Six Faces on Flat Rubik
On internet you can find the very powerfull "CubeExplorer". He finds very s=
hort solutions for given scramblings.
My task was to translate the scrambling in "Six Faces" in the "CubeExplorer=
" picture. For this I notet the colors of the w-form unfolding of "Six Face=
s" on a paper and did the folding to get a little 3D cube. Only now I it wa=
s easy to fill the CubeExplorer picture!!
Now I asked CubicExplorer to solve the scrambling. His answer is in the for=
m RTDBLRL2... This I had to translate in the FlatRubik script notation like=
So I solved Six Faces with 39 moves.
Nine Faces on Flat Rubik
Even if the moves are like those in "Six Faces" the puzzle is very differen=
t. There are no "cubicles" like vertices or edges whose stickers stay toget=
her. It is not easy to get not doubled 3-cycles for edge- and corner-sticke=
There is a parity issue. Because the basic moves are composed by an odd num=
ber (3) of corner 4-cycles and an even number (2) of edge 4-cycles it is po=
ssible to be left with a unique inversion of two corner stickers.
I solved Nine Faces with about 1 mio moves.
--- In, "Eduard"
> Flat Rubik
> I like this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On my
> demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
> explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only render
> solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Double shift" has
> the property that there the invers of the twist is not offered.
> Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So twist^(7-1) gives the invers.