Thread: "Another {7,3} puzzle"

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 17:43:47 -0600
Subject: Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of twisting.
The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy. The
vertex-centered and face-centered circles are all tangent to each other.
If the puzzle only had these two types of twists, there would only be
trivial tips to solve, and face turning twists would scramble nothing.
Adding edge-centered twisting makes things much more interesting.

With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of cuts is
quite nice. A picture is


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I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of twisting. =
=A0The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy. =A0The vertex-ce=
ntered and face-centered circles are all tangent to each other. =A0If the p=
uzzle only had these two types of twists, there would only be trivial tips =
to solve, and face turning twists would scramble nothing. =A0Adding edge-ce=
ntered twisting makes things much more interesting.

With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of cuts i=
s quite nice. =A0A picture is ubing/photos/album/1694853720/pic/2077514421/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mo=



From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 19:41:03 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!

Here's the link to the puzzle, just to make it easier for everyone to get:
Note that there isn't even an install involved. Just unpack the zip file
and run the executable. The new puzzle is found in the menus here:
Puzzle > Hyperbolic > Klein's Quartic > {7,3} FEV Turning.

You know it's funny but I don't think I had even considered the idea of
a hyperbolic puzzle with more than one type of twist. I have to say that
I *really* like the way they work together. It's funny that the edge
pieces can't be moved, they can only be flipped. Of course the face
centers can't move either but all the other types can freely roam the
whole surface.

Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two
types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking at
it now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow this new
{7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems much more
tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there be other similarly
{6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as elegant as this new gem?

Some minor suggestions:
* Even with the maximum scramble of 5,000 twists it still doesn't look
quite fully scrambled. You might consider adding a "Full" scramble item
for all of your puzzles and use David's Goldilocks function at least as
a starting point to select a good number. One nice thing about a "Full"
option is that the solver is then assured that that it counts as fully
solved it they manage to solve it.
* It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different element
* It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though so
maybe someone else on the list can suggest one.

This thing is really huge! I'm noticing that when I twist something it
is hard to see other copies also twisting. So will this be much harder
than the other KQ puzzles? What do you think, Nan?

Tremendous job, Roice! I love it.

On 12/11/2011 3:43 PM, Roice Nelson wrote:
> I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of
> twisting. The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy.
> The vertex-centered and face-centered circles are all tangent to each
> other. If the puzzle only had these two types of twists, there would
> only be trivial tips to solve, and face turning twists would scramble
> nothing. Adding edge-centered twisting makes things much more
> interesting.
> With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of cuts
> is quite nice. A picture is here
> .

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Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!

Here's the link to the puzzle, just to make it easier for everyone
to get:

Note that there isn't even an install involved. Just unpack the zip
file and run the executable. The new puzzle is  found in the menus

    Puzzle > Hyperbolic > Klein's Quartic > {7,3} FEV

You know it's funny but I don't think I had even considered the idea
of a hyperbolic puzzle with more than one type of twist. I have to
say that I *really* like the way they work together. It's funny that
the edge pieces can't be moved, they can only be flipped. Of course
the face centers can't move either but all the other types can
freely roam the whole surface.

Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two
types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking
at it now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow
this new {7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems
much more tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there be
other similarly {6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as
elegant as this new gem?

Some minor suggestions:

* Even with the maximum scramble of 5,000 twists it still doesn't
look quite fully scrambled. You might consider adding a "Full"
scramble item for all of your puzzles and use David's Goldilocks
function at least as a starting point to select a good number. One
nice thing about a "Full" option is that the solver is then assured
that that it counts as fully solved it they manage to solve it.

* It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different
element types.

* It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though so
maybe someone else on the list can suggest one.

This thing is really huge! I'm noticing that when I twist something
it is hard to see other copies also twisting. So will this be much
harder than the other KQ puzzles? What do you think, Nan?

Tremendous job, Roice! I love it.


On 12/11/2011 3:43 PM, Roice Nelson wrote:

I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of
twisting.  The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy.
 The vertex-centered and face-centered circles are all tangent to
each other.  If the puzzle only had these two types of twists,
there would only be trivial tips to solve, and face turning twists
would scramble nothing.  Adding edge-centered twisting makes
things much more interesting.

With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of
cuts is quite nice.  A picture is href="">here.


From: "schuma" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 04:10:00 -0000
Subject: Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

Hi Melinda,

This puzzle ({7,3} FEV turning) is indeed huge. It has 612 pieces, certainl=
y much larger than the {7,3} FT, its dual {3,7} VT, {7,3} ET and {7,3} VT. =
These simpler puzzles have 100~200 pieces. But {7,3} FEV is smaller than {3=
,7} ET and {3,7} FT, which have 800~900 pieces. Solving {7,3} FEV is easier=
than {3,7} ET and FT in several ways:=20
(1) Fewer pieces.
(2) Shorter algorithms to do pure 3-cycles. All 3-cycle algorithms here are=
4-move [1,1] commutators. Easy to remember.
(3) Fewer colors: 24 colors vs 56 colors: easier to find a piece.

I've started solving it for a while. Although I'm still in the early stage =
of this solution, I'll say it's a bit tedious. Just too many pieces.

It's an interesting observation that you can't see the other copies of the =
moving circle. The default view is as same as the classic KQ. where you can=
see the other copies. I think the reason is simple the circles here are sm=
aller than in the classic KQ.


