Hi Melinda and Matt,
Melinda, thanks so much for your positive words and encouragement that I am
an asset to this wonderful community of good people!=C2=A0 It sounds like t=
he Android
work is very interesting and fun; good luck with that.=C2=A0 It's certainly=
very impressive!
Matt, thanks for the welcome!=C2=A0 I can explain why the formula did not w=
ork for the
starminx.=C2=A0 I hadn't even thought to mention this, which is my fault (a=
nd I apologize),
but the formula will only work for puzzles that are sliced 'normally'.=C2=
=A0 That is to say,
faces are cut evenly, all 1-colored pieces are on the inside of the face an=
d spaced
evenly and according to the shape of the puzzle, etc.=C2=A0 The reason why =
the starminx
is so much larger is that it is built into the formula that order-3 puzzles=
will have
one 1-colored piece per
face.=C2=A0 The fact that there are six per face greatly increases
the first factor of AveNumTwists, which makes the entire count much larger =
it ought to be.=C2=A0 My formula does work for all MagicCube4D, 5D and 7D p=
Having said this, I did realize this morning that I had jumped to conclusio=
when I said the formula works for puzzles of any dimension.=C2=A0 I have im=
proved the
formula to account for this, and it turns out to be remarkably accurate.=C2=
=A0 I also
modified the last term, turning a base-2 logarithm into a base-4 logarithm.=
would consider this an improvement rather than a correction, but anyone can=
free to disagree! ;) )=C2=A0 I have to admit; which base to choose original=
ly was a bit of=20
guesswork.=C2=A0 It turns out that the base-2 logarithm formula, even when =
taking into
account the lower number of dimensions, did not work as well for the megami=
as it did for the
cubes.=C2=A0 I realized that if I doubled the base of the logarithm, the
megaminx almost automatically 'snapped' into place, again as if by magic.=
=C2=A0 Here
is the revised formula:
Npieces =3D number of pieces in the puzzle (including
1-colored pieces)
Nfaces =3D number of faces in the puzzle
Nstickers =3D number of stickers in the puzzle
N1Cpieces =3D number of 1-colored pieces in the puzzle
d =3D dimension of the puzzle
ln(x) =3D natural logarithm of x
log4(x) =3D base 4 logarithm of x =3D ln(x)/ln(4) =3D
AveNumTwists =3D (Npieces*Nfaces/(Nstickers - N1Cpieces)) *
Number of Twists to Scramble (round to nearest integer) =3D
AveNumTwists * (d-1+log4(Nfaces/(2*d)))
The great thing about this new formula is that all of the 4-dimensional cub=
keep the same value.=C2=A0 The simplex becomes 14 moves, and the 120-cell b=
1783.=C2=A0 I believe that both of these counts are accurate.=C2=A0 My basi=
s for the base-4
logarithm was from the 3D counts Melinda pointed out to me (thanks Melinda!=
Just see how accurate my formula is in 3 dimensions:
2^3 cube: 11 moves
3^3 cube: 25 moves
4^3 cube: 43 moves (WCA: 40 moves)
5^3 cube: 63 moves (WCA: 60 moves)
6^3 cube: 85 moves (WCA: 80 moves)
4^3 cube: 108 moves (WCA: 100 moves)
Megaminx: 73 moves (WCA: 70 moves)
These counts are remarkably close to the WCA counts, as you can see!=C2=A0 =
I was
very surprised to see that.
I have to go now, but I'll talk to you all later!
All the best,
--- On Sat, 5/7/11, Melinda Green
From: Melinda Green
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Goldilock's function
To: 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 7, 2011, 1:40 AM
Wow, what a great email, David!! I especially liked your signposts
showing where the scary math begins and ends.
