Thread: "Some questions"

From: Remigiusz Durka <>
Date: 15 Apr 2005 00:37:50 +0200
Subject: Some questions

Excuse me for talking so much....(when I joined there started the h=
igh activity on this group;))

I have another questions and suggestions:

-I want to translate the solution (using some texts from the page f=3D" can">http://www= can
I do it? I want to mak=
e better picuteres for sequences and show the algoritms more clearly...But =
I will be using vocalbulary and system from the page...

-There should be more clearly shown that other cubes (2^4, 4^4 and 5^4) =
are aviable ..but in linux version...(I was not the only one who missed tha=
t note in the page...)

-Why windows version hasn't got option to change the size of the cu=

-Why cube in the linux version can't be seen from any direction (like wi=
ndows ver.) - probably the last questions are connected ;)

It's all for today....


Thank you for any possible answers..And good night










12px Courier New, Courier,; padding: 3px; background: #ffffff;=
color: #000000">----------------------------------------------------------=

Startuj z INTERIA.PL! >>> >

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:44:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Some questions

--- Remigiusz Durka wrote:

> -I want to translate the solution (using some texts
> from the page
> can I do it? I want to make better picuteres for
> sequences and show the algoritms more clearly...
> But I will be using vocalbulary and system from the
> page...

Feel free to translate this solution and to use any
material from it. If you publish another solution
that directly copies material (or is based on material
from it), I just ask that you:

(1) please give credit with a reference.
(2) provide a link to the original solution if posted
on the web.

If you do end up doing this, send me the link so I can
check it out :)



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From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:05:08 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Some questions


you do not need to make excuses for "disturbing" the list. i know it
seems like it's asleep most of the time but i'm sure most members would
like to see it a little more awake.

now to your questions:

i only recently added the note about the availability of the other size
cubes, so it's not surprising that you missed it.

the reason the windows version doesn't support other sizes is because
the Direct3D library i used would mysteriously crash when the user
attempted to change sizes. i never did figure out why and sadly just
removed that option.

you are right that the question about screen rotations in the linux
version is connected to the edge length question, though i don't know
how you could have guessed that. ;-)
the reason is because the linux version uses full 4D->3D->2D projection
and don didn't want to have to implement the extra transformations to
perform rotations. in my case, since i was using Direct3D, i only needed
to do the 4D->3D projection and let D3D do the rest. i still had to
implement a quaternion object to produce the rotation matrices for it
but that wasn't too hard.

oh, and if you do translate and publish royce's solution on the web,
please post the url here and i'll link to it from the MC4D site.


Remigiusz Durka wrote:

>Excuse me for talking so much....(when I joined there started the high activity
>on this group;))
>I have another questions and suggestions:
>-I want to translate the solution (using some texts from the page
> can I do it? I want to
>make better picuteres for sequences and show the algoritms more clearly...But I
>will be using vocalbulary and system from the page...
>-There should be more clearly shown that other cubes (2^4, 4^4 and 5^4) are
>aviable ..but in linux version...(I was not the only one who missed that note in
>the page...)
>-Why windows version hasn't got option to change the size of the cube?
>-Why cube in the linux version can't be seen from any direction (like windows
>ver.) - probably the last questions are connected ;)
>It's all for today....
>Thank you for any possible answers..And good night
>Yahoo! Groups Links
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> .
>Nie dzwon do Londynu...
>zanim nie sprawdzisz

From: Don Hatch <>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:03:30 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Some questions

The linux version does let you rotate in 3d,
but not a fully general rotation-- there are two degrees
of freedom called "tilt" and "twirl", which you can modify
using the x/X/y/Y keys.
The initial values of tilt and twirl can be set using environment varables,
X resources, or command line options; see the MagicCube4D-unix.txt
for how to do this.

The reason there aren't all three degrees of rotational freedom
in the Linux version is just my own personal preference--
I never want the third one, especially when solving the cube.
I always want the "north pole" of the model to point straight
up on the screen; it's irritating to me if it doesn't.
Given a general trackball interface like in the Windows version,
I'd just be pulling my hair out trying to get the vertical
axis back in alignment all the time, and never quite getting it right.

When solving the cube, I generally adjust tilt and twirl until I like them,
and just leave them there so I don't get disoriented.
I do make very frequent use of the 90 degree 3d rotations
that are available though-- to get these, hold down the 1,2,3 keys
like a chord, and click on a sticker.
(1,2,3,4 if it's the 4x4x4x4 puzzle, etc.)