--- In, Melinda Green wrote:
> Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!
> Here's the link to the puzzle, just to make it easier for everyone to get=
> Note that there isn't even an install involved. Just unpack the zip file=
> and run the executable. The new puzzle is found in the menus here:
> Puzzle > Hyperbolic > Klein's Quartic > {7,3} FEV Turning.
> You know it's funny but I don't think I had even considered the idea of=20
> a hyperbolic puzzle with more than one type of twist. I have to say that=
> I *really* like the way they work together. It's funny that the edge=20
> pieces can't be moved, they can only be flipped. Of course the face=20
> centers can't move either but all the other types can freely roam the=20
> whole surface.
> Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two=20
> types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking at=20
> it now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow this new=20
> {7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems much more=20
> tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there be other similarly=20
> {6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as elegant as this new gem?
> Some minor suggestions:
> * Even with the maximum scramble of 5,000 twists it still doesn't look=20
> quite fully scrambled. You might consider adding a "Full" scramble item=20
> for all of your puzzles and use David's Goldilocks function at least as=20
> a starting point to select a good number. One nice thing about a "Full"=20
> option is that the solver is then assured that that it counts as fully=20
> solved it they manage to solve it.
> * It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different element=20
> types.
> * It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though so=20
> maybe someone else on the list can suggest one.
> This thing is really huge! I'm noticing that when I twist something it=20
> is hard to see other copies also twisting. So will this be much harder=20
> than the other KQ puzzles? What do you think, Nan?
> Tremendous job, Roice! I love it.
> -Melinda
> On 12/11/2011 3:43 PM, Roice Nelson wrote:
> >
> >
> > I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of=20
> > twisting. The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy.=20
> > The vertex-centered and face-centered circles are all tangent to each=
> > other. If the puzzle only had these two types of twists, there would=20
> > only be trivial tips to solve, and face turning twists would scramble=20
> > nothing. Adding edge-centered twisting makes things much more=20
> > interesting.
> >
> > With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of cuts=20
> > is quite nice. A picture is here=20
> > 77514421/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mode=3Dtn&order=3Dordinal&start=3D1&dir=3D=

From: "schuma" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:02:09 -0000
Subject: Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

I've just solved {7,3} FEVT. Since turning FT doesn't scramble the puzzle, =
one has a lot of freedom to move the inner small 1C pieces around. Thus the=
"freestyle" setup moves of this kind of pieces are pretty easy to find.

Given that you have enough patience and a couple of hours, it's a relativel=
y easy puzzle to solve.


--- In, "schuma" wrote:
> Hi Melinda,
> This puzzle ({7,3} FEV turning) is indeed huge. It has 612 pieces, certai=
nly much larger than the {7,3} FT, its dual {3,7} VT, {7,3} ET and {7,3} VT=
. These simpler puzzles have 100~200 pieces. But {7,3} FEV is smaller than =
{3,7} ET and {3,7} FT, which have 800~900 pieces. Solving {7,3} FEV is easi=
er than {3,7} ET and FT in several ways:=20
> (1) Fewer pieces.
> (2) Shorter algorithms to do pure 3-cycles. All 3-cycle algorithms here a=
re 4-move [1,1] commutators. Easy to remember.
> (3) Fewer colors: 24 colors vs 56 colors: easier to find a piece.
> I've started solving it for a while. Although I'm still in the early stag=
e of this solution, I'll say it's a bit tedious. Just too many pieces.
> It's an interesting observation that you can't see the other copies of th=
e moving circle. The default view is as same as the classic KQ. where you c=
an see the other copies. I think the reason is simple the circles here are =
smaller than in the classic KQ.
> Nan
> --- In, Melinda Green wrote:
> >
> > Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!
> >=20
> > Here's the link to the puzzle, just to make it easier for everyone to g=
> >=20=20=20=20=20=20
> >
> > Note that there isn't even an install involved. Just unpack the zip fil=
> > and run the executable. The new puzzle is found in the menus here:
> > Puzzle > Hyperbolic > Klein's Quartic > {7,3} FEV Turning.
> >=20
> > You know it's funny but I don't think I had even considered the idea of=
> > a hyperbolic puzzle with more than one type of twist. I have to say tha=
> > I *really* like the way they work together. It's funny that the edge=20
> > pieces can't be moved, they can only be flipped. Of course the face=20
> > centers can't move either but all the other types can freely roam the=20
> > whole surface.
> >=20
> > Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two=20
> > types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking at=
> > it now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow this new=
> > {7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems much more=20
> > tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there be other similarly=20
> > {6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as elegant as this new gem=
> >=20
> > Some minor suggestions:
> > * Even with the maximum scramble of 5,000 twists it still doesn't look=
> > quite fully scrambled. You might consider adding a "Full" scramble item=
> > for all of your puzzles and use David's Goldilocks function at least as=
> > a starting point to select a good number. One nice thing about a "Full"=
> > option is that the solver is then assured that that it counts as fully=
> > solved it they manage to solve it.
> > * It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different element=
> > types.
> > * It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though so=20
> > maybe someone else on the list can suggest one.
> >=20
> > This thing is really huge! I'm noticing that when I twist something it=
> > is hard to see other copies also twisting. So will this be much harder=
> > than the other KQ puzzles? What do you think, Nan?
> >=20
> > Tremendous job, Roice! I love it.
> > -Melinda
> >=20
> > On 12/11/2011 3:43 PM, Roice Nelson wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of=20
> > > twisting. The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy.=20
> > > The vertex-centered and face-centered circles are all tangent to eac=
> > > other. If the puzzle only had these two types of twists, there would=
> > > only be trivial tips to solve, and face turning twists would scramble=
> > > nothing. Adding edge-centered twisting makes things much more=20
> > > interesting.
> > >
> > > With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of cuts=
> > > is quite nice. A picture is here=20
> > > 2077514421/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mode=3Dtn&order=3Dordinal&start=3D1&dir=
> >

