Thread: "T-Shift"

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 22:03:21 -0000
Subject: T-Shift

you beat me there. I've got my t-shirt about an hour ago and uploaded the=
photo only now:
57865/pic/2147048768/view . Nice t-shirt, thanks to Melinda. My problem is =
that I never can select the proper size for me...


BTW: your link doesn't work.

--- In, "Matthew" wrote:
> I know it is a little off topic, but that's me back from the competition =
I went to. As requested, I bought and wore the MC4D t-shirt :). Not only =
that, but there was an article in the newspaper on the second day, and ther=
e was a picture of me there, with the t-shirt on! Slight problem, the fron=
t of the t-shirt isn't really visible. In my defence I didn't know I was h=
aving my photo taken or that it would end up in the paper, especially since=
I didn't win anything, and was wearing a blindfold at the time (amusingly =
I didn't even get any successes at blindsolving). Picture can be found her=
54-squares-just-seconds-to-solve-2127350.html?action=3DGallery&ino=3D2. Re=
sults will be on WCA soon for those interested (13.96 single on 3x3x3, 1:58=
.58 single on 5x5x5 and 2:09.88 single and 2:11.xx average on megaminx for =
the highlights, assuming I remembered correctly).
> I had a couple of conversations about 4D cubes, but I didn't manage to ge=
t any serious interest. I did however find out that someone else at the co=
mpetition had solved the 3^4 a couple of years ago: Daniel Sheppard. Anoth=
er competitor (Thom Barlow) said he had looked at it before, but hadn't put=
in the effort to solve it, although I get the feeling he might one day.
> Most importantly though, I had a great time :)
> After I catch up on tutorial work and things I can get back to some more =
4D speedsolving and having a go at the latest hyperbolic curiosity.
> Matt

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 22:16:33 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] T-Shift

Hey, that's great guys. Thanks for sharing the pictures! How about one=20
of you sending a snap that shows the t-shirt really well; ideally with=20
sunglasses and a really tough look on your face. :-)

And Mateusz, did you get your special prize t-shirt yet? I want a nice=20
shot of you for the web site. It's sad that with a distributed contest=20
that we don't get any event photos. Maybe next time I'll urge all=20
contestants to get a friend to snap some shots during the competition=20
with a door prize for the best photo!

Wear them proudly, and always remember to represent!

On 11/8/2010 2:03 PM, Andrey wrote:
> Matt,
> you beat me there. I've got my t-shirt about an hour ago and uploaded =
the photo only now:
28657865/pic/2147048768/view . Nice t-shirt, thanks to Melinda. My problem =
is that I never can select the proper size for me...
> Andrey
> BTW: your link doesn't work.
> --- In, "Matthew" wrote:
>> I know it is a little off topic, but that's me back from the competition=
I went to. As requested, I bought and wore the MC4D t-shirt :). Not only=
that, but there was an article in the newspaper on the second day, and the=
re was a picture of me there, with the t-shirt on! Slight problem, the fro=
nt of the t-shirt isn't really visible. In my defence I didn't know I was =
having my photo taken or that it would end up in the paper, especially sinc=
e I didn't win anything, and was wearing a blindfold at the time (amusingly=
I didn't even get any successes at blindsolving). Picture can be found he=
-54-squares-just-seconds-to-solve-2127350.html?action=3DGallery&ino=3D2. R=
esults will be on WCA soon for those interested (13.96 single on 3x3x3, 1:5=
8.58 single on 5x5x5 and 2:09.88 single and 2:11.xx average on megaminx for=
the highlights, assuming I remembered correctly).
>> I had a couple of conversations about 4D cubes, but I didn't manage to g=
et any serious interest. I did however find out that someone else at the c=
ompetition had solved the 3^4 a couple of years ago: Daniel Sheppard. Anot=
her competitor (Thom Barlow) said he had looked at it before, but hadn't pu=
t in the effort to solve it, although I get the feeling he might one day.
>> Most importantly though, I had a great time :)
>> After I catch up on tutorial work and things I can get back to some more=
4D speedsolving and having a go at the latest hyperbolic curiosity.
>> Matt
> ------------------------------------
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