On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 06:05:08PM -0700, Melinda Green wrote:
> Remigiusz,
> you do not need to make excuses for "disturbing" the list. i know it
> seems like it's asleep most of the time but i'm sure most members would
> like to see it a little more awake.
> now to your questions:
> i only recently added the note about the availability of the other size
> cubes, so it's not surprising that you missed it.
> the reason the windows version doesn't support other sizes is because
> the Direct3D library i used would mysteriously crash when the user
> attempted to change sizes. i never did figure out why and sadly just
> removed that option.
> you are right that the question about screen rotations in the linux
> version is connected to the edge length question, though i don't know
> how you could have guessed that. ;-)
> the reason is because the linux version uses full 4D->3D->2D projection
> and don didn't want to have to implement the extra transformations to
> perform rotations. in my case, since i was using Direct3D, i only needed
> to do the 4D->3D projection and let D3D do the rest. i still had to
> implement a quaternion object to produce the rotation matrices for it
> but that wasn't too hard.
> oh, and if you do translate and publish royce's solution on the web,
> please post the url here and i'll link to it from the MC4D site.
> -melinda
> Remigiusz Durka wrote:
> >Excuse me for talking so much....(when I joined there started the high activity
> >on this group;))
> >
> >I have another questions and suggestions:
> >
> >-I want to translate the solution (using some texts from the page
> > can I do it? I want to
> >make better picuteres for sequences and show the algoritms more clearly...But I
> >will be using vocalbulary and system from the page...
> >
> >-There should be more clearly shown that other cubes (2^4, 4^4 and 5^4) are
> >aviable ..but in linux version...(I was not the only one who missed that note in
> >the page...)
> >
> >-Why windows version hasn't got option to change the size of the cube?
> >
> >-Why cube in the linux version can't be seen from any direction (like windows
> >ver.) - probably the last questions are connected ;)
> >
> >It's all for today....
> >
> >
> >
> >Thank you for any possible answers..And good night
> >
> >RemiQ
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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> >
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> >
> > * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service
> > .
> >
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Nie dzwon do Londynu...
> >zanim nie sprawdzisz
> >Tutaj:
> >
> >
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Don Hatch

From: Jay Berkenbilt <>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 21:17:52 -0400
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Some questions

Don Hatch wrote:

> When solving the cube, I generally adjust tilt and twirl until I
> like them, and just leave them there so I don't get disoriented. I
> do make very frequent use of the 90 degree 3d rotations that are
> available though-- to get these, hold down the 1,2,3 keys like a
> chord, and click on a sticker. (1,2,3,4 if it's the 4x4x4x4 puzzle,
> etc.)

A shortcut for this is to just shift-click on any cell. This will
give you a 90, 120, or 180 degree rotation of the entire puzzle, just
like holding down 1,2,3 (or 1,2,3,4, etc.).

Also, in addition to using x/X/y/Y to rotate, you can click and drag
with SHIFT-middle or CTRL-middle button.

This information gets printed to the terminal from which you started
the puzzle when you type the "h" key. Yes, I know it's not that clean
to have a graphical program write to standard output. Oh well. :-)
Anyway, there's lots of good information to be seen by typing "h".


Jay Berkenbilt

From: Don Hatch <>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 16:04:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Some questions

On Sat, Apr 16, 2005 at 09:17:52PM -0400, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
> Don Hatch wrote:
> > When solving the cube, I generally adjust tilt and twirl until I
> > like them, and just leave them there so I don't get disoriented. I
> > do make very frequent use of the 90 degree 3d rotations that are
> > available though-- to get these, hold down the 1,2,3 keys like a
> > chord, and click on a sticker. (1,2,3,4 if it's the 4x4x4x4 puzzle,
> > etc.)
> A shortcut for this is to just shift-click on any cell. This will
> give you a 90, 120, or 180 degree rotation of the entire puzzle, just
> like holding down 1,2,3 (or 1,2,3,4, etc.).
Forgot about that-- much easier :-)

> Also, in addition to using x/X/y/Y to rotate, you can click and drag
> with SHIFT-middle or CTRL-middle button.
And forgot that too!! I was trying SHIFT-left and CTRL-left -- oops.

> This information gets printed to the terminal from which you started
> the puzzle when you type the "h" key. Yes, I know it's not that clean
> to have a graphical program write to standard output. Oh well. :-)
> Anyway, there's lots of good information to be seen by typing "h".
Is there any way to get it to print out the current tilt and twirl,
in case the user wants to save them as a preference?
(X resource, env var, or command line arg).


Don Hatch

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