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 12:18:17 -0000
Subject: Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

I've just finished solving of {7,3} FEVT. It took about 6 hours, and I used=
only one macro (3-cycle of radial 1C). Puzzle is easy enough. What is unus=
ual - you can't move large set of pieces by FT rotation, so you have to bui=
ld long sequence of twists for setups.

6779 twists. Could be less with different solving strategy.

Roice, thank you for the puzzle!


--- In, Roice Nelson wrote:
> I added a fun version of the {7,3} which has all three types of twisting.
> The cuts are shallow, so the puzzle is relatively easy. The
> vertex-centered and face-centered circles are all tangent to each other.
> If the puzzle only had these two types of twists, there would only be
> trivial tips to solve, and face turning twists would scramble nothing.
> Adding edge-centered twisting makes things much more interesting.
> With all the tangencies and mutual intersections, the pattern of cuts is
> quite nice. A picture is
> here2077514421/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mode=3Dtn&order=3Dordinal&start=3D1&dir=
> .
> Cheers,
> Roice

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 19:44:28 -0600
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Melinda Green wrote:

> Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!

Thanks! I didn't know this one was going to get such a good reaction :D

> Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two
> types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking at it
> now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow this new {7,3}
> with many more colors and three types of twists seems much more tractable
> to me and much more elegant. Might there be other similarly {6,3} or
> perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as elegant as this new gem?

Yep, this cut pattern works for other tilings. I went ahead and added
{5,3} and {6,3} variants (and uploaded pictures

A disclaimer though... This {5,3} is the first spherical puzzle I've put
into MagicTile V2, and it's not really ready. Twisting of inverted slices
misbehaves (affects one inverted slice in this puzzle), plus the drawing is
undeveloped (stickers aren't filled in, and twists aren't animated). The
spherical world needs some love.

> * It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different element
> types.

Right now, I have the different twist types animating so they will complete
in the same time interval. Because of the varying angles they rotate
through, this makes some twist types appear to move faster than others. I
liked this better than having all twist types rotate through the same angle
at each animation step. Edge twists felt like they took too long to
complete that way.

> * It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though so maybe
> someone else on the list can suggest one.

I agree completely. FEV isn't really descriptive enough, as there are a
huge number of potential FEV puzzles, and this particular pattern would
benefit from having a special name for sure. A couple ideas are to name
them "Braid" puzzles or "Doily" puzzles. Maybe something else which evoked
the image of all the tangent circles would be good...


Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Melinda Green w=
id" class=3D"gmail_quote">



Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!
s!=A0 I didn't know this one was going to get such a good reaction :Ddiv>
style:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">

=A0Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two
types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking
at it now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow
this new {7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems
much more tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there be
other similarly {6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as
elegant as this new gem?
is cut pattern works for other tilings.=A0 I went ahead and added {5,3} and=
{6,3} variants (and uploaded pictures roup/4D_Cubing/photos/album/1694853720/pic/1744582753/view?picmode=3Dorigin=
=A0and 853720/pic/2041431059/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mode=3Dtn&order=3Dord=

A disclaimer though... This {5,3}=A0is the first spheric=
al puzzle I've put into MagicTile V2, and it's not really ready.=A0=
Twisting of inverted slices misbehaves (affects one inverted slice in this=
puzzle), plus the drawing is undeveloped (stickers aren't filled in, a=
nd twists aren't animated).=A0 The spherical world needs some love.v>

e:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">
* =
It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different
element types.
Right now, I=A0have=
the different twist types=A0animating so they will complete in the same ti=
me interval.=A0 Because of the varying angles they rotate through, this mak=
es some twist types=A0appear to move faster than others.=A0 I liked this be=
tter=A0than having=A0all twist types=A0rotate through the same angle at eac=
h animation=A0step.=A0 Edge twists felt like they took too long to complete=
that way.

e:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">

* It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though s=
maybe someone else on the list can suggest one.
I=A0agree completely.=A0 FEV isn't really descriptive eno=
ugh, as there are a huge number of potential FEV puzzles, and this particul=
ar pattern would benefit from having a=A0special name for sure. =A0A couple=
ideas are to name them "Braid" puzzles or "Doily" puzz=
les. =A0Maybe something else which evoked the image of all the tangent circ=
les would be good...



From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 19:51:14 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

On 12/12/2011 5:44 PM, Roice Nelson wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Melinda Green wrote:
> Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!
> Thanks! I didn't know this one was going to get such a good reaction :D

For my part I find it very cool. I especially like that our master
solvers say it's easy because I'm more likely to try it. I'm also
finding that I'm getting more and more attracted to puzzles that I can
solve intuitively. That's one reason I love your Harlequin puzzle so
much. It's just right for me and is very pretty too.

