Thread: "Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved"

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:41:16 -0000
Subject: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

It's strange that one of the smallest 4D puzzles is not listed inMC4D puzzl=
e list, so you have to generate it by "Invent my own" command (with line "{=
3,3}x{} 3").=20
It took some time to find the most convenient views of the puzzle (view w=
ith two tetrahedrons has very different "shrink face" value than view with =
4 prisms). You can't rotate prism to 120 deg, so use sequence of two 180-de=
g turns instead. Not very easy...
I started with sorting of pieces - top, middle and lower layers (like the=
solver who plays with 3^3 first time - build one single-color face :) ). T=
hen there was orientation of middle layer pieces and then combining of 3rd =
layers parallel to prisms (just 3-cubie segments) with adjacent cubies. Nex=
t step was to put all corners in their place - and there were first two pro=
First, middle layer was upside-down - and I had to flip all its pieces an=
d save colors of top and bottom faces.
Second, in the end of this stage I found one corner piece (pair of pieces=
, really) with wrong orientation! It is normal for pyraminx, but here you h=
ave to think how it can be :)
When all corners ans 3Cs of middle layer were in place I found myself wit=
h 3 parallel pyraminxs and with the task to put all their 2Cs in place.=20
One operation was enough for it... well, almost enough. At first I tried =
to move cubies to places in proper orientation, but soon found that I can'=
t remember setup twists that contain of pairs of prism flips... So I decide=
d to position pieces first.
Solving of 3 pyraminxs with the same sequence of 3-cycles went smoothly..=
. until there were two transpositions on opposite faces (parity problem?). =
When I solved it there was one wrong oriented cubie on top side (and 3 on b=
ottom) - but this time I could remember setup twist ))) So when I twisted 3=
sets of 2 cubies, puzzle was almost solved.
So this one is solvable from the scratch, without operations development.=
It doesn't beat {3}x{3},3 :)


From: "schuma" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 15:17:59 -0000
Subject: Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Congratulations! Nice work!

Yesterday after seeing you mentioned {3,3}x{}, I tried the 2-layer version =
immediately. For the 2-layer version, any automatic scramble freezes the pr=
ogram. So I have to manually scramble it. But all allowed scrambles are alw=
ays trivial to solve.=20

Then I went on to see the 3-layer version. I found it not easy and I didn't=
that ctrl-f work for this version. I should give it a try soon.


--- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> It's strange that one of the smallest 4D puzzles is not listed inMC4D puz=
zle list, so you have to generate it by "Invent my own" command (with line =
"{3,3}x{} 3").=20
> It took some time to find the most convenient views of the puzzle (view=
with two tetrahedrons has very different "shrink face" value than view wit=
h 4 prisms). You can't rotate prism to 120 deg, so use sequence of two 180-=
deg turns instead. Not very easy...
> I started with sorting of pieces - top, middle and lower layers (like t=
he solver who plays with 3^3 first time - build one single-color face :) ).=
Then there was orientation of middle layer pieces and then combining of 3r=
d layers parallel to prisms (just 3-cubie segments) with adjacent cubies. N=
ext step was to put all corners in their place - and there were first two p=
> First, middle layer was upside-down - and I had to flip all its pieces =
and save colors of top and bottom faces.
> Second, in the end of this stage I found one corner piece (pair of piec=
es, really) with wrong orientation! It is normal for pyraminx, but here you=
have to think how it can be :)
> When all corners ans 3Cs of middle layer were in place I found myself w=
ith 3 parallel pyraminxs and with the task to put all their 2Cs in place.=20
> One operation was enough for it... well, almost enough. At first I trie=
d to move cubies to places in proper orientation, but soon found that I ca=
n't remember setup twists that contain of pairs of prism flips... So I deci=
ded to position pieces first.
> Solving of 3 pyraminxs with the same sequence of 3-cycles went smoothly=
... until there were two transpositions on opposite faces (parity problem?)=
. When I solved it there was one wrong oriented cubie on top side (and 3 on=
bottom) - but this time I could remember setup twist ))) So when I twisted=
3 sets of 2 cubies, puzzle was almost solved.
> So this one is solvable from the scratch, without operations developmen=
t. It doesn't beat {3}x{3},3 :)
> Andrey

From: Roice Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 11:52:22 -0500
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Andrey and Nan,

Cool to hear about your adventures with the tetrahedral prism puzzles. The
reason the {3,3}x{} puzzles aren't in the UI is that there were known
problems with them, as you've found. Plus, we had to leave some items for
future releases :) I dug up the development emails we were exchanging last
year to refresh my memory, and am including a few relevant portions below.

on 11/11/09, roice wrote:

> So... we have coded a possible change in the sticker twisting behavior and
> are curious of your thoughts compared to the current behavior you just
> tested. The candidate behavior is that all 2C pieces only do "face center"
> twists, all 3C pieces only do "edge" twists, and all 4C pieces "corner"
> twists. 1C pieces wouldn't twist anything at all. So 2C pieces that are
> very close to a corner would no longer do a corner twist. This change also
> would correct the behavior you noted on the length-7 dodecahedral prism.

on 11/11/09, roice wrote:

> However, I already happened to run into an interesting downside behavior
> with the change. I got the tetrahedral prism puzzles working tonight, but
> held off enabling in the UI just yet because of the following. Similar to
> David's observation of how the length-2 simplex puzzle has a 5C piece, the
> length-2 and length-3 tetrahedral prism puzzles have a number of stickers
> which should twist like 2C pieces, but actually are part of 4C pieces. So
> the wrong grips get considered, and the end result is some twists which we
> want are being disallowed. The puzzles are therefore unduly limited. In
> fact, on the length-2 puzzle, the end result is that only the two
> tetrahedral faces can be twisted, and the current scrambling code goes into
> an infinite loop because it doesn't like the lack of variance there.

In short, MC4D currently uses a "piece type" property (2C/3C/4C) to help
control twist types. This is mostly good, but number-of-colors turns out
to not be a discriminating enough property in all situations (in particular,
on the tetrahedral prisms). The problem of matching up pieces with twist
types is a difficult one to find an elegant general solution for. When this
is worked out and these puzzles are officially released, they will likely
have slightly different twisting behavior.

I think it'd be nice to change the relative sizes of the tetrahedra and
prism portions on these puzzles as well. Unlike other polytopes which are
constrained to have fixed cell sizes, prisms have some extra flexibility

Take Care,

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:17 AM, schuma wrote:

> Congratulations! Nice work!
> Yesterday after seeing you mentioned {3,3}x{}, I tried the 2-layer version
> immediately. For the 2-layer version, any automatic scramble freezes the
> program. So I have to manually scramble it. But all allowed scrambles are
> always trivial to solve.
> Then I went on to see the 3-layer version. I found it not easy and I didn't
> that ctrl-f work for this version. I should give it a try soon.
> Nan
> --- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> >
> > It's strange that one of the smallest 4D puzzles is not listed inMC4D
> puzzle list, so you have to generate it by "Invent my own" command (with
> line "{3,3}x{} 3").
> > It took some time to find the most convenient views of the puzzle (view
> with two tetrahedrons has very different "shrink face" value than view with
> 4 prisms). You can't rotate prism to 120 deg, so use sequence of two 180-deg
> turns instead. Not very easy...
> > I started with sorting of pieces - top, middle and lower layers (like
> the solver who plays with 3^3 first time - build one single-color face :) ).
> Then there was orientation of middle layer pieces and then combining of 3rd
> layers parallel to prisms (just 3-cubie segments) with adjacent cubies. Next
> step was to put all corners in their place - and there were first two
> problems.
> > First, middle layer was upside-down - and I had to flip all its pieces
> and save colors of top and bottom faces.
> > Second, in the end of this stage I found one corner piece (pair of
> pieces, really) with wrong orientation! It is normal for pyraminx, but here
> you have to think how it can be :)
> > When all corners ans 3Cs of middle layer were in place I found myself
> with 3 parallel pyraminxs and with the task to put all their 2Cs in place.
> > One operation was enough for it... well, almost enough. At first I
> tried to move cubies to places in proper orientation, but soon found that I
> can't remember setup twists that contain of pairs of prism flips... So I
> decided to position pieces first.
> > Solving of 3 pyraminxs with the same sequence of 3-cycles went
> smoothly... until there were two transpositions on opposite faces (parity
> problem?). When I solved it there was one wrong oriented cubie on top side
> (and 3 on bottom) - but this time I could remember setup twist ))) So when I
> twisted 3 sets of 2 cubies, puzzle was almost solved.
> > So this one is solvable from the scratch, without operations
> development. It doesn't beat {3}x{3},3 :)
> >
> > Andrey
> >
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Andrey and Nan,


