I used 3101 twists. I will comment later.
My result is 1464 twists. Log is here: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/=
There was unusual parity problem on the "edge recombination" stage. I don=
't remember it from earlier solves, but it looks like it can appear on any =
"{2n,3}, 5 layers" puzzle.=20
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> I used 3101 twists. I will comment later.
Hi Andrey,
Can you describe the parity issue? If it can appear in all {2n,3} 5 layers,=
then it should be in 5x5x5, which means it's not that unusual. Thanks.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Andrey"
> My result is 1464 twists. Log is here: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/grou=
> There was unusual parity problem on the "edge recombination" stage. I d=
on't remember it from earlier solves, but it looks like it can appear on an=
y "{2n,3}, 5 layers" puzzle.=20
> Andrey
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> >
> > I used 3101 twists. I will comment later.
> >
Here are my comments
My strategy for the "MagicTile Hexagonal 9 colors length 5" was the followi=
collect the edges first with normal twists then with the 3-cycle sequence=20
S1 =3D [[A,B2'],[D2',C]] , B and D second layer, A and C first layer
Do the face-edges with the 3-cycle sequence S2 =3D [A,B]^5 where A is layer=
1 and B layer 2
Do the edges as I have indicated in KleinsQuartic Document
Do the corners as I have indicated in KleinsQuartic Document
do the face-corners with the 3-cycle sequence=20
S3 =3D [ C'DA2 [A,B'] A2'D'C , [A,B'] ]=20
all second layer turns except D
I feared parity issues but I was lucky.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> I used 3101 twists. I will comment later.
Nan, you are right. It's really usual situation for 5^3 if you solve it b=
y reduction to 3^3. When one combines edges using commutators it may happen=
that he has to swap two cubies (1,1,2) (second cubies of the edge, don't k=
now how you call them) and for that he makes single twist of some 2nd layer=
to restore parity (and continue with commutators).
I haven't remembered this fact because I use different algorithms for the=
reduction: for 5^3 I combine edges before centers, and for {n,3} start wit=
h centers, then combine edges.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "schuma"
> Hi Andrey,
> Can you describe the parity issue? If it can appear in all {2n,3} 5 layer=
s, then it should be in 5x5x5, which means it's not that unusual. Thanks.
> Nan
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Andrey"
> >
> > My result is 1464 twists. Log is here: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/gr=
> > There was unusual parity problem on the "edge recombination" stage. I=
don't remember it from earlier solves, but it looks like it can appear on =
any "{2n,3}, 5 layers" puzzle.=20
> >=20
> > Andrey
> >=20
> > --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Eduard"
> > >
> > > I used 3101 twists. I will comment later.
> > >
> >