I also love the small puzzles like the 24-cell which are also very hard
just to enjoy fiddling with them and admiring their terrible power. I
guess there are a lot of different things I love about lots of these new

> Looking closely I now see that you already support a {6,3} with two
> types of twists. I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking at
> it now, it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow this new
> {7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems much more
> tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there be other similarly
> {6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that are as elegant as this new gem?
> Yep, this cut pattern works for other tilings. I went ahead and added
> {5,3} and {6,3} variants (and uploaded pictures here
> and
> here
> ).

Wow, that was fast!

The reason I was interested in smaller polygons was because I wanted to
see what this design looked like when all the circles are about the same
size. Sure enough the {6,3} is the closest and looks beautiful to my
eye. It's slightly disappointing that the face pieces aren't exactly the
same size as the others but I think it looks the most attractive. That's
so cool that you also knocked out the first positive curvature tile
puzzle. I'm not sure yet how I feel about it aesthetically. I'll wait
until I see it filled-in and have a chance to interact with it before I

I was kind of expecting to see spheres and was surprised to see it from
what appears to be a point within the sphere, but in retrospect this is
in keeping with the style of your program. Then again maybe having the
ability to show it both ways would also make sense in the way that the
IRPs fit in.

> A disclaimer though... This {5,3} is the first spherical puzzle I've
> put into MagicTile V2, and it's not really ready. Twisting of
> inverted slices misbehaves (affects one inverted slice in this
> puzzle), plus the drawing is undeveloped (stickers aren't filled in,
> and twists aren't animated). The spherical world needs some love.

That also goes for the spherical world we live on.

> * It seems to need different twisting speeds for the different
> element types.
> Right now, I have the different twist types animating so they will
> complete in the same time interval. Because of the varying angles
> they rotate through, this makes some twist types appear to move faster
> than others. I liked this better than having all twist types rotate
> through the same angle at each animation step. Edge twists felt like
> they took too long to complete that way.

Do the current speed ratios look ideal to your eye? This makes me wonder
what formula would make the twisting speeds look "correct" to you, me
and others. Is there a formula that will make it so that nobody even notices

> * It seems to want a more fitting name. I can't think what though
> so maybe someone else on the list can suggest one.
> I agree completely. FEV isn't really descriptive enough, as there are
> a huge number of potential FEV puzzles, and this particular pattern
> would benefit from having a special name for sure. A couple ideas are
> to name them "Braid" puzzles or "Doily" puzzles. Maybe something else
> which evoked the image of all the tangent circles would be good...

I seem to be turning this whole thread into a discussion of puzzle
aesthetics. Now we just need a beautiful term for your new puzzles.
"Fervent" puzzles maybe? It has the letters FEVT in the right order.
Nah. Sooner or later someone here will probably come up with the perfect
name, maybe even by accident. We shall see.


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On 12/12/2011 5:44 PM, Roice Nelson wrote:

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Melinda
Green wrote:


Wow! That's amazing, Roice!!


Thanks!  I didn't know this one was going to get such a
good reaction :D

For my part I find it very cool. I especially like that our master
solvers say it's easy because I'm more likely to try it. I'm also
finding that I'm getting more and more attracted to puzzles that I
can solve intuitively. That's one reason I love your Harlequin
puzzle so much. It's just right for me and is very pretty too.

I also love the small puzzles like the 24-cell which are also very
hard just to enjoy fiddling with them and admiring their terrible
power. I guess there are a lot of different things I love about lots
of these new puzzles.


  Looking closely I now
see that you already support a {6,3} with two types of twists.
I didn't recall discussing it on the list. Looking at it now,
it seems like such a frightening crazy-quilt. Somehow this new
{7,3} with many more colors and three types of twists seems
much more tractable to me and much more elegant. Might there
be other similarly {6,3} or perhaps even {5,3} puzzles that
are as elegant as this new gem?


Yep, this cut pattern works for other tilings.  I went
ahead and added {5,3} and {6,3} variants (and uploaded
pictures href="">here and

Wow, that was fast!

The reason I was interested in smaller polygons was because I wanted
to see what this design looked like when all the circles are about
the same size. Sure enough the {6,3} is the closest and looks
beautiful to my eye. It's slightly disappointing that the face
pieces aren't exactly the same size as the others but I think it
looks the most attractive. That's so cool that you also knocked out
the first positive curvature tile puzzle. I'm not sure yet how I
feel about it aesthetically. I'll wait until I see it filled-in and
have a chance to interact with it before I decide.

I was kind of expecting to see spheres and was surprised to see it
from what appears to be a point within the sphere, but in retrospect
this is in keeping with the style of your program. Then again maybe
having the ability to show it both ways would also make sense in the
way that the IRPs fit in.



A disclaimer though... This {5,3} is the first spherical
puzzle I've put into MagicTile V2, and it's not really ready. 
Twisting of inverted slices misbehaves (affects one inverted
slice in this puzzle), plus the drawing is undeveloped
(stickers aren't filled in, and twists aren't animated).  The
spherical world needs some love.

