Thread: "MC7D v 1.30 released"

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:32:24 -0000
Subject: MC7D v 1.30 released

What is new - checkbox "Run by Click". When it is checked macros are perfor=
med immediately, without drop down menu. But you cannot make reversed macro=
s this way - if you want direct and reversed macros, you have to uncheck th=
is box.
With this feature I easily took 47 seconds from my best time :)

Good luck!

From: "schuma" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:33:26 -0000
Subject: MC7D v 1.30 released

Yesterday I solved the uniform duoprism {3}x{3} with 3 layers. The solution=
log file can be found here.

According to the wiki page, no one had solved it before. So I decide to sha=
re some experience about it. I solved {3}x{3} before I read Roice's post ab=
out {5}x{5} ( Th=
erefore I didn't expect parity issues when I started to solve it. The puzzl=
e {3}x{3}-3 is a relatively small puzzle with not many pieces, but it's ful=
l of traps as you start to solve it. So it has been much fun to solve. I re=
ally recommend everyone to try it.

Yesterday afternoon, I examined the puzzle and recognized all the pieces. I=
t is like two tori interlocking with each other. It has a nice property tha=
t a sticker on one torus always stays on that torus. This constraint separa=
tes most of the pieces into two orbits corresponding to the two tori. Then,=
I constructed some algorithms that did 3-cycles, and some algorithms that =
simultaneously flipped the orientations of two pieces. I made a plan of sol=
ving a certain type of pieces first and another type second, and so on. I t=
hought that I was ready, so I got started.=20

There are two types of 2C pieces. I call them 2C-side and 2C-top. The first=
type to solve was the 2C-side pieces. I quickly met the first parity issue=
. I needed to switch two 2C-side pieces. And there was a 180 deg turn to do=
it. It was easy to deal with this issue.

After solving some 1C pieces and 3C pieces, I met the second parity issue. =
I needed to flip a single 3C on one torus, and exchange two 3C pieces on th=
e other torus. Later I realized that, exchanging two 3C pieces on one torus=
was equivalent to flip a 3C on the same torus, but not to flip a 3C on the=
OTHER torus. What I needed to do was essentially to flip a single 3C on ea=
ch torus. This was not anything I prepared. The algorithm I prepared can on=
ly flip two 3C pieces in the same torus. After spending some time, I realiz=
ed that I could do two first layer turns to solve this issue. However, this=
method affected many solved pieces so that I had to re-solve pretty much e=
verything from the first phase. Although this fact was hard to face, I had =
to do it.

Since the second parity issue was fixed, I didn't meet it when I solved the=
3C pieces for the second time. I moved on to solve 2C-top pieces. At the e=
nd, I met the third parity issue. I needed to flip a single 2C-top pieces o=
n each torus. Again, this was not what I prepared. Again I came up with the=
solution that affected many solved pieces. I did that and had to start fro=
m the first phase for the third time. Believe it or not, I spent nearly 200=
0 moves and I was still in the very first phase!

This time when I finished solving two types of pieces, I realized I just ma=
de a mistake. This was purely my mistake recognizing some colors but not an=
y parity issue. Instead of