Cool to hear about your adventures with the tetrahedral prism puzzles.=
=A0 The reason the {3,3}x{} puzzles aren't in the UI is that there were=
known problems with them, as you've found.=A0 Plus, we had to leave so=
me items for future releases :)=A0 I dug up the development emails we were =
exchanging last year to refresh my memory, and am including a=A0few relevan=
t portions below.


on 11/11/09, roice wrote:

; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class=3D"gmail_quote">So... we have coded a possible c=
hange in the sticker twisting behavior and are curious of your thoughts com=
pared to the current behavior you just tested.=A0 The candidate behavior is=
that all 2C pieces only do "face center" twists, all 3C pieces o=
nly do "edge" twists, and all 4C pieces "corner" twists=
.=A0 1C pieces wouldn't twist anything at all.=A0 So 2C pieces that are=
very close to a corner would no longer do a corner twist.=A0 This change a=
lso would correct the behavior you noted on the length-7 dodecahedral prism=


on 11/11/09, roice wrote:

; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class=3D"gmail_quote">However, I already happened to r=
un into an interesting downside behavior with the change.=A0 I got the tetr=
ahedral prism puzzles working tonight, but held off enabling in the UI just=
yet because of the following.=A0 Similar to David's observation of how=
the length-2 simplex puzzle has a 5C piece, the length-2 and length-3 tetr=
ahedral prism puzzles have a number of stickers which should twist like 2C =
pieces, but actually are part of 4C pieces.=A0 So the wrong grips get consi=
dered, and the end result is some twists which we want are being disallowed=
.=A0 The puzzles are therefore unduly limited.=A0 In fact, on the length-2 =
puzzle, the end result is that only the two tetrahedral faces can be twiste=
d, and the current scrambling code goes into an infinite loop because it do=
esn't like the lack of variance there.


In short,=A0MC4D currently uses a "piece type" property=A0(2=
C/3C/4C) to help control twist types.=A0 This is mostly good, but=A0number-=
of-colors turns out to=A0not be a discriminating enough property in all sit=
uations (in particular, on the tetrahedral prisms).=A0 The problem of match=
ing up pieces with twist types=A0is a=A0difficult one to find an elegant ge=
neral solution for.=A0 When this is worked out and these puzzles are offici=
ally released, they will likely have slightly different twisting=A0behavior=


I think it'd be nice to change the relative sizes of the tetrahedr=
a and prism portions=A0on these puzzles as well.=A0 Unlike other polytopes =
which are constrained to have fixed cell sizes, prisms have some extra flex=
ibility there...


Take Care,



On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:17 AM, schuma ir=3D"ltr"><mananself@gmail.coma>> wrote:

; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class=3D"gmail_quote">Congratulations! Nice work!
br>Yesterday after seeing you mentioned {3,3}x{}, I tried the 2-layer versi=
on immediately. For the 2-layer version, any automatic scramble freezes the=
program. So I have to manually scramble it. But all allowed scrambles are =
always trivial to solve.

Then I went on to see the 3-layer version. I found it not easy and I di=
dn't that ctrl-f work for this version. I should give it a try soon.>

--- In
, "Andrey" <andreyastrelin@...>=
> It's strange that one of the smallest 4D puzzle=
s is not listed inMC4D puzzle list, so you have to generate it by "Inv=
ent my own" command (with line "{3,3}x{} 3").

> =A0 It took some time to find the most convenient views of the puzzle =
(view with two tetrahedrons has very different "shrink face" valu=
e than view with 4 prisms). You can't rotate prism to 120 deg, so use s=
equence of two 180-deg turns instead. Not very easy...

> =A0 I started with sorting of pieces - top, middle and lower layers (l=
ike the solver who plays with 3^3 first time - build one single-color face =
:) ). Then there was orientation of middle layer pieces and then combining =
of 3rd layers parallel to prisms (just 3-cubie segments) with adjacent cubi=
es. Next step was to put all corners in their place - and there were first =
two problems.

> =A0 First, middle layer was upside-down - and I had to flip all its pi=
eces and save colors of top and bottom faces.
> =A0 Second, in the en=
d of this stage I found one corner piece (pair of pieces, really) with wron=
g orientation! It is normal for pyraminx, but here you have to think how it=
can be :)

> =A0 When all corners ans 3Cs of middle layer were in place I found mys=
elf with 3 parallel pyraminxs and with the task to put all their 2Cs in pla=
> =A0 One operation was enough for it... well, almost enough. At =
first I tried to move cubies to places in =A0proper orientation, but soon f=
ound that I can't remember setup twists that contain of pairs of prism =
flips... So I decided to position pieces first.

> =A0 Solving of 3 pyraminxs with the same sequence of 3-cycles went smo=
othly... until there were two transpositions on opposite faces (parity prob=
lem?). When I solved it there was one wrong oriented cubie on top side (and=
3 on bottom) - but this time I could remember setup twist ))) So when I tw=
isted 3 sets of 2 cubies, puzzle was almost solved.

> =A0 So this one is solvable from the scratch, without operations devel=
opment. It doesn't beat {3}x{3},3 :)
> =A0 Andrey


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ps Links

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=A0Individual Email | Traditional

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From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:24:29 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this
is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
of supported puzzles.