That also goes for the spherical world we live on.



* It seems to need
different twisting speeds for the different element types.


Right now, I have the different twist types animating so
they will complete in the same time interval.  Because of the
varying angles they rotate through, this makes some twist
types appear to move faster than others.  I liked this
better than having all twist types rotate through the same
angle at each animation step.  Edge twists felt like they took
too long to complete that way.

Do the current speed ratios look ideal to your eye? This makes me
wonder what formula would make the twisting speeds look "correct" to
you, me and others. Is there a formula that will make it so that
nobody even notices



* It seems to want a
more fitting name. I can't think what though so maybe
someone else on the list can suggest one.


I agree completely.  FEV isn't really descriptive enough,
as there are a huge number of potential FEV puzzles, and this
particular pattern would benefit from having a special name
for sure.  A couple ideas are to name them "Braid" puzzles or
"Doily" puzzles.  Maybe something else which evoked the image
of all the tangent circles would be good...

I seem to be turning this whole thread into a discussion of puzzle
aesthetics. Now we just need a beautiful term for your new puzzles.
"Fervent" puzzles maybe? It has the letters FEVT in the right order.
Nah. Sooner or later someone here will probably come up with the
perfect name, maybe even by accident. We shall see.



From: "schuma" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 06:23:11 -0000
Subject: Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

Roice, thanks for making the beautiful {6,3} and {5,3}!

I just solved them, and here are some interesting things about them:

(1) Melinda said, in {6,3}, "It's slightly disappointing that the face piec=
es aren't exactly the same size as the others but I think it looks the most=

This is very funny. The face circles do seem to be larger than other circle=
s. But if you think about it... they are actually exactly the same size. Th=
e geometry is like placing six quarters (vertex circles) around another qua=
rter (face circle). 2920.htm> One can verify the equality of the sizes by drawing some horizont=
al lines in a screenshot.

It's an optical illusion that the face circle appears larger. I think it's =
because of the hexagons, and the fact that the face circle is one color whe=
reas the others are filled by two or three colors.

(2) In {5,3}, if the circles are perfect circles, there should be some tiny=
pieces. Am I right? One can make the vertex circles tangent to each other,=
and then make the face circles the right size to be tangent to the vertex =
circles. But when he/she adds the edge circles, these circles not necessari=
ly pass through the tangent points. By zooming it in, it seems like the adj=
acent edge circles intersect within the face circles by a little bit. If it=
's true, I appreciate eliminating the tiny pieces to keep this puzzle neat.

(3) I noticed the geometric issue of {5,3} because I was trying to draw the=
corresponding cube puzzle ({4,3}). And I found that to prevent the small p=
ieces in {4,3}, one has to make some circles into ellipses. And the result =
is not that neat.=20

Another solution to make a nice {4,3} of this kind is to change the size of=
the face circles so that they are tangent to the edges. The puzzle would b=
e like this one (Gelatinbrain 3.5.2):


I like this configuration since all the circles have the same radius.

Note that GB 3.5.2 is not an FEV turning puzzle. In GB 3.5.2 vertices are n=
ot turning and edges can turn by 90 degrees (by allowing deformation). I'm =
not describing it very well. One may want to check GB to see how it works. =
I think it would be aesthetically better to make it into a FEV turning puzz=
le. I will suggest it to Gelatinbrain soon.


--- In, Melinda Green wrote:

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 22:48:01 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

On 12/12/2011 10:23 PM, schuma wrote:
> Roice, thanks for making the beautiful {6,3} and {5,3}!
> I just solved them, and here are some interesting things about them:
> (1) Melinda said, in {6,3}, "It's slightly disappointing that the face pieces aren't exactly the same size as the others but I think it looks the most attractive."
> This is very funny. The face circles do seem to be larger than other circles. But if you think about it... they are actually exactly the same size.

Oh my! Of course you are right. I'm not sure how I missed that.
Sometimes I'm happy when I'm wrong and this is one of those times. This
puzzle is perfect.

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 19:20:05 -0600
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Melinda Green wrote:

> I was kind of expecting to see spheres and was surprised to see it from
> what appears to be a point within the sphere, but in retrospect this is in
> keeping with the style of your program. Then again maybe having the ability
> to show it both ways would also make sense in the way that the IRPs fit in.

I would like to eventually support both views. I also want to have an
option to show the Torus puzzles pasted on a donut, the Klein Bottle
puzzles pasted on Boy's Surface, KQ on a tetrus or triple
etc. We really will never run out of things to do :)

> Do the current speed ratios look ideal to your eye? This makes me wonder
> what formula would make the twisting speeds look "correct" to you, me and
> others. Is there a formula that will make it so that nobody even notices

They look ok, though the edge twisting can seem a bit fast. Maybe an
option to normalize by time or normalize by angular speed would be
appropriate? It could even be a slider with these extremes at the two ends
and interpolation in between. The user might then be able to find their
own ideal balance point. If you like this idea, I'll add it to the todo


Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Melinda Green w=
id" class=3D"gmail_quote">