I must say this looks *very* promising. The outputs you got for all
the puzzles you tested do indeed sound ideal. I'm not surprised that
the simplex needs fewer than my 1-minute formula gives, and that the
120 Cell needs a lot more--as Andrey has recently shown us. It's
also great that your inputs are values we should either have on hand
or be able to produce without much trouble, and that your equations
are simple enough that I think I can handle it. This is all exactly
what I had hoped for, and if it is not, then I suspect you'll be
able to modify it to be so. Once we've decided this is just right, I
hope that you will describe how you generated your final formula.
Of course this all puts the ball in my court now. I did the Android
port in order to learn Android graphics and to impress potential
employers, but I have a new laptop and have not been looking forward
to setting up source control to work on the desktop version, but I
am now out of excuses and will simply have to just have to do it.=C2=A0
:-D=C2=A0 Luckily the timing is good as I've finished all the Android
projects that I set out to build and am not working yet.
BTW, how does your formula do with the official numbers for the 3D
puzzles that Nan referred us to? I imagine that they will err more
on the side of safety than we need, but if your formula reproduces
those numbers multiplied by some constant, that will be even more
evidence that you've gotten it right. In fact that would mean that
you could introduce yet another scalar parameter for that constant
which represents the desired safety margin.
This is very cool, David. Thank you for putting substantial effort
into this problem. Oh, and now do you see why we're glad to have you
back? Actually, your enthusiasm is even more valuable than your math
skills, but I'll very happily take both!=C2=A0 :-)
On 5/6/2011 7:45 PM, David Smith wrote:
Hi Melinda (and
everyone else),
I spent most of today working on the Goldilocks function
problem, and believe I
have found a good function that will work!=C2=A0 It's a bit
detailed, so I hope that's not a
problem.=C2=A0 It's the simplest one I could come up with tha=
is very well mathematically
Here is the pseudocode:
Npieces =3D number of pieces in the puzzle (including
1-colored pieces)
Nfaces =3D number of faces in the puzzle
Nstickers =3D number of stickers in the puzzle
N1Cpieces =3D number of 1-colored pieces in the puzzle
ln(x) =3D natural logarithm of x
log2(x) =3D base 2 logarithm of x =3D ln(x)/ln(2) =3D
AveNumTwists =3D (Npieces*Nfaces/(Nstickers - N1Cpieces)) *
Number of Twists to Scramble (round to nearest integer) =3D
AveNumTwists * log2(Nfaces)
Hopefully that's complex enough! ;)=C2=A0 I observed that you
have all of the functions
required (by attempting to create the ordinary Rubik's
cube, which was apparently
BRILLIANT!) except possibly log2 and N1Cpieces.=C2=A0 I gave
you a conversion formula
for the former, and I'm betting you have the latter, but
if not it shouldn't be too difficult
to implement.
I'll give a brief explanation.=C2=A0 It took some
experimentation to arrive at this formula; I
tried many different approaches; this is the one that
really worked.=C2=A0 AveNumTwists
counts the average number of twists needed to move every
piece of a puzzle at least
once. (Of course this number will in fact move many pieces
more than once).=C2=A0 It should
hopefully be clear that this average number of twists will
provide a well-scrambled
puzzle when applied more than once.=C2=A0 The second factor o=
AveNumTwists utilizes a
logarithm and the number 0.577, which some of you may
recognize as the gamma
constant.=C2=A0 This factor is an approximation of the nth
harmonic number (sum of the
first n terms in the harmonic series) for n =3D Npieces.
The last term of the final calculation uses the insight I
had that as the number of
faces of the puzzle doubles, we need to move every piece
an additional time, by
adding AveNumTwists one more time.=C2=A0 Of course, attemptin=
to move every piece
across the entire puzzle, even via a direct path, would
produce astronomical results
for the 120-cell and other puzzles with a large number of
faces.=C2=A0 For the 120-cell,=20
AveNumTwists is about 7, which sounds right, considering
that even with 10,000
twists you will for all practical purposes never find a
piece on the opposite side of
the puzzle from where it started. (An aside: I proved that
my original idea that the
number of twists needed to randomize the 120-cell could be
in the millions or higher
was correct.)=C2=A0 So, I saw that AveNumTwists needs to be
multiplied by the base 2
logarithm of the number of faces of the puzzle (there is
no need to consider the
size of the puzzle here; the number of faces is the
important factor to consider).