On 9/28/2010 9:52 AM, Roice Nelson wrote:
> Hi Andrey and Nan,
> Cool to hear about your adventures with the tetrahedral prism
> puzzles. The reason the {3,3}x{} puzzles aren't in the UI is that
> there were known problems with them, as you've found. Plus, we had to
> leave some items for future releases :) I dug up the development
> emails we were exchanging last year to refresh my memory, and am
> including a few relevant portions below.
> on 11/11/09, roice wrote:
> So... we have coded a possible change in the sticker twisting
> behavior and are curious of your thoughts compared to the current
> behavior you just tested. The candidate behavior is that all 2C
> pieces only do "face center" twists, all 3C pieces only do "edge"
> twists, and all 4C pieces "corner" twists. 1C pieces wouldn't
> twist anything at all. So 2C pieces that are very close to a
> corner would no longer do a corner twist. This change also would
> correct the behavior you noted on the length-7 dodecahedral prism.
> on 11/11/09, roice wrote:
> However, I already happened to run into an interesting downside
> behavior with the change. I got the tetrahedral prism puzzles
> working tonight, but held off enabling in the UI just yet because
> of the following. Similar to David's observation of how the
> length-2 simplex puzzle has a 5C piece, the length-2 and length-3
> tetrahedral prism puzzles have a number of stickers which should
> twist like 2C pieces, but actually are part of 4C pieces. So the
> wrong grips get considered, and the end result is some twists
> which we want are being disallowed. The puzzles are therefore
> unduly limited. In fact, on the length-2 puzzle, the end result
> is that only the two tetrahedral faces can be twisted, and the
> current scrambling code goes into an infinite loop because it
> doesn't like the lack of variance there.
> In short, MC4D currently uses a "piece type" property (2C/3C/4C) to
> help control twist types. This is mostly good, but number-of-colors
> turns out to not be a discriminating enough property in all situations
> (in particular, on the tetrahedral prisms). The problem of matching
> up pieces with twist types is a difficult one to find an elegant
> general solution for. When this is worked out and these puzzles are
> officially released, they will likely have slightly different
> twisting behavior.
> I think it'd be nice to change the relative sizes of the tetrahedra
> and prism portions on these puzzles as well. Unlike other polytopes
> which are constrained to have fixed cell sizes, prisms have some extra
> flexibility there...
> Take Care,
> Roice
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:17 AM, schuma > > wrote:
> Congratulations! Nice work!
> Yesterday after seeing you mentioned {3,3}x{}, I tried the 2-layer
> version immediately. For the 2-layer version, any automatic
> scramble freezes the program. So I have to manually scramble it.
> But all allowed scrambles are always trivial to solve.
> Then I went on to see the 3-layer version. I found it not easy and
> I didn't that ctrl-f work for this version. I should give it a try
> soon.
> Nan
> --- In
> , "Andrey"
> wrote:
> >
> > It's strange that one of the smallest 4D puzzles is not listed
> inMC4D puzzle list, so you have to generate it by "Invent my own"
> command (with line "{3,3}x{} 3").
> > It took some time to find the most convenient views of the
> puzzle (view with two tetrahedrons has very different "shrink
> face" value than view with 4 prisms). You can't rotate prism to
> 120 deg, so use sequence of two 180-deg turns instead. Not very
> easy...
> > I started with sorting of pieces - top, middle and lower
> layers (like the solver who plays with 3^3 first time - build one
> single-color face :) ). Then there was orientation of middle layer
> pieces and then combining of 3rd layers parallel to prisms (just
> 3-cubie segments) with adjacent cubies. Next step was to put all
> corners in their place - and there were first two problems.
> > First, middle layer was upside-down - and I had to flip all
> its pieces and save colors of top and bottom faces.
> > Second, in the end of this stage I found one corner piece
> (pair of pieces, really) with wrong orientation! It is normal for
> pyraminx, but here you have to think how it can be :)
> > When all corners ans 3Cs of middle layer were in place I found
> myself with 3 parallel pyraminxs and with the task to put all
> their 2Cs in place.
> > One operation was enough for it... well, almost enough. At
> first I tried to move cubies to places in proper orientation, but
> soon found that I can't remember setup twists that contain of
> pairs of prism flips... So I decided to position pieces first.
> > Solving of 3 pyraminxs with the same sequence of 3-cycles went
> smoothly... until there were two transpositions on opposite faces
> (parity problem?). When I solved it there was one wrong oriented
> cubie on top side (and 3 on bottom) - but this time I could
> remember setup twist ))) So when I twisted 3 sets of 2 cubies,
> puzzle was almost solved.
> > So this one is solvable from the scratch, without operations
> development. It doesn't beat {3}x{3},3 :)
> >
> > Andrey
> >
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms
but I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included
in the menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for
ones that are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all
twists that should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed,
making it on one hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the
scrambling may not reach all possible positions, making it
potentially easier to solve. I think that we'll have to consider any
firsts or shortests as tentative at best. Please do continue to
explore experimental puzzles because this is a great way to help us
figure out how they should work. Just remember that any such
solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu of
supported puzzles.


On 9/28/2010 9:52 AM, Roice Nelson wrote:

Hi Andrey and Nan,


Cool to hear about your adventures with the tetrahedral
prism puzzles.  The reason the {3,3}x{} puzzles aren't in the
UI is that there were known problems with them, as you've
found.  Plus, we had to leave some items for future releases
:)  I dug up the development emails we were exchanging last
year to refresh my memory, and am including a few relevant
portions below.


on 11/11/09, roice wrote:

class="gmail_quote">So... we have coded a possible change in
the sticker twisting behavior and are curious of your thoughts
compared to the current behavior you just tested.  The
candidate behavior is that all 2C pieces only do "face center"
twists, all 3C pieces only do "edge" twists, and all 4C pieces
"corner" twists.  1C pieces wouldn't twist anything at all. 
So 2C pieces that are very close to a corner would no longer
do a corner twist.  This change also would correct the
behavior you noted on the length-7 dodecahedral prism.


on 11/11/09, roice wrote:

class="gmail_quote">However, I already happened to run into an
interesting downside behavior with the change.  I got the
tetrahedral prism puzzles working tonight, but held off
enabling in the UI just yet because of the following.  Similar
to David's observation of how the length-2 simplex puzzle has
a 5C piece, the length-2 and length-3 tetrahedral prism
puzzles have a number of stickers which should twist like 2C
pieces, but actually are part of 4C pieces.  So the wrong
grips get considered, and the end result is some twists which
we want are being disallowed.  The puzzles are therefore
unduly limited.  In fact, on the length-2 puzzle, the end
result is that only the two tetrahedral faces can be twisted,
and the current scrambling code goes into an infinite loop
because it doesn't like the lack of variance there.


In short, MC4D currently uses a "piece type"
property (2C/3C/4C) to help control twist types.  This is mostly
good, but number-of-colors turns out to not be a discriminating
enough property in all situations (in particular, on the
tetrahedral prisms).  The problem of matching up pieces with
twist types is a difficult one to find an elegant general
solution for.  When this is worked out and these puzzles are
officially released, they will likely have slightly different
twisting behavior.


I think it'd be nice to change the relative sizes of the
tetrahedra and prism portions on these puzzles as well.  Unlike
other polytopes which are constrained to have fixed cell sizes,
prisms have some extra flexibility there...


Take Care,



On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:17 AM, schuma
< href="">>

class="gmail_quote">Congratulations! Nice work!

Yesterday after seeing you mentioned {3,3}x{}, I tried the
2-layer version immediately. For the 2-layer version, any
automatic scramble freezes the program. So I have to manually
scramble it. But all allowed scrambles are always trivial to

Then I went on to see the 3-layer version. I found it not easy
and I didn't that ctrl-f work for this version. I should give
it a try soon.


--- In href="">,
"Andrey" <andreyastrelin@...> wrote:


> It's strange that one of the smallest 4D puzzles is
not listed inMC4D puzzle list, so you have to generate it
by "Invent my own" command (with line "{3,3}x{} 3").

>   It took some time to find the most convenient views
of the puzzle (view with two tetrahedrons has very
different "shrink face" value than view with 4 prisms).
You can't rotate prism to 120 deg, so use sequence of two
180-deg turns instead. Not very easy...

>   I started with sorting of pieces - top, middle and
lower layers (like the solver who plays with 3^3 first
time - build one single-color face :) ). Then there was
orientation of middle layer pieces and then combining of
3rd layers parallel to prisms (just 3-cubie segments) with
adjacent cubies. Next step was to put all corners in their
place - and there were first two problems.

>   First, middle layer was upside-down - and I had to
flip all its pieces and save colors of top and bottom

>   Second, in the end of this stage I found one corner
piece (pair of pieces, really) with wrong orientation! It
is normal for pyraminx, but here you have to think how it
can be :)

>   When all corners ans 3Cs of middle layer were in
place I found myself with 3 parallel pyraminxs and with
the task to put all their 2Cs in place.

>   One operation was enough for it... well, almost
enough. At first I tried to move cubies to places in
 proper orientation, but soon found that I can't remember
setup twists that contain of pairs of prism flips... So I
decided to position pieces first.