I was kind of expecting to see spheres and was surprised to see it
from what appears to be a point within the sphere, but in retrospect
this is in keeping with the style of your program. Then again maybe
having the ability to show it both ways would also make sense in the
way that the IRPs fit in.
I =
would like to eventually support both views.=A0 I also want to have an opti=
on to show the Torus puzzles pasted on a donut, the Klein Bottle puzzles=A0=
pasted on Boy's Surface, KQ on a tetrus">triple torus, etc. =A0We really will never =
run out of things to do :)

e:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">

Do the current speed ratios look ideal to your eye? This makes me
wonder what formula would make the twisting speeds look "correct&q=
uot; to
you, me and others. Is there a formula that will make it so that
nobody even notices
They loo=
k ok, though=A0the edge twisting can seem a bit fast.=A0=A0Maybe an option =
to normalize by time or normalize by angular speed would be appropriate?=A0=
It could even be a slider with these extremes at the two ends and interpol=
ation in between.=A0 The user might then be able to find their own ideal ba=
lance point.=A0 If you like this idea, I'll add it to the todo list.iv>



From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 19:39:49 -0600
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:23 AM, schuma wrote:

> Roice, thanks for making the beautiful {6,3} and {5,3}!

You're welcome :) I'm glad the work I did to make things configurable is
paying off a bit now. These both only took only a few minutes to
configure. I think I'll send an email soon describing how to do this.

> It's an optical illusion that the face circle appears larger. I think it's
> because of the hexagons, and the fact that the face circle is one color
> whereas the others are filled by two or three colors.

The optical illusion got me too! A consequence of your observation is that
all the small pieces are now the same size. It would therefore be possible
to extend this puzzle so that edges could twist through 1/6th a turn
instead of 1/2 turn. Such twists could end up locking adjacent vertex
twists, but this would extend the orbits of the small pieces (any of them
could go to any other). But honestly, the thought of trying to code this
extension scares me - it's nice to not have to worry about tracking things
like locked twists.

> (2) In {5,3}, if the circles are perfect circles, there should be some
> tiny pieces. Am I right? One can make the vertex circles tangent to each
> other, and then make the face circles the right size to be tangent to the
> vertex circles. But when he/she adds the edge circles, these circles not
> necessarily pass through the tangent points. By zooming it in, it seems
> like the adjacent edge circles intersect within the face circles by a
> little bit. If it's true, I appreciate eliminating the tiny pieces to keep
> this puzzle neat.

Wow, this I did not expect, but you are right! Since the {5,3} doesn't fit
together perfectly, I immediately suspected the {7,3} does not either, and
sure enough, that is true as well. In both cases, the thickness I used for
the slices had the effect of removing those tiny pieces (the slice
thickness is configurable, so this doesn't have to be the case). I like
them better without the tiny pieces as well, but this diminishes the
elegance of these puzzles a bit, excepting the {6,3} of course.

> (3) I noticed the geometric issue of {5,3} because I was trying to draw
> the corresponding cube puzzle ({4,3}). And I found that to prevent the
> small pieces in {4,3}, one has to make some circles into ellipses. And the
> result is not that neat.
> Another solution to make a nice {4,3} of this kind is to change the size
> of the face circles so that they are tangent to the edges. The puzzle would
> be like this one (Gelatinbrain 3.5.2):
I made the {4,3} FEV puzzle you suggest, but it does have tiny pieces in
MagicTile (due to interaction between edge and vertex circles). I haven't
added to the program yet, because I'd like your opinion between two
options, one leaving the tiny pieces
and one where the slice thickness is increased enough to avoid
Or maybe something else would be better. Let me know what you think.


Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:23 AM, schuma=A0wrote=
left-color:rgb(204,204,204);border-left-width:1px;border-left-style:solid" =

Roice, thanks for making the beautiful {6,3} and {5,3}!
r>You're welcome :) =A0I'm glad the work I did to make things confi=
gurable is paying off a bit now. =A0These both only took only a few minutes=
to configure.=A0 I think I'll send an email soon describing how to do =

e:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">

It's an optical illusion that the face circle appears larger. I think i=
t's because of the hexagons, and the fact that the face circle is one c=
olor whereas the others are filled by two or three colors.

The optical illusion got me too! =A0A consequence of you=
r observation is that all the small pieces are now the same size. =A0It wou=
ld therefore be possible to extend this puzzle=A0so that edges could twist =
through 1/6th a turn instead of 1/2 turn.=A0 Such twists could end up locki=
ng adjacent vertex twists, but this would extend the orbits of the small pi=
eces (any of them could go to any other).=A0 But honestly, the thought of t=
rying to code this extension scares me - it's nice to not have to worry=
about tracking things like locked twists.

e:solid" class=3D"gmail_quote">

(2) In {5,3}, if the circles are perfect circles, there should be some tiny=
pieces. Am I right? One can make the vertex circles tangent to each other,=
and then make the face circles the right size to be tangent to the vertex =
circles. But when he/she adds the edge circles, these circles not necessari=
ly pass through the tangent points. By zooming it in, it seems like the adj=
acent edge circles intersect within the face circles by a little bit. If it=
's true, I appreciate eliminating the tiny pieces to keep this puzzle n=

Wow, this I did not expect, but you are right!=A0 Since =
the {5,3} doesn't fit together perfectly, I immediately suspected the {=
7,3} does not either, and sure enough, that is true as well.=A0 In both cas=
es, the thickness I used for the slices had the effect of removing those ti=
ny pieces (the slice thickness is configurable, so this doesn't have to=
be the case).=A0 I like them better without the tiny pieces as well, but t=
his diminishes the elegance of these puzzles a bit, excepting the {6,3} of =

color:rgb(204,204,204);border-left-width:1px;border-left-style:solid" class=

(3) I noticed the geometric issue of {5,3} because I was trying to draw the=
corresponding cube puzzle ({4,3}). And I found that to prevent the small p=
ieces in {4,3}, one has to make some circles into ellipses. And the result =
is not that neat.

