I wonder that nobody comments FlatRubik.
There is an interesting relationship between MagicTile and FlatRubik.
The "Rotate 7x7" in FlatRubik is a "495" (square, 9 colors, length 5)
compared to the "695" in MagicTile (hexagonal, 9 colors, length 5).
Of course all MagigTile have order 3 vertices. Rotate 7x7 has order 4 verti=
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> Flat Rubik
> I like this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On my
> demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
> explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only render
> solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Double shift" has
> the property that there the invers of the twist is not offered.
> Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So twist^(7-1) gives the invers.
Hi Eduard,
I believe the reason why nobody comments on it is because the developer of =
the website introduced it three months ago
You can check out the previous discussions.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> I wonder that nobody comments FlatRubik.
> There is an interesting relationship between MagicTile and FlatRubik.
> The "Rotate 7x7" in FlatRubik is a "495" (square, 9 colors, length 5)
> compared to the "695" in MagicTile (hexagonal, 9 colors, length 5).
> Of course all MagigTile have order 3 vertices. Rotate 7x7 has order 4 ver=
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> >
> >=20
> > Flat Rubik
> >=20
> > I like this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On my
> > demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
> > explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only render
> > solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Double shift" ha=
> > the property that there the invers of the twist is not offered.
> > Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So twist^(7-1) gives the invers.
> >
Now I have solved the "Rotate 7x7" puzzle in
Flat Rubik
It is a very interesting puzzle. I used about 3700 moves.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> Six Faces on Flat Rubik
> On internet you can find the very powerfull "CubeExplorer". He finds very=
short solutions for given scramblings.
> My task was to translate the scrambling in "Six Faces" in the "CubeExplor=
er" picture. For this I notet the colors of the w-form unfolding of "Six Fa=
ces" on a paper and did the folding to get a little 3D cube. Only now I it =
was easy to fill the CubeExplorer picture!!
> Now I asked CubicExplorer to solve the scrambling. His answer is in the f=
orm RTDBLRL2... This I had to translate in the FlatRubik script notation li=
ke c3.1+c1.2+....
> So I solved Six Faces with 39 moves.
> Nine Faces on Flat Rubik
> Even if the moves are like those in "Six Faces" the puzzle is very differ=
ent. There are no "cubicles" like vertices or edges whose stickers stay tog=
ether. It is not easy to get not doubled 3-cycles for edge- and corner-stic=
> There is a parity issue. Because the basic moves are composed by an odd n=
umber (3) of corner 4-cycles and an even number (2) of edge 4-cycles it is =
possible to be left with a unique inversion of two corner stickers.
> I solved Nine Faces with about 1 mio moves.
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> >
> >=20
> > Flat Rubik
> >=20
> > I like this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On my
> > demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
> > explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only render
> > solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Double shift" ha=
> > the property that there the invers of the twist is not offered.
> > Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So twist^(7-1) gives the invers.
> >
After sort of sabbatic break with the solve of "24cellFT" I come back to= In FlatRubik you can also find "4D Rubik Cube" which is different f=
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After sort of sabbatic break with the solve of "24cellFT" I come back to
the very special site FlatRubik
the "24 faces", which is equivalent to the "Tesseract" on i-pod. As Nan
said Tesseract is lengthy because a lot change of viewpoints are
necessary to execute basic twists. "24 faces" allows to click every
basic twist immediatly but knows only one viewpoint. To apply sort of
macros (in scripts) developed on a certain part of the puzzle in a other
part is not easy because no 4D moves are offered. But this is also a
special charme!
In FlatRubik you can also find "4D Rubik Cube" which is different from
"3x3x3x3" in MPUlt because beside the normal face turning cell-twists
there are also offered layer-twists. This addresses parity questions.
Here too the 4D moves are not possible and ask for special technics.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> I wonder that nobody comments FlatRubik.
> There is an interesting relationship between MagicTile and FlatRubik.
> The "Rotate 7x7" in FlatRubik is a "495" (square, 9 colors, length 5)
> compared to the "695" in MagicTile (hexagonal, 9 colors, length 5).
> Of course all MagigTile have order 3 vertices. Rotate 7x7 has order 4
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard" baumann@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Flat Rubik
> >
> > I like this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On
> > demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
> > explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only
> > solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Double shift"
> > the property that there the invers of the twist is not offered.
> > Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So twist^(7-1) gives the
> >
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the very special site zle.aspx">FlatRubik . I'm playing with the "24 faces", which is eq=
uivalent to the "Tesseract" on i-pod. As Nan said Tesseract is lengthy beca=
use a lot change of viewpoints are necessary to execute basic twists. "24 f=
aces" allows to click every basic twist immediatly but knows only one viewp=
oint. To apply sort of macros (in scripts) developed on a certain part of t=
he puzzle in a other part is not easy because no 4D moves are offered. But =
this is also a special charme!
rom "3x3x3x3" in MPUlt because beside the normal face turning cell-twi=
sts there are also offered layer-twists. This addresses parity questions. H=
ere too the 4D moves are not possible and ask for special technics.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard" <baumann@...> wrote=
> I wonder that nobody comments FlatRubik.
> There is=
an interesting relationship between MagicTile and FlatRubik.
> The "=
Rotate 7x7" in FlatRubik is a "495" (square, 9 colors, length 5)
> co=
mpared to the "695" in MagicTile (hexagonal, 9 colors, length 5).
> O=
f course all MagigTile have order 3 vertices. Rotate 7x7 has order 4 vertic=
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard" b=
aumann@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Flat Rubik <http:=
> >
> > I like =
this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On my
> &g=
t; demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
gt; > explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only re=
> > solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Do=
uble shift" has
> > the property that there the invers of the twis=
t is not offered.
> > Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So tw=
ist^(7-1) gives the invers.
> >
I have solved now the "4D Rubik" in FlatRubik. It took me about a month. Po=
sitionning the faces, edges and corners I encountered the parity issue 3 ti=
mes and had to do work to overcome the issue.
My special technic to replace the missing moving of the whole puzzle consis=
te to use long cycles where all elements participate. Within such a cycle I=
construct a sequence for a dense 3-cycle. This must be done for the three =
categories faces, edges and corners separately and solves the positionning.=
For the orientations of the elements I construct a sequence for paired rot=
ations for neighbourhing elements. You need two independent sequences to ge=
nerate all rotations. In both cases, edges and corners, I was left with a r=
otation of a SINGLE element (unlike the 3D Rubik). I had to construct MONO =
rotors. For the edges I found two independent sequences which generate the =
whole A3 group of edge MONO rotations. But for the corners I got the firm i=
mpression that only the D2 subgroup of S4 is ateinable as corner mono rotor=
s contrary to the situation for PAIRED corner rotors where all elements of =
A4 are available.
Can anybody explain if in the 4D Rubik of MPUlt (without those layer twists=
) unpaired rotations of single elements do also appear?
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> After sort of sabbatic break with the solve of "24cellFT" I come back to
> the very special site FlatRubik
> the "24 faces", which is equivalent to the "Tesseract" on i-pod. As Nan
> said Tesseract is lengthy because a lot change of viewpoints are
> necessary to execute basic twists. "24 faces" allows to click every
> basic twist immediatly but knows only one viewpoint. To apply sort of
> macros (in scripts) developed on a certain part of the puzzle in a other
> part is not easy because no 4D moves are offered. But this is also a
> special charme!
> In FlatRubik you can also find "4D Rubik Cube" which is different from
> "3x3x3x3" in MPUlt because beside the normal face turning cell-twists
> there are also offered layer-twists. This addresses parity questions.
> Here too the 4D moves are not possible and ask for special technics.
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> >
> > I wonder that nobody comments FlatRubik.
> > There is an interesting relationship between MagicTile and FlatRubik.
> > The "Rotate 7x7" in FlatRubik is a "495" (square, 9 colors, length 5)
> > compared to the "695" in MagicTile (hexagonal, 9 colors, length 5).
> > Of course all MagigTile have order 3 vertices. Rotate 7x7 has order 4
> vertices.
> >
> >
> > --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard" baumann@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Flat Rubik
> > >
> > > I like this site. I have seen that Andrey Astrelin is also there. On
> my
> > > demand they have kindly installed a script possibility. They do not
> > > explicitely ask to return all numbers to home (mode 2) but only
> render
> > > solid color blocks (mode 1). I prefer to play mode 2. "Double shift"
> has
> > > the property that there the invers of the twist is not offered.
> > > Interesting. The twist are of order 7. So twist^(7-1) gives the
> invers.
> > >
> >