>   Solving of 3 pyraminxs with the same sequence of
3-cycles went smoothly... until there were two
transpositions on opposite faces (parity problem?). When I
solved it there was one wrong oriented cubie on top side
(and 3 on bottom) - but this time I could remember setup
twist ))) So when I twisted 3 sets of 2 cubies, puzzle was
almost solved.

>   So this one is solvable from the scratch, without
operations development. It doesn't beat {3}x{3},3 :)


>   Andrey



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From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 05:02:57 -0000
Subject: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be perform=
ed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now I can'=
t imagine such twist )))


--- In, Melinda Green wrote:
> I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but=20
> I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the=20
> menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that=20
> are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that=20
> should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one=
> hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not=20
> reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I=20
> think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative=20
> at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this=
> is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember=
> that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu=20
> of supported puzzles.
> -Melinda

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 22:29:33 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the
one directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly
deferred to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with
other problems such as infinite loops while scrambling, etc. In general
we didn't include any puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both of
us, therefore any puzzles not in that set are considered unsupported.
We're both happy that people explore outside these bounds of the
supported set but you're basically on your own with them in that you
risk losing your records if we end up defining a particular puzzle
differently from what you solved. It's also not up to us to prove
whether such a change makes for a fundamentally different puzzle. By
adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortests, it becomes your
responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to the puzzle
definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that time
you add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it as a
tentative record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions
by anyone. Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is
well defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported
list. Of course if you'd like to work on extending the range of
supported puzzles, we'd love your help. Just note that Don has a more
up-to-date engine that we didn't know about at the time and the task of
incorporating that new engine is our highest priority issue #94
. We're just
not doing any development currently.


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:
> Melinda,
> Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now I can't imagine such twist )))
> Andrey
> --- In, Melinda Green wrote:
>> I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
>> I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
>> menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
>> are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
>> should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
>> hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
>> reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
>> think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
>> at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this
>> is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
>> that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
>> of supported puzzles.
>> -Melinda
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the
one directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly
deferred to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with
other problems such as infinite loops while scrambling, etc.  In
general we didn't include any puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up
from both of us, therefore any puzzles not in that set are
considered unsupported. We're both happy that people explore outside
these bounds of the supported set but you're basically on your own
with them in that you risk losing your records if we end up defining
a particular puzzle differently from what you solved. It's also not
up to us to prove whether such a change makes for a fundamentally
different puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and
shortests, it becomes your responsibility to make sure that it's
accurate according to the puzzle definitions that end up being
supported. I suggest that until that time you add an asterisk on the
records page with a footnote flagging it as a tentative record. I
think that should hold for any more such solutions by anyone.
Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well
defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported
list. Of course if you'd like to work on extending the range of
supported puzzles, we'd love your help. Just note that Don has a
more up-to-date engine that we didn't know about at the time and the
task of incorporating that new engine is our highest priority href="">issue
#94. We're just not doing any development currently.


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now I can't imagine such twist )))


--- In, Melinda Green <melinda@...> wrote:

I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this
is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
of supported puzzles.



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<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
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<*> To change settings online go to:
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<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:


From: "Galla, Matthew" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 03:22:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

There is only one parituclar type of move that you cannot make in 1 click o=
the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular prism faces b=
120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in 2 moves (click a 2C
piece that faces another triangular prism and then click an edge piece[3C]
between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the first click)

Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially change the
move count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record made on th=
current implementation should stay becuase if anything, the bug makes the
record worse than it could have been.

Just my two cents :)
-Matt Galla

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green w=

> I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the one
> directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly deferred t=
> his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with other problems s=
> as infinite loops while scrambling, etc. In general we didn't include an=
> puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both of us, therefore any puzz=
> not in that set are considered unsupported. We're both happy that people
> explore outside these bounds of the supported set but you're basically on
> your own with them in that you risk losing your records if we end up
> defining a particular puzzle differently from what you solved. It's also =
> up to us to prove whether such a change makes for a fundamentally differe=
> puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortests, it
> becomes your responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to =
> puzzle definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that
> time you add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it =
> a tentative record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions =
> anyone. Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well
> defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of
> course if you'd like to work on extending the range of supported puzzles,
> we'd love your help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date engine that=
> didn't know about at the time and the task of incorporating that new engi=
> is our highest priority issue #94sues/detail?id=3D94>.
> We're just not doing any development currently.
> -Melinda
> On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:
> Melinda,
> Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be perfo=
rmed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now I ca=
n't imagine such twist )))
> Andrey
> --- In, Melinda Green .> wrote:
> I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
> I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
> menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
> are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
> should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
> hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
> reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
> think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
> at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this
> is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
> that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
> of supported puzzles.
> -Melinda
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

There is=A0only one=A0parituclar type of move that you cannot make in =
1 click on the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular pr=
ism faces by 120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in 2 move=
s (click a 2C piece that faces another triangular prism and then click an e=
dge piece[3C] between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the firs=
t click)


Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially=A0=
change the move count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record=
made on the current implementation should stay becuase if anything, the bu=
g makes the record worse than it could have been.


Just my two cents :)

-Matt Galla

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green =

; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class=3D"gmail_quote">

I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the =
one directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly defe=
rred to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with other =
problems such as infinite loops while scrambling, etc.=A0 In general we did=
n't include any puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both of =
us, therefore any puzzles not in that set are considered unsupported. We=
9;re both happy that people explore outside these bounds of the supported s=
et but you're basically on your own with them in that you risk losing y=
our records if we end up defining a particular puzzle differently from what=
you solved. It's also not up to us to prove whether such a change make=
s for a fundamentally different puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki=
's firsts and shortests, it becomes your responsibility to make sure th=
at it's accurate according to the puzzle definitions that end up being =
supported. I suggest that until that time you add an asterisk on the record=
s page with a footnote flagging it as a tentative record. I think that shou=
ld hold for any more such solutions by anyone. Alternatively, if you can co=
nvince Roice that the puzzle is well defined and implemented, then we shoul=
d add it to the supported list. Of course if you'd like to work on exte=
nding the range of supported puzzles, we'd love your help. Just note th=
at Don has a more up-to-date engine that we didn't know about at the ti=
me and the task of incorporating that new engine is our highest priority href=3D"" target=
=3D"_blank">issue #94. We're just not doing any development current=


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be per=
formed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But no=
w I can't imagine such twist )))


--- In 4D_Cu=
, Melinda Green et=3D"_blank"><melinda@...> wrote:

  I'm glad that you guys are having fun =
with the tetrahedral prisms but=20
I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the=20
menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that=20
are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that=20
should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one=20
hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not=20
reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I=20
think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative=
at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this=20
is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember=20
that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu=20
of supported puzzles.



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<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

<*> To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

<*> To change settings via email:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:



From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 01:36:03 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that
solutions to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're at
increased risk of being later invalidated. This case may be perfectly
safe as you suggest but there are more reasons why we might not have
felt confident enough to support particular puzzles. For example,
creating a truly and properly scrambled state is not a trivial thing.
It's very easy to not scramble it enough or to not use enough operators
such as to reach all types of states or to make certain types of
scrambled states wildly more or less likely.