Another solution to make a nice {4,3} of this kind is to change the size of=
the face circles so that they are tangent to the edges. The puzzle would b=
e like this one (Gelatinbrain 3.5.2):

I=A0made the {4,=
3} FEV=A0puzzle you suggest, but it does have tiny pieces in MagicTile (due=
to interaction between edge and vertex circles).=A0 I haven't added to=
the program yet, because I'd like your opinion between two options, href=3D"
start=3D1&dir=3Dasc">one leaving the tiny pieces in, and "
&dir=3Dasc">one where the slice thickness=A0is increased enough to avoi=
d them
. =A0Or maybe something else would be better. =A0Let me know what=
you think.



From: "schuma" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 02:28:42 -0000
Subject: Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

Hi Roice,

Between the two {4,3} candidates, I like the second one better, because in =
candidate #1, it's so hard to see the tiny pieces. Another reason I don't l=
ike the first one is because the face circles seem to be truncated where th=
ey touch the edges (because of the width of edges). They look more like oct=
agons. But in candidate #2 they are more circular.=20

We can also create candidate #3, which is basically #2, except the face cir=
cles are much smaller so that they are tangent to the vertex circles. This =
candidate should be a direct analog of {5,3}, {6,3}, and {7,3}: face circle=
s tangent to vertex circles; edge circles tangent to each other.

Gelatinbrain also added the FEV {4,3} in his applet, as 3.7.10. You can fin=
d a screenshot here:
He defines the edge circles in a different way that so that they pass the f=
ace centers. In none of our candidates we have this property. In GB 3.7.10 =
no piece is too small.

So among the candidates I prefer #3, which should also be the easiest to so=
lve. Then #2.


--- In, Roice Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:23 AM, schuma wrote:
> > Roice, thanks for making the beautiful {6,3} and {5,3}!
> You're welcome :) I'm glad the work I did to make things configurable is
> paying off a bit now. These both only took only a few minutes to
> configure. I think I'll send an email soon describing how to do this.
> > It's an optical illusion that the face circle appears larger. I think i=
> > because of the hexagons, and the fact that the face circle is one color
> > whereas the others are filled by two or three colors.
> The optical illusion got me too! A consequence of your observation is th=
> all the small pieces are now the same size. It would therefore be possib=
> to extend this puzzle so that edges could twist through 1/6th a turn
> instead of 1/2 turn. Such twists could end up locking adjacent vertex
> twists, but this would extend the orbits of the small pieces (any of them
> could go to any other). But honestly, the thought of trying to code this
> extension scares me - it's nice to not have to worry about tracking thing=
> like locked twists.
> > (2) In {5,3}, if the circles are perfect circles, there should be some
> > tiny pieces. Am I right? One can make the vertex circles tangent to eac=
> > other, and then make the face circles the right size to be tangent to t=
> > vertex circles. But when he/she adds the edge circles, these circles no=
> > necessarily pass through the tangent points. By zooming it in, it seems
> > like the adjacent edge circles intersect within the face circles by a
> > little bit. If it's true, I appreciate eliminating the tiny pieces to k=
> > this puzzle neat.
> Wow, this I did not expect, but you are right! Since the {5,3} doesn't f=
> together perfectly, I immediately suspected the {7,3} does not either, an=
> sure enough, that is true as well. In both cases, the thickness I used f=
> the slices had the effect of removing those tiny pieces (the slice
> thickness is configurable, so this doesn't have to be the case). I like
> them better without the tiny pieces as well, but this diminishes the
> elegance of these puzzles a bit, excepting the {6,3} of course.
> > (3) I noticed the geometric issue of {5,3} because I was trying to draw
> > the corresponding cube puzzle ({4,3}). And I found that to prevent the
> > small pieces in {4,3}, one has to make some circles into ellipses. And =
> > result is not that neat.
> >
> > Another solution to make a nice {4,3} of this kind is to change the siz=
> > of the face circles so that they are tangent to the edges. The puzzle w=
> > be like this one (Gelatinbrain 3.5.2):
> >
> I made the {4,3} FEV puzzle you suggest, but it does have tiny pieces in
> MagicTile (due to interaction between edge and vertex circles). I haven'=
> added to the program yet, because I'd like your opinion between two
> options, one leaving the tiny pieces
> in73747084/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mode=3Dtn&order=3Dordinal&start=3D1&dir=3D=
> and one where the slice thickness is increased enough to avoid
> them115232229/view?picmode=3Doriginal&mode=3Dtn&order=3Dordinal&start=3D1&dir=
> Or maybe something else would be better. Let me know what you think.
> Roice

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 23:55:53 -0600
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thanks Nan. I've added #3 for now as well, and improved things a little
for spherical puzzles. The twists will now animate, and I corrected the
twisting of inverted slices. If you saved your {5,3} FEV solution file, it
may be broken (depending on whether you used that inverted twist when
solving). Sorry about that.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 8:28 PM, schuma wrote:

