Hi all!
You may find this interesting (you probably already heard of it)
A 23 yrs old hungarian guy invented a 3d interface, and won every possible =
award with it. Possibilities of utilization are endless, you can use it in =
your job, research, education, hobby etc., but I better let it speak for it=
And of course, imagine the MC4D in 3D environment...
It was long. Took about a month from me. I hadn't expected any parity probl=
ems - and there wre none. I had serious orientation problem in the end of 5=
C stage (3-cycle of one last piece; it looked for me like 5C orientation of=
3^5, that is very difficult for my algorithm), but now I see that there wa=
s easy way around this problem). Timer shows 40+ hours, but it started at t=
he middle of 3C, so actual time is close to 70h. 175K twists, with longest =
macro of 65 twists (swap of 5C).
Not very difficut... it's only a cube :P
3^6 is still waiting for its solver.
Good luck!