Thanks for weighing in,

On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:
> There is only one parituclar type of move that you cannot make in 1
> click on the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular
> prism faces by 120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in
> 2 moves (click a 2C piece that faces another triangular prism and then
> click an edge piece[3C] between 3 triangular prism faces on the same
> face as the first click)
> Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially change
> the move count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record
> made on the current implementation should stay becuase if anything,
> the bug makes the record worse than it could have been.
> Just my two cents :)
> -Matt Galla
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green
> > wrote:
> I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was
> the one directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I
> mostly deferred to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto
> puzzles with other problems such as infinite loops while
> scrambling, etc. In general we didn't include any puzzles that
> didn't get the thumbs up from both of us, therefore any puzzles
> not in that set are considered unsupported. We're both happy that
> people explore outside these bounds of the supported set but
> you're basically on your own with them in that you risk losing
> your records if we end up defining a particular puzzle differently
> from what you solved. It's also not up to us to prove whether such
> a change makes for a fundamentally different puzzle. By adding
> your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortests, it becomes your
> responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to the
> puzzle definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that
> until that time you add an asterisk on the records page with a
> footnote flagging it as a tentative record. I think that should
> hold for any more such solutions by anyone. Alternatively, if you
> can convince Roice that the puzzle is well defined and
> implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of
> course if you'd like to work on extending the range of supported
> puzzles, we'd love your help. Just note that Don has a more
> up-to-date engine that we didn't know about at the time and the
> task of incorporating that new engine is our highest priority
> issue #94
> . We're
> just not doing any development currently.
> -Melinda
> On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:
>> Melinda,
>> Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now I can't imagine such twist )))
>> Andrey
>> --- , Melinda Green wrote:
>>> I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
>>> I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
>>> menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
>>> are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
>>> should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
>>> hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
>>> reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
>>> think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
>>> at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this
>>> is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
>>> that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
>>> of supported puzzles.
>>> -Melinda
>> ------------------------------------
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> change settings online go to:
>> (Yahoo! ID required)

Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that
solutions to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're
at increased risk of being later invalidated. This case may be
perfectly safe as you suggest but there are more reasons why we
might not have felt confident enough to support particular puzzles.
For example, creating a truly and properly scrambled state is not a
trivial thing. It's very easy to not scramble it enough or to not
use enough operators such as to reach all types of states or to make
certain types of scrambled states wildly more or less likely.

Thanks for weighing in,


On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:

There is=A0only one=A0parituclar type of move that you cannot
make in 1 click on the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one
of the triangular prism faces by 120 degrees. This move can,
however, be accomplished in 2 moves (click a 2C piece that faces
another triangular prism and then click an edge piece[3C]
between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the first


Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does
potentially=A0change the move count, depending on the solve of
course. I think any record made on the current implementation
should stay becuase if anything, the bug makes the record worse
than it could have been.


Just my two cents :)

-Matt Galla

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda
Green < href=3D"">melinda@superliminal.c=


margin: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"

I don't know if there is or is not such a
difference. Roice was the one directly supporting
the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly deferred
to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto
puzzles with other problems such as infinite loops
while scrambling, etc.=A0 In general we didn't include
any puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both
of us, therefore any puzzles not in that set are
considered unsupported. We're both happy that people
explore outside these bounds of the supported set
but you're basically on your own with them in that
you risk losing your records if we end up defining a
particular puzzle differently from what you solved.
It's also not up to us to prove whether such a
change makes for a fundamentally different puzzle.
By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and
shortests, it becomes your responsibility to make
sure that it's accurate according to the puzzle
definitions that end up being supported. I suggest
that until that time you add an asterisk on the
records page with a footnote flagging it as a
tentative record. I think that should hold for any
more such solutions by anyone. Alternatively, if you
can convince Roice that the puzzle is well defined
and implemented, then we should add it to the
supported list. Of course if you'd like to work on
extending the range of supported puzzles, we'd love
your help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date
engine that we didn't know about at the time and the
task of incorporating that new engine is our highest
priority href=3D"
target=3D"_blank">issue #94
. We're just not
doing any development currently.


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be perform=
ed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now I can'=
t imagine such twist )))


--- In " target=3D"_blank">, Melinda Green not-send=3D"true" href=3D"mailto:melinda@..." target=3D"_blank"><melinda=

  I'm glad that you guys are having fun with t=
he tetrahedral prisms but=20
I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the=20
menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that=20
are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that=20
should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one=20
hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not=20
reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I=20
think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative=20
at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this=20
is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember=20
that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu=20
of supported puzzles.



Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
bing/" target=3D"_blank">



From: "Andrew Gould" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 22:04:23 -0500
Subject: RE: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

IIIIIII see now. So the triangular prism stickers that are part of 4C
pieces can't be clicked on. I bet you'll add 120-degree face twists to at
least the 2D triangle sides of the rectangular prism stickers.
Specifically, on the rectangular prisms of the {3,3}x{} 2 (where you can't
click on any part of any rectangular prism sticker) you could add 180-degree
twists when clicking on their 2D rectangular faces and add 120-degree twists
to their 2D triangular faces. The idea is inspired by how you did 120 &
90-degree twists to the {4,3,3} 2.

I just imagined having multiple ways the user can choose between 90, 120,
and 180 degree twists (seeing as 180-degree twists aren't possible on the
{4,3,3} 2). Possibly keyboard shortcuts like 'A + Click', 'B + Click', 'C +
Click', but also possibly (and/or) a third tab on the left side titled
'twists'. In this, you could also add the 2D twist feature I have wished to

1) Speaking of which, last night I verified that some non-3D-face twists are
mathematically possible on the {3,3}x{}, like rotating only a 4C piece ALONE
by 120 degrees (no other piece moves nor twists).

2) Tonight I have found that on the {3,3}x{} 2 it's also mathematically
possible to twist two 4C pieces alone by 180 degrees (they can't have the
same color tetrahedron sticker--the two 4Cs would end up switching
location--if the side length were 3 or greater, then 3C pieces on the line
directly between them are also involved). It's possible without grooves in
other stickers. Neither is any extra space needed between stickers.

3) I'm now looking at this one: Take a 3D face that isn't a tetrahedron (so
it's a bunch of rectangular prism stickers). Take one of the rectangular 2D
faces of that (most likely includes the upside down rectangular prisms that
are really close to that face). I'll check if it's possible to twist this
by 180 degrees.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Melinda Green
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 3:36
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved


I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that
solutions to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're at
increased risk of being later invalidated. This case may be perfectly safe
as you suggest but there are more reasons why we might not have felt
confident enough to support particular puzzles. For example, creating a
truly and properly scrambled state is not a trivial thing. It's very easy to
not scramble it enough or to not use enough operators such as to reach all
types of states or to make certain types of scrambled states wildly more or
less likely.

Thanks for weighing in,

On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:

There is only one parituclar type of move that you cannot make in 1 click on
the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular prism faces by
120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in 2 moves (click a 2C
piece that faces another triangular prism and then click an edge piece[3C]
between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the first click)

Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially change the
move count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record made on the
current implementation should stay becuase if anything, the bug makes the
record worse than it could have been.

Just my two cents :)

-Matt Galla

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green

I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the one
directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly deferred to
his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with other problems such
as infinite loops while scrambling, etc. In general we didn't include any
puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both of us, therefore any puzzles
not in that set are considered unsupported. We're both happy that people
explore outside these bounds of the supported set but you're basically on
your own with them in that you risk losing your records if we end up
defining a particular puzzle differently from what you solved. It's also not
up to us to prove whether such a change makes for a fundamentally different
puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortests, it
becomes your responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to the
puzzle definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that
time you add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it as
a tentative record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions by
anyone. Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well
defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of
course if you'd like to work on extending the range of supported puzzles,
we'd love your help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date engine that we
didn't know about at the time and the task of incorporating that new engine
is our highest priority issue #94
. We're just not
doing any development currently.


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be
performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now
I can't imagine such twist )))


--- In, Melinda Green

I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzles because this
is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
of supported puzzles.



Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

osoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =
xmlns:m=3D"" xmlns=3D"http:=

IIIIIII see now.  So the triangular pris=
stickers that are part of 4C pieces can't be clicked on.  I bet you'll=
120-degree face twists to at least the 2D triangle sides of the rectangular
prism stickers.  Specifically, on the rectangular prisms of the {3,3}x=
{} 2
(where you can't click on any part of any rectangular prism sticker) you co=
add 180-degree twists when clicking on their 2D rectangular faces and add
120-degree twists to their 2D triangular faces.  The idea is inspired =
how you did 120 & 90-degree twists to the {4,3,3} 2.  <=


I just imagined having multiple ways the use=
r can
choose between 90, 120, and 180 degree twists (seeing as 180-degree twists
aren't possible on the {4,3,3} 2).  Possibly keyboard shortcuts like '=
A + Click',
'B + Click', 'C + Click', but also possibly (and/or) a third tab on the lef=
side titled 'twists'.  In this, you could also add the 2D twist featur=
e I
have wished to see. 


1) Speaking of which, last night I verified =
some non-3D-face twists are mathematically possible on the {3,3}x{}, like
rotating only a 4C piece ALONE by 120 degrees (no other piece moves nor


2) Tonight I have found that on the {3,3}x{}=
2 it's
also mathematically possible to twist two 4C pieces alone by 180 degrees (t=
can't have the same color tetrahedron sticker--the two 4Cs would end up
switching location--if the side length were 3 or greater, then 3C pieces on=
line directly between them are also involved).  It's possible without
grooves in other stickers.  Neither is any extra space needed between


3) I'm now looking at this one:  Take a=
face that isn't a tetrahedron (so it's a bunch of rectangular prism
stickers).  Take one of the rectangular 2D faces of that (most likely
includes the upside down rectangular prisms that are really close to that f=
I'll check if it's possible to twist this by 180 degrees.  =








0in 0in'>

","sans-serif"'>From:style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'> [] On Behalf O=

Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 3:36


Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved<=




I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that solutio=
to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're at increased risk=
being later invalidated. This case may be perfectly safe as you suggest but
there are more reasons why we might not have felt confident enough to suppo=
particular puzzles. For example, creating a truly and properly scrambled st=
is not a trivial thing. It's very easy to not scramble it enough or to not =
enough operators such as to reach all types of states or to make certain ty=
of scrambled states wildly more or less likely.

Thanks for weighing in,


On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:

There is only one parituclar type of move th=
at you
cannot make in 1 click on the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of th=
triangular prism faces by 120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplis=
in 2 moves (click a 2C piece that faces another triangular prism and then c=
an edge piece[3C] between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the
first click)


Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does
potentially change the move count, depending on the solve of course. I
think any record made on the current implementation should stay becuase if
anything, the bug makes the record worse than it could have been.>


Just my two cents :)

-Matt Galla<=

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green <href=3D"">> w=


I don't know if there is or is not such a
difference. Roice was the one directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation
code so I mostly deferred to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto
puzzles with other problems such as infinite loops while scrambling, etc.&n=
In general we didn't include any puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from
both of us, therefore any puzzles not in that set are considered unsupporte=
We're both happy that people explore outside these bounds of the supported =
but you're basically on your own with them in that you risk losing your rec=
if we end up defining a particular puzzle differently from what you solved.
It's also not up to us to prove whether such a change makes for a fundament=
different puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortest=
it becomes your responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to=
puzzle definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that t=
you add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it as a
tentative record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions by
anyone. Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well
defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of co=
if you'd like to work on extending the range of supported puzzles, we'd lov=
your help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date engine that we didn't k=
about at the time and the task of incorporating that new engine is our high=
priority =3D94"
target=3D"_blank">issue #94
. We're just not doing any development curre=


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

style=3D'background:white'>  Of course, when you show me the twist in =
new puzzle that can't be performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puz=
zle is different. But now I can't imagine such twist )))re
white'>  Andrey
white'>--- In href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D_Cubing@yahoo=, Melinda Green href=3D"mailto:melinda@..." target=3D"_blank"><melinda@...> wrote=

white'>  I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral pr=
isms but
style=3D'background:white'>I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzz=
les not included in the style=3D'background:white'>menu must be considered as unofficial results, a=
t least for ones that style=3D'background:white'>are not trivial extensions to ones already there=
. Not all twists that style=3D'background:white'>should be allowed on this puzzle are currently a=
llowed, making it on one style=3D'background:white'>hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the=
scrambling may not style=3D'background:white'>reach all possible positions, making it potentia=
lly easier to solve. I style=3D'background:white'>think that we'll have to consider any firsts or =
shortests as tentative style=3D'background:white'>at best. Please do continue to explore experimen=
tal puzzles because this style=3D'background:white'>is a great way to help us figure out how they sh=
ould work. Just remember style=3D'background:white'>that any such solutions are unofficial until the=
y are added to the menu style=3D'background:white'>of supported'background:white'> 

white'>Yahoo! Groups Links
white'><*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">http://=

white'><*> Your email settings:
style=3D'background:white'>    Individual Email | Traditiona=
white'><*> To change settings online go to:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">htt=
p://'background:white'>    (Yahoo! ID required)p>style=3D'background:white'> 
white'><*> To change settings via email:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D_Cubin= style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D=
white'><*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:p>
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D_=
white'><*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">http://docs.ya='background:white'> 



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From: "Andrew Gould" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 01:21:39 -0500
Subject: RE: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

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Re: 2) Actually, I just realized you can currently do this twist type in
the {3,3}x{} as long as the length is 3 (or greater). You can do it by
holding down '1' & '2' (or '1' through [length - 1]) and clicking on one of
the 3C pieces (or 2C pieces) that only has triangular prism stickers.

3) Still looking at this twist type.

4) Mathematically it's possible to twist a 2D triangle face by 120-degrees.
These are the 2D triangle faces where a 3D tetrahedron face and one of the
3D triangular prism faces meet. This includes (a) octahedral sticker(s), as
well as two lines (one right side up, one upside down) of triangular prism
stickers from each of the other three 3D triangular prism faces.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Andrew Gould
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 22:04
Subject: RE: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

IIIIIII see now. So the triangular prism stickers that are part of 4C
pieces can't be clicked on. I bet you'll add 120-degree face twists to at
least the 2D triangle sides of the rectangular prism stickers.
Specifically, on the rectangular prisms of the {3,3}x{} 2 (where you can't
click on any part of any rectangular prism sticker) you could add 180-degree
twists when clicking on their 2D rectangular faces and add 120-degree twists
to their 2D triangular faces. The idea is inspired by how you did 120 &
90-degree twists to the {4,3,3} 2.

I just imagined having multiple ways the user can choose between 90, 120,
and 180 degree twists (seeing as 180-degree twists aren't possible on the
{4,3,3} 2). Possibly keyboard shortcuts like 'A + Click', 'B + Click', 'C +
Click', but also possibly (and/or) a third tab on the left side titled
'twists'. In this, you could also add the 2D twist feature I have wished to

1) Speaking of which, last night I verified that some non-3D-face twists are
mathematically possible on the {3,3}x{}, like rotating only a 4C piece ALONE
by 120 degrees (no other piece moves nor twists).

2) Tonight I have found that on the {3,3}x{} 2 it's also mathematically
possible to twist two 4C pieces alone by 180 degrees (they can't have the
same color tetrahedron sticker--the two 4Cs would end up switching
location--if the side length were 3 or greater, then 3C pieces on the line
directly between them are also involved). It's possible without grooves in
other stickers. Neither is any extra space needed between stickers.