> Hi Roice,
> Between the two {4,3} candidates, I like the second one better, because in
> candidate #1, it's so hard to see the tiny pieces. Another reason I don't
> like the first one is because the face circles seem to be truncated where
> they touch the edges (because of the width of edges). They look more like
> octagons. But in candidate #2 they are more circular.
> We can also create candidate #3, which is basically #2, except the face
> circles are much smaller so that they are tangent to the vertex circles.
> This candidate should be a direct analog of {5,3}, {6,3}, and {7,3}: face
> circles tangent to vertex circles; edge circles tangent to each other.
> Gelatinbrain also added the FEV {4,3} in his applet, as 3.7.10. You can
> find a screenshot here:
> <
> >
> He defines the edge circles in a different way that so that they pass the
> face centers. In none of our candidates we have this property. In GB 3.7.10
> no piece is too small.
> So among the candidates I prefer #3, which should also be the easiest to
> solve. Then #2.
> Nan

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thanks Nan. =A0I've added #3 for now as well, and improved things =
a little for spherical puzzles. =A0The twists will now animate, and I corre=
cted the twisting of inverted slices. =A0If you saved your {5,3} FEV soluti=
on file, it may be broken (depending on whether you used that inverted twis=
t when solving). =A0Sorry about that.


ss=3D"gmail_quote">On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 8:28 PM, schuma "><mananself@gm=

x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Hi Roice,

Between the two {4,3} candidates, I like the second one better, because in =
candidate #1, it's so hard to see the tiny pieces. Another reason I don=
't like the first one is because the face circles seem to be truncated =
where they touch the edges (because of the width of edges). They look more =
like octagons. But in candidate #2 they are more circular.

We can also create candidate #3, which is basically #2, except the face cir=
cles are much smaller so that they are tangent to the vertex circles. This =
candidate should be a direct analog of {5,3}, {6,3}, and {7,3}: face circle=
s tangent to vertex circles; edge circles tangent to each other.

Gelatinbrain also added the FEV {4,3} in his applet, as 3.7.10. You can fin=
d a screenshot here:

<MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=3Ddirectlink" target=3D"_blank">https://picasawe=

He defines the edge circles in a different way that so that they pass the f=
ace centers. In none of our candidates we have this property. In GB 3.7.10 =
no piece is too small.

So among the candidates I prefer #3, which should also be the easiest to so=
lve. Then #2.



From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 23:55:58 -0600
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Another {7,3} puzzle

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thanks Nan. I've added #3 for now as well, and improved things a little
for spherical puzzles. The twists will now animate, and I corrected the
twisting of inverted slices. If you saved your {5,3} FEV solution file, it
may be broken (depending on whether you used that inverted twist when
solving). Sorry about that.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 8:28 PM, schuma wrote:

> Hi Roice,
> Between the two {4,3} candidates, I like the second one better, because in
> candidate #1, it's so hard to see the tiny pieces. Another reason I don't
> like the first one is because the face circles seem to be truncated where
> they touch the edges (because of the width of edges). They look more like
> octagons. But in candidate #2 they are more circular.
> We can also create candidate #3, which is basically #2, except the face
> circles are much smaller so that they are tangent to the vertex circles.
> This candidate should be a direct analog of {5,3}, {6,3}, and {7,3}: face
> circles tangent to vertex circles; edge circles tangent to each other.
> Gelatinbrain also added the FEV {4,3} in his applet, as 3.7.10. You can
> find a screenshot here:
> <
> >
> He defines the edge circles in a different way that so that they pass the
> face centers. In none of our candidates we have this property. In GB 3.7.10
> no piece is too small.
> So among the candidates I prefer #3, which should also be the easiest to
> solve. Then #2.
> Nan

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thanks Nan. =A0I've added #3 for now as well, and improved things =
a little for spherical puzzles. =A0The twists will now animate, and I corre=
cted the twisting of inverted slices. =A0If you saved your {5,3} FEV soluti=
on file, it may be broken (depending on whether you used that inverted twis=
t when solving). =A0Sorry about that.


ss=3D"gmail_quote">On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 8:28 PM, schuma "><mananself@gm=

x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Hi Roice,

Between the two {4,3} candidates, I like the second one better, because in =
candidate #1, it's so hard to see the tiny pieces. Another reason I don=
't like the first one is because the face circles seem to be truncated =
where they touch the edges (because of the width of edges). They look more =
like octagons. But in candidate #2 they are more circular.

We can also create candidate #3, which is basically #2, except the face cir=
cles are much smaller so that they are tangent to the vertex circles. This =
candidate should be a direct analog of {5,3}, {6,3}, and {7,3}: face circle=
s tangent to vertex circles; edge circles tangent to each other.

Gelatinbrain also added the FEV {4,3} in his applet, as 3.7.10. You can fin=
d a screenshot here:

<MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=3Ddirectlink" target=3D"_blank">https://picasawe=

He defines the edge circles in a different way that so that they pass the f=
ace centers. In none of our candidates we have this property. In GB 3.7.10 =
no piece is too small.

So among the candidates I prefer #3, which should also be the easiest to so=
lve. Then #2.