And as if by magic, when these calculations are performed
we get the expected
values for the 3^4 cube and the 120-cell!=C2=A0 Here are the
values I have computed so
3^4 cube: 46 twists
4^4 cube: 78 twists
5^4 cube: 115 twists
order-3 simplex: 16 twists
order-3 120-cell: 2487
Here are some interesting observations:=C2=A0 The number of
twists for the higher-order
cubes appears to be growing larger that your previous
function was as the order
increases.=C2=A0 Also, the number of twists for the order-3
simplex is just over half of the=20
previous number!=C2=A0 I applied 16 twists to the puzzle (by
doing a full scramble and
solving 14 moves), and it did look just as scrambled as
the original 30 twists.=C2=A0 The
number for the 120-cell agrees with Andrey's analysis that
1000 twists is not enough
for a good scramble.
Well, what do you think Melinda?=C2=A0 Do these numbers look
too large?=C2=A0 Hopefully the
calculation isn't too complex; I don't see any way to
simplify it.=C2=A0 I am very happy
with how my function turned out, and do believe it is
matheamtically justified,
and so should work for every puzzle.=C2=A0 Also, there is
nothing special about 4
dimensions - this function should work for MagicCube5D and
MagicCube7D as
well, if the programmers are interested.=C2=A0 Just noting
Melinda, thanks for giving me this nice problem to work
on, and I hope I was
helpful!=C2=A0 It was a fun way to spend the day. :)=C2=A0 I =
froward to hearing from
you.=C2=A0 Until then, have a great weekend everybody!
All the best,
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printabletop" style=3D"font: inherit;">Hi everyone,
I apologize; I had to rus=
h the end of my post. Something unexpected came up and
I had to qu=
ickly complete it.
Here are the counts again; there was a typo (7^3 =
2^3 cube: 11 moves
3^3 cube: 25 moves
4^3 cube: 43 move=
s (WCA: 40 moves)
5^3 cube: 63 moves (WCA: 60 moves)
6^3 cube: 85 mov=
es (WCA: 80 moves)
7^3 cube: 108 moves (WCA: 100 moves)
Megaminx: 73 =
moves (WCA: 70 moves)
The AveNumTwists part of the formula is pretty=
much set in stone, unless I
someday figure out how to implement puzzles=
like the starminx. That's not
high on my list of priorities, howe=
ver, unless it is eventually needed. As I
mentioned, guesswork com=
es into play when deciding the factor by which to
multiply AveNumTwists.=
An intuitive argument suggests that one should add
one factor of
AveNumTwists (remember, it estimates the average number of
moves it tak=
es to move each piece once) each time the number of faces doubles
(as th=
en each piece could theoretically travel to the newly created face it resid=
next to). When I simply plugged the 3-dimensional puzzles into =
my formula,
I obtained results that were all what Melinda anticipated: e=
ach puzzle, including
the megaminx, was greater than the WCA counts, by =
about a factor of 1.4. The
megaminx had the greatest deviation fro=
m the rest, at 1.5. However, I then realized
that for 3 dimensions=
, I should adjust the vaule of my formula very slightly: The
final facto=
r should be equal to 2 when the order-3 cube is considered, rather
than =
3 as in four dimensions, and the rest of the values should proceed from the=
I performed this calculation, and plugged in the puzzles again. =
; The results were
miraculous: All of the cubes were within a
factor of 1.08 (my value divided by WCA's)
of the values given by the W=
CA, and in an increasing progression! But, the
megaminx was at a f=
actor of 1.16! This all seemed too remarkable to be a coincidence.