3) I'm now looking at this one: Take a 3D face that isn't a tetrahedron (so
it's a bunch of rectangular prism stickers). Take one of the rectangular 2D
faces of that (most likely includes the upside down rectangular prisms that
are really close to that face). I'll check if it's possible to twist this
by 180 degrees.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Melinda Green
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 3:36
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved


I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that
solutions to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're at
increased risk of being later invalidated. This case may be perfectly safe
as you suggest but there are more reasons why we might not have felt
confident enough to support particular puzzles. For example, creating a
truly and properly scrambled state is not a trivial thing. It's very easy to
not scramble it enough or to not use enough operators such as to reach all
types of states or to make certain types of scrambled states wildly more or
less likely.

Thanks for weighing in,

On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:

There is only one parituclar type of move that you cannot make in 1 click on
the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular prism faces by
120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in 2 moves (click a 2C
piece that faces another triangular prism and then click an edge piece[3C]
between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the first click)

Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially change the
move count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record made on the
current implementation should stay becuase if anything, the bug makes the
record worse than it could have been.

Just my two cents :)

-Matt Galla

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green

I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the one
directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly deferred to
his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with other problems such
as infinite loops while scrambling, etc. In general we didn't include any
puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both of us, therefore any puzzles
not in that set are considered unsupported. We're both happy that people
explore outside these bounds of the supported set but you're basically on
your own with them in that you risk losing your records if we end up
defining a particular puzzle differently from what you solved. It's also not
up to us to prove whether such a change makes for a fundamentally different
puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortests, it
becomes your responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to the
puzzle definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that
time you add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it as
a tentative record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions by
anyone. Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well
defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of
course if you'd like to work on extending the range of supported puzzles,
we'd love your help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date engine that we
didn't know about at the time and the task of incorporating that new engine
is our highest priority issue #94
. We're just not
doing any development currently.


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be
performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now
I can't imagine such twist )))


--- In, Melinda Green

I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral prisms but
I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzzles not included in the
menu must be considered as unofficial results, at least for ones that
are not trivial extensions to ones already there. Not all twists that
should be allowed on this puzzle are currently allowed, making it on one
hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the scrambling may not
reach all possible positions, making it potentially easier to solve. I
think that we'll have to consider any firsts or shortests as tentative
at best. Please do continue to explore experimental puzzle
s because this
is a great way to help us figure out how they should work. Just remember
that any such solutions are unofficial until they are added to the menu
of supported puzzles.



Yahoo! Groups Links

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

osoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =
xmlns:m=3D"" xmlns=3D"http:=

color:#1F497D'>Re: 2)  Actually, I just realized you can currently do =
twist type in the {3,3}x{} as long as the length is 3 (or greater).  Y=
can do it by holding down '1' & '2' (or '1' through [length - 1]) and
clicking on one of the 3C pieces (or 2C pieces) that only has triangular pr=


color:#1F497D'>3)  Still looking at this twist type.


color:#1F497D'>4)  Mathematically it's possible to twist a 2D triangle=
by 120-degrees.  These are the 2D triangle faces where a 3D tetrahedro=
n face
and one of the 3D triangular prism faces meet.  This includes (a) octa=
sticker(s), as well as two lines (one right side up, one upside down) of
triangular prism stickers from each of the other three 3D triangular prism






0in 0in'>

","sans-serif"'>From:style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'> [] On Behalf O=

Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 22:04


Subject: RE: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved<=



see now.  So the triangular prism stickers that are part of 4C pieces
can't be clicked on.  I bet you'll add 120-degree face twists to at le=
the 2D triangle sides of the rectangular prism stickers.  Specifically=
, on
the rectangular prisms of the {3,3}x{} 2 (where you can't click on any part=
any rectangular prism sticker) you could add 180-degree twists when clickin=
g on
their 2D rectangular faces and add 120-degree twists to their 2D triangular=
The idea is inspired by how you did 120 & 90-degree twists to the {4,3,=


just imagined having multiple ways the user can choose between 90, 120, and=
degree twists (seeing as 180-degree twists aren't possible on the {4,3,3}
2).  Possibly keyboard shortcuts like 'A + Click', 'B + Click', 'C +
Click', but also possibly (and/or) a third tab on the left side titled
'twists'.  In this, you could also add the 2D twist feature I have wis=
to see. 


Speaking of which, last night I verified that some non-3D-face twists are
mathematically possible on the {3,3}x{}, like rotating only a 4C piece ALON=
E by
120 degrees (no other piece moves nor twists). 


Tonight I have found that on the {3,3}x{} 2 it's also mathematically possib=
to twist two 4C pieces alone by 180 degrees (they can't have the same color
tetrahedron sticker--the two 4Cs would end up switching location--if the si=
length were 3 or greater, then 3C pieces on the line directly between them =
also involved).  It's possible without grooves in other stickers. =
Neither is any extra space needed between stickers. 


I'm now looking at this one:  Take a 3D face that isn't a tetrahedron =
it's a bunch of rectangular prism stickers).  Take one of the rectangu=
2D faces of that (most likely includes the upside down rectangular prisms t=
are really close to that face).  I'll check if it's possible to twist =
by 180 degrees. 








n 0in'>

:auto'>style=3D'font-size:10.0pt'>From:> [] On Behalf O=

Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 3:36


Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved<=




I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that solutio=
to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're at increased risk=
being later invalidated. This case may be perfectly safe as you suggest but
there are more reasons why we might not have felt confident enough to suppo=
particular puzzles. For example, creating a truly and properly scrambled st=
is not a trivial thing. It's very easy to not scramble it enough or to not =
enough operators such as to reach all types of states or to make certain ty=
of scrambled states wildly more or less likely.

Thanks for weighing in,


On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:

is only one parituclar type of move that you cannot make in 1 cli=
on the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular prism face=
s by
120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in 2 moves (click a 2C
piece that faces another triangular prism and then click an edge piece[3C]
between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the first click)<=


the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially change the move
count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record made on the cur=
implementation should stay becuase if anything, the bug makes the record wo=
than it could have been.


my two cents :)


Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green <href=3D"">> w=


I don't know if there is or is not such a
difference. Roice was the one directly supporting the Don's puzzle creation=
so I mostly deferred to his opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles
with other problems such as infinite loops while scrambling, etc.  In
general we didn't include any puzzles that didn't get the thumbs up from bo=
of us, therefore any puzzles not in that set are considered unsupported. We=
both happy that people explore outside these bounds of the supported set bu=
you're basically on your own with them in that you risk losing your records=
we end up defining a particular puzzle differently from what you solved. It=
also not up to us to prove whether such a change makes for a fundamentally
different puzzle. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortest=
it becomes your responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to=
puzzle definitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that t=
you add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it as a
tentative record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions by
anyone. Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well
defined and implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of co=
if you'd like to work on extending the range of supported puzzles, we'd lov=
your help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date engine that we didn't k=
about at the time and the task of incorporating that new engine is our high=
priority =3D94"
target=3D"_blank">issue #94
. We're just not doing any development curre=



