouped in rigid pairs of elements symmetric with respect to any ve=
rtex (in surface geometry). For example, what we see as central grey centra=
l element is actually a half of grey-light_blue 2C piece. Edge elements are=
actually 4C, and petal elements are also grouped in pairs - but again, gre=
y color is grouped only with light blue. So we can swap these elements... b=
ut not every pair of them - there are two orbits of petal stickers. I notic=
ed it too late and spent some time trying to find setup moves that are actu=
ally impossible.
Result is 517 twists. It was only 25-twist scramble, but I didn't see any=
shortcuts, so it was like full-scrambled for me.


From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:02:46 -0000
Subject: Re: IRP {4,6} VT solved

{6,6}, 4 colors was easy - I think that it is some equivalent to pyraminx. =
But now I'm looking at {6,4} FT - and it is a monster!

--- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> Hi all,
> today I tried to solve {4,6} (12 colors, vertex-turning) in IRP mode. I=
t was hard enough. One twist touches about 1/3 of puzzle pieces (almost as =
in 3^3), and at the first glance, two intersecting circles have two areas o=
f intersection. But some investigation revealed that actually number of ele=
ments in this puzzle is not 92 (as expected), but only 50: all non-vertex p=
ieces are grouped in rigid pairs of elements symmetric with respect to any =
vertex (in surface geometry). For example, what we see as central grey cent=
ral element is actually a half of grey-light_blue 2C piece. Edge elements a=
re actually 4C, and petal elements are also grouped in pairs - but again, g=
rey color is grouped only with light blue. So we can swap these elements...=
but not every pair of them - there are two orbits of petal stickers. I not=
iced it too late and spent some time trying to find setup moves that are ac=
tually impossible.
> Result is 517 twists. It was only 25-twist scramble, but I didn't see a=
ny shortcuts, so it was like full-scrambled for me.
> Andrey

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 19:45:12 -0600
Subject: Re: [MC4D] IRP {4,6} VT solved

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thank you for this analysis Andrey! It was delightful to read, and to
follow along with the puzzle open, reproducing the behaviors. I think my
colors might be mapped differently (gray is not opposite light blue for
me), but I could see everything you describe :)


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Andrey wrote:

> Hi all,
> today I tried to solve {4,6} (12 colors, vertex-turning) in IRP mode. It
> was hard enough. One twist touches about 1/3 of puzzle pieces (almost as in
> 3^3), and at the first glance, two intersecting circles have two areas of
> intersection. But some investigation revealed that actually number of
> elements in this puzzle is not 92 (as expected), but only 50: all
> non-vertex pieces are grouped in rigid pairs of elements symmetric with
> respect to any vertex (in surface geometry). For example, what we see as
> central grey central element is actually a half of grey-light_blue 2C
> piece. Edge elements are actually 4C, and petal elements are also grouped
> in pairs - but again, grey color is grouped only with light blue. So we can
> swap these elements... but not every pair of them - there are two orbits of
> petal stickers. I noticed it too late and spent some time trying to find
> setup moves that are actually impossible.
> Result is 517 twists. It was only 25-twist scramble, but I didn't see any
> shortcuts, so it was like full-scrambled for me.
> Andrey

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thank you for this analysis Andrey!=A0 It was delightful to read, and =
to follow along with the puzzle open, reproducing the behaviors.=A0 I think=
my colors might be mapped differently (gray is not opposite light blue for=
me), but I could see everything you describe :)


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Andrey <" target=3D"_blank">andreyastrelin@yahoo.coma>> wrote:

color:rgb(204,204,204);border-left-width:1px;border-left-style:solid" class=
Hi all,

=A0today I tried to solve {4,6} (12 colors, vertex-turning) in IRP mode. I=
t was hard enough. One twist touches about 1/3 of puzzle pieces (almost as =
in 3^3), and at the first glance, two intersecting circles have two areas o=
f intersection. But some investigation revealed that actually number of ele=
ments in this puzzle is not 92 (as expected), but only 50: all non-vertex p=
ieces are grouped in rigid pairs of elements symmetric with respect to any =
vertex (in surface geometry). For example, what we see as central grey cent=
ral element is actually a half of grey-light_blue 2C piece. Edge elements a=
re actually 4C, and petal elements are also grouped in pairs - but again, g=
rey color is grouped only with light blue. So we can swap these elements...=
but not every pair of them - there are two orbits of petal stickers. I not=
iced it too late and spent some time trying to find setup moves that are ac=
tually impossible.

=A0Result is 517 twists. It was only 25-twist scramble, but I didn't s=
ee any shortcuts, so it was like full-scrambled for me.



From: "schuma" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:33:41 -0000
Subject: Re: IRP {4,6} VT solved

Thank you Andrey. When I first looked at this puzzle I thought it was too c=
omplicated and thus skipped it for other puzzles. After reading your post I=
revisited it and solved it. It is an interesting puzzle indeed. I managed=
to get the move count down to 382. But I'm sure the solution can be made m=
ore efficient.


--- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> Hi all,
> today I tried to solve {4,6} (12 colors, vertex-turning) in IRP mode. I=
t was hard enough. One twist touches about 1/3 of puzzle pieces (almost as =
in 3^3), and at the first glance, two intersecting circles have two areas o=
f intersection. But some investigation revealed that actually number of ele=
ments in this puzzle is not 92 (as expected), but only 50: all non-vertex p=
ieces are grouped in rigid pairs of elements symmetric with respect to any =
vertex (in surface geometry). For example, what we see as central grey cent=
ral element is actually a half of grey-light_blue 2C piece. Edge elements a=
re actually 4C, and petal elements are also grouped in pairs - but again, g=
rey color is grouped only with light blue. So we can swap these elements...=
but not every pair of them - there are two orbits of petal stickers. I not=
iced it too late and spent some time trying to find setup moves that are ac=
tually impossible.
> Result is 517 twists. It was only 25-twist scramble, but I didn't see a=
ny shortcuts, so it was like full-scrambled for me.
> Andrey

From: "schuma" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:54:08 -0000
Subject: Re: IRP {4,6} VT solved

Aha! {6,4} FT 8C is nothing but the dual of {4,6} VT 12C. All the algorithm=
s can be carried over. A new algorithm is needed to fix orientations of the=
4C pieces. Just solved using 282 moves.


--- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> {6,6}, 4 colors was easy - I think that it is some equivalent to pyraminx=
. But now I'm looking at {6,4} FT - and it is a monster!
> --- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > today I tried to solve {4,6} (12 colors, vertex-turning) in IRP mode.=
It was hard enough. One twist touches about 1/3 of puzzle pieces (almost a=
s in 3^3), and at the first glance, two intersecting circles have two areas=
of intersection. But some investigation revealed that actually number of e=
lements in this puzzle is not 92 (as expected), but only 50: all non-vertex=
pieces are grouped in rigid pairs of elements symmetric with respect to an=
y vertex (in surface geometry). For example, what we see as central grey ce=
ntral element is actually a half of grey-light_blue 2C piece. Edge elements=
are actually 4C, and petal elements are also grouped in pairs - but again,=
grey color is grouped only with light blue. So we can swap these elements.=
.. but not every pair of them - there are two orbits of petal stickers. I n=
oticed it too late and spent some time trying to find setup moves that are =
actually impossible.
> > Result is 517 twists. It was only 25-twist scramble, but I didn't see=
any shortcuts, so it was like full-scrambled for me.
> >=20
> > Andrey
> >

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