I rea=
lized that with the previous base-2 logarithm, I was going on intuition - I=
had no
sound data of what the values should be, except for our rough ap=
proximations with
the 3^4 cube and the 120-cell. What if this was =
not accurate enough? Then, I
studied my evidence (the WCA values) =
and realized that if I added 0.5 moves each
time the number of faces dou=
bled (exactly half!), then boom - the megaminx's value
immediately corr=
esponded with the cubes. In fact, it corresponds as close as I
possibly get:
4^3 cube: 43 moves (WCA: 40 moves)
5^3 cube: 63 mo=
ves (WCA: 60 moves)
Megaminx: 73 moves (WCA: 70 moves)
6^3 cube: 85 m=
oves (WCA: 80 moves)
7^3 cube: 108 moves (WCA: 100 moves)
Incredible! Does anyone b=
elieve this is all a coincidence, or have I somehow
stumbled upon a very=
, very accurate formula?
My goal before was an approximation: I was =
attempting to find a formula that
gave good values, not worrying too muc=
h if I went over, for a reasonably scrambled
puzzle. Now, with thi=
s slight modification, I believe I may have found a formula
that gets it=
almost exactly right, just as Melinda wanted: a value that is not too high=
and not too low. I can't prove that my new 120-cell count is not=
too low, but I believe
it is, based on all of the empirical data. =
I have adjusted for each dimension, so the
math suggests that I may hav=
e found the "sweet spot". On the other hand, this
modification was=
based mostly on the WCA's counts. They may not be as
accurate as =
I would like, especially since they are linear and powers of
10. But
the fact that my formula gives values that are so close, =
even when we change the
shape of the puzzle, seems to be quite remarkabl=
e, and not automatically
coincidental. What do any of you think?r>
To summarize, AveNumTwists is based on established mathematics (but i=
s of course
an approximation). The choice of the last factor is ha=
rder to establish with purely
mathematical methods, but appears to give =
remarkably accurate results in three
dimensions based on the data, and a=
lso good values in four dimensions.
And to clarify, I'm not surprise=
d that my formula has worked, but am surprised
that when I simply double=
d the logarithm, (not a logarithm with an irrational
base, but twice the=
value it was previously!) the megaminx fell into a virtually
exact patt=
ern with the cubes. The degree of accuracy seems almost too good
o be true. :)
I look forward to hearing from Melinda and
anyone else who wants to comment!
If you've read this far, thanks for l=
istening; I appreciate your time and hopefully
was not too chatty today.=
All the best,
--- On Sat, 5/7/11, David Smith=
<djs314djs314@yahoo.com> wrote:order-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px=
From: David Smith <djs314djs314@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [MC=
4D] Goldilock's function
To: 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday=
, May 7, 2011, 2:30 PM
> Hi Melinda and Matt,
linda, thanks so much for your positive words and encouragement that I amr>an asset to this wonderful community of good people! It sounds like=
the Android
work is very interesting and fun; good luck with that. =
; It's certainly very impressive!
Matt, thanks for the welcome! =
; I can explain why the formula did not work for the
starminx. I h=
adn't even thought to mention this, which is my fault (and I apologize),
>but the formula will only work for puzzles that are sliced 'normally'.&nbs=
p; That is to say,
faces are cut evenly, all 1-colored pieces are on the=
inside of the face and spaced
evenly and according to the shape of the =
puzzle, etc. The reason why the starminx
is so much larger is that=
it is built into the formula that order-3 puzzles will have
one 1-color=
piece per
face. The fact that there are six per face greatly increases
the =
first factor of AveNumTwists, which makes the entire count much larger than=
it ought to be. My formula does work for all MagicCube4D, 5D and =
7D puzzles
Having said this, I did realize this morning =
that I had jumped to conclusions
when I said the formula works for puzzl=
es of any dimension. I have improved the
formula to account for th=
is, and it turns out to be remarkably accurate. I also
modified th=
e last term, turning a base-2 logarithm into a base-4 logarithm. (I
d consider this an improvement rather than a correction, but anyone can fee=
free to disagree! ;) ) I have to admit; which base to choose ori=
ginally was a bit of
guesswork. It turns out that the base-2 loga=
rithm formula, even when taking into
account the lower number of dimensi=
ons, did not work as well for the megaminx
as it did for the
cubes. I realized that if I doubled the base of the logarithm, ther>megaminx almost automatically 'snapped' into place, again as if by magic.=
is the revised formula:
Npieces =3D number of pieces in the puzzle (including
1-colored pieces)
Nfaces =3D number of faces in the puzzle
Nstickers =3D number of stickers in the puzzle
N1Cpieces =3D number of 1-colored pieces in the puzzle
d =
=3D dimension of the puzzle
ln(x) =3D natural logarithm of x
log4(x) =3D base 4 logarithm of x =3D ln(x)/ln(4) =3D
AveNumTwists =3D (Npieces*Nfaces/(Nstickers - N1Cpieces)) *
Number of Twists to Scramble (round to nearest integer) =3Dr>
AveNumTwists * (d-1+log4(Nfaces/(2*d)))
he great thing about this new formula is that all of the 4-dimensional cube=
keep the same value. The simplex becomes 14 moves, and the 120-c=
ell becomes
1783. I believe that both of these counts are accurate=
. My basis for the base-4
logarithm was from the 3D counts Melinda=
pointed out to me (thanks Melinda!)
Just see how accurate my formula is=
in 3 dimensions:
2^3 cube: 11 moves
3^3 cube: 25 moves
4^3 cu=
be: 43 moves (WCA: 40 moves)
5^3 cube: 63 moves (WCA: 60 moves)
6^3 c=
ube: 85 moves (WCA: 80 moves)
4^3 cube: 108 moves (WCA: 100 moves)
gaminx: 73 moves (WCA: 70 moves)
These counts are remarkably close t=
o the WCA counts, as you can see! I was
very surprised to see that=
I have to go now, but I'll talk to you all later!
All the b=
--- On Sat, 5/7/11, Melinda Green
<melinda@superliminal.com> wrote:"border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255);">
From: Melinda Green <meli=
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Goldilock's function
Date: Saturday, May 7, 2011, 1:40 AM
div id=3D"yiv989329787">
Wow, what a great email, David!! I especially liked your signposts
showing where the scary math begins and ends.
I must say this looks *very* promising. The outputs you got for all
the puzzles you tested do indeed sound ideal. I'm not surprised that
the simplex needs fewer than my 1-minute formula gives, and that the
120 Cell needs a lot more--as Andrey has recently shown us. It's
also great that your inputs are values we should either have on hand
or be able to produce without much trouble, and that your equations
are simple enough that I think I can handle it. This is all exactly
what I had hoped for, and if it is not, then I suspect you'll be
able to modify it to be so. Once we've decided this is just right, I
hope that you will describe how you generated your final formula.
Of course this all puts the ball in my court now. I did the Android
port in order to learn Android graphics and to impress potential
employers, but I have a new laptop and have not been looking forward
to setting up source control to work on the desktop version, but I
am now out of excuses and will simply have to just have to do it.
:-D Luckily the timing is good as I've finished all the Android
projects that I set out to build and am not working yet.
BTW, how does your formula do with the official numbers for the 3D
puzzles that Nan referred us to? I imagine that they will err more
on the side of safety than we need, but if your formula reproduces
those numbers multiplied by some constant, that will be even more
evidence that you've gotten it right. In fact that would mean that
you could introduce yet another scalar parameter for that constant
which represents the desired safety margin.
This is very cool, David. Thank you for putting substantial effort
into this problem. Oh, and now do you see why we're glad to have you
back? Actually, your enthusiasm is even more valuable than your math
skills, but I'll very happily take both! :-)
On 5/6/2011 7:45 PM, David Smith wrote:
Hi Melinda (and
everyone else),
I spent most of today working on the Goldilocks function
problem, and believe I
have found a good function that will work! It's a bit
detailed, so I hope that's not a
problem. It's the simplest one I could come up with tha=
is very well mathematically
Here is the pseudocode:
Npieces =3D number of pieces in the puzzle (including
1-colored pieces)
Nfaces =3D number of faces in the puzzle
Nstickers =3D number of stickers in the puzzle
N1Cpieces =3D number of 1-colored pieces in the puzzle
ln(x) =3D natural logarithm of x
log2(x) =3D base 2 logarithm of x =3D ln(x)/ln(2) =3D
AveNumTwists =3D (Npieces*Nfaces/(Nstickers - N1Cpieces)) *
Number of Twists to Scramble (round to nearest integer) =3Dr>
AveNumTwists * log2(Nfaces)
Hopefully that's complex enough! ;) I observed that you
have all of the functions
required (by attempting to create the ordinary Rubik's
cube, which was apparently
BRILLIANT!) except possibly log2 and N1Cpieces. I gave
you a conversion formula
for the former, and I'm betting you have the latter, but
if not it shouldn't be too difficult
to implement.
I'll give a brief explanation. It took some
experimentation to arrive at this formula; I
tried many different approaches; this is the one that
really worked. AveNumTwists
counts the average number of twists needed to move every
piece of a puzzle at least
once. (Of course this number will in fact move many pieces
more than once). It should
hopefully be clear that this average number of twists will
provide a well-scrambled
puzzle when applied more than once. The second factor o=
AveNumTwists utilizes a
logarithm and the number 0.577, which some of you may
recognize as the gamma
constant. This factor is an approximation of the nth
harmonic number (sum of the
first n terms in the harmonic series) for n =3D Npieces.
The last term of the final calculation uses the insight I
had that as the number of
faces of the puzzle doubles, we need to move every piece
an additional time, by
adding AveNumTwists one more time. Of course, attemptin=
to move every piece
across the entire puzzle, even via a direct path, would
produce astronomical results
for the 120-cell and other puzzles with a large number of
faces. For the 120-cell,
AveNumTwists is about 7, which sounds right, considering
that even with 10,000
twists you will for all practical purposes never find a
piece on the opposite side of
the puzzle from where it started. (An aside: I proved that
my original idea that the
number of twists needed to randomize the 120-cell could be
in the millions or higher
was correct.) So, I saw that AveNumTwists needs to be
multiplied by the base 2
logarithm of the number of faces of the puzzle (there is
no need to consider the
size of the puzzle here; the number of faces is the
important factor to consider).
And as if by magic, when these calculations are performed
we get the expected
values for the 3^4 cube and the 120-cell! Here are the
values I have computed so
3^4 cube: 46 twists
4^4 cube: 78 twists
5^4 cube: 115 twists
order-3 simplex: 16 twists
order-3 120-cell: 2487
Here are some interesting observations: The number of
twists for the higher-order
cubes appears to be growing larger that your previous
function was as the order
increases. Also, the number of twists for the order-3
simplex is just over half of the
previous number! I applied 16 twists to the puzzle (by
doing a full scramble and
solving 14 moves), and it did look just as scrambled as
the original 30 twists. The
number for the 120-cell agrees with Andrey's analysis that
1000 twists is not enough
for a good scramble.
Well, what do you think Melinda? Do these numbers look
too large? Hopefully the
calculation isn't too complex; I don't see any way to
simplify it. I am very happy
with how my function turned out, and do believe it is
matheamtically justified,
and so should work for every puzzle. Also, there is
nothing special about 4
dimensions - this function should work for MagicCube5D and
MagicCube7D as
well, if the programmers are interested. Just noting
Melinda, thanks for giving me this nice problem to work
on, and I hope I was
helpful! It was a fun way to spend the day. :) I =
froward to hearing from
you. Until then, have a great weekend everybody!
All the best,