On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:

style=3D'background:white'>  Of course, when you show me the twist in =
new puzzle that can't be performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puz=
zle is different. But now I can't imagine such twist )))re
white'>  Andrey
white'>--- In href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D_Cubing@yahoo=, Melinda Green href=3D"mailto:melinda@..." target=3D"_blank"><melinda@...> wrote=

white'>  I'm glad that you guys are having fun with the tetrahedral pr=
isms but
style=3D'background:white'>I have to remind everyone that solutions to puzz=
les not included in the style=3D'background:white'>menu must be considered as unofficial results, a=
t least for ones that style=3D'background:white'>are not trivial extensions to ones already there=
. Not all twists that style=3D'background:white'>should be allowed on this puzzle are currently a=
llowed, making it on one style=3D'background:white'>hand harder to solve, but on the other hand, the=
scrambling may not style=3D'background:white'>reach all possible positions, making it potentia=
lly easier to solve. I style=3D'background:white'>think that we'll have to consider any firsts or =
shortests as tentative style=3D'background:white'>at best. Please do continue to explore experimen=
tal puzzlestyle=3D'background:white'> s because this style=3D'background:white'>is a great way to help us figure out how they sh=
ould work. Just remember style=3D'background:white'>that any such solutions are unofficial until the=
y are added to the menu style=3D'background:white'>of supported'background:white'> 

white'>Yahoo! Groups Links
white'><*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">http://=

white'><*> Your email settings:
style=3D'background:white'>    Individual Email | Traditiona=
white'><*> To change settings online go to:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">htt=
p://'background:white'>    (Yahoo! ID required)p>style=3D'background:white'> 
white'><*> To change settings via email:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D_Cubin= style=3D'backgr
ound:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D=
white'><*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:p>
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">4D_=
white'><*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
style=3D'background:white'>    href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">http://docs.ya='background:white'> 



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From: Andrew James Gould <>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 12:29:50 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

3) This 180-degree rotation is possible as well. It's the intersection of =
two triangular prism faces. In the {3,3}x{} 3, 5 lines of triangular prism=
stickers in each of those two faces (3 lines right side up, 2 upside down-=
-15 total stickers from each face) will stay in that face, but rotate 180 d=
egrees; 6 stickers in each of the tetrahedral faces get rotated to the othe=
r tetrahedral face (that's 3 edge tetrahedral stickers, 2 octahedral sticke=
rs, and the central tetrahedral sticker from each face); and in the remaini=
ng two triangular prism faces, 2 lines of stickers from each face (one line=
right side up, one line upside down--6 total stickers from each face) get =
rotated to the other triangular prism face.=20=20

5) Just for kicks, I verified that yes, the currently allowed face rotation=
s as well as the mask layers are possible in the {3,3}x{}.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Gould"
To: "4D Cubing" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 1:21:39 AM
Subject: RE: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved

Re: 2) Actually, I just realized you can currently do this twist type in th=
e {3,3}x{} as long as the length is 3 (or greater). You can do it by holdin=
g down '1' & '2' (or '1' through [length - 1]) and clicking on one of the 3=
C pieces (or 2C pieces) that only has triangular prism stickers.=20

3) Still looking at this twist type.=20

4) Mathematically it's possible to twist a 2D triangle face by 120-degrees.=
These are the 2D triangle faces where a 3D tetrahedron face and one of the=
3D triangular prism faces meet. This includes (a) octahedral sticker(s), a=
s well as two lines (one right side up, one upside down) of triangular pris=
m stickers from each of the other three 3D triangular prism faces.=20



From: [] On Behal=
f Of Andrew Gould=20
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 22:04=20
Subject: RE: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved=20

IIIIIII see now. So the triangular prism stickers that are part of 4C piece=
s can't be clicked on. I bet you'll add 120-degree face twists to at least =
the 2D triangle sides of the rectangular prism stickers. Specifically, on t=
he rectangular prisms of the {3,3}x{} 2 (where you can't click on any part =
of any rectangular prism sticker) you could add 180-degree twists when clic=
king on their 2D rectangular faces and add 120-degree twists to their 2D tr=
iangular faces. The idea is inspired by how you did 120 & 90-degree twists =
to the {4,3,3} 2.=20

I just imagined having multiple ways the user can choose between 90, 120, a=
nd 180 degree twists (seeing as 180-degree twists aren't possible on the {4=
,3,3} 2). Possibly keyboard shortcuts like 'A + Click', 'B + Click', 'C + C=
lick', but also possibly (and/or) a third tab on the left side titled 'twis=
ts'. In this, you could also add the 2D twist feature I have wished to see.=

1) Speaking of which, last night I verified that some non-3D-face twists ar=
e mathematically possible on the {3,3}x{}, like rotating only a 4C piece AL=
ONE by 120 degrees (no other piece moves nor twists).=20

2) Tonight I have found that on the {3,3}x{} 2 it's also mathematically pos=
sible to twist two 4C pieces alone by 180 degrees (they can't have the same=
color tetrahedron sticker--the two 4Cs would end up switching location--if=
the side length were 3 or greater, then 3C pieces on the line directly bet=
ween them are also involved). It's possible without grooves in other sticke=
rs. Neither is any extra space needed between stickers.=20

3) I'm now looking at this one: Take a 3D face that isn't a tetrahedron (so=
it's a bunch of rectangular prism stickers). Take one of the rectangular 2=
D faces of that (most likely includes the upside down rectangular prisms th=
at are really close to that face). I'll check if it's possible to twist thi=
s by 180 degrees.=20



From: [] On Behal=
f Of Melinda Green=20
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 3:36=20
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Tetrahedral prism {3,3}x{}, 3 layers solved=20


I'm not suggesting the removal of any records. I'm just asking that solutio=
ns to unsupported puzzles be flagged as such because they're at increased r=
isk of being later invalidated. This case may be perfectly safe as you sugg=
est but there are more reasons why we might not have felt confident enough =
to support particular puzzles. For example, creating a truly and properly s=
crambled state is not a trivial thing. It's very easy to not scramble it en=
ough or to not use enough operators such as to reach all types of states or=
to make certain types of scrambled states wildly more or less likely.=20

Thanks for weighing in,=20

On 9/29/2010 1:22 AM, Galla, Matthew wrote:=20

There is only one parituclar type of move that you cannot make in 1 click o=
n the {3,3}x{}, 3 puzzle: the rotation of one of the triangular prism faces=
by 120 degrees. This move can, however, be accomplished in 2 moves (click =
a 2C piece that faces another triangular prism and then click an edge piece=
[3C] between 3 triangular prism faces on the same face as the first click)=

Therefore, the bug doesn't lose any states but does potentially change the =
move count, depending on the solve of course. I think any record made on th=
e current implementation should stay becuase if anything, the bug makes the=
record worse than it could have been.=20

Just my two cents :)=20

-Matt Galla=20

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melinda Green < =
> wrote:=20

I don't know if there is or is not such a difference. Roice was the one dir=
ectly supporting the Don's puzzle creation code so I mostly deferred to his=
opinions in such matters while I'd veto puzzles with other problems such a=
s infinite loops while scrambling, etc. In general we didn't include any pu=
zzles that didn't get the thumbs up from both of us, therefore any puzzles =
not in that set are considered unsupported. We're both happy that people ex=
plore outside these bounds of the supported set but you're basically on you=
r own with them in that you risk losing your records if we end up defining =
a particular puzzle differently from what you solved. It's also not up to u=
s to prove whether such a change makes for a fundamentally different puzzle=
. By adding your solution to the wiki's firsts and shortests, it becomes yo=
ur responsibility to make sure that it's accurate according to the puzzle d=
efinitions that end up being supported. I suggest that until that time you =
add an asterisk on the records page with a footnote flagging it as a tentat=
ive record. I think that should hold for any more such solutions by anyone.=
Alternatively, if you can convince Roice that the puzzle is well defined a=
nd implemented, then we should add it to the supported list. Of course if y=
ou'd like to work on extending the range of supported puzzles, we'd love yo=
ur help. Just note that Don has a more up-to-date engine that we didn't kno=
w about at the time and the task of incorporating that new engine is our hi=
ghest priority issue #94 . We're just not doing any development currently.=


On 9/28/2010 10:02 PM, Andrey wrote:=20

Melinda, Of course, when you show me the twist in new puzzle that can't be =
performed in the old one, I'll agree that this puzzle is different. But now=
I can't imagine such twist ))) Andrey --- In , M=
elinda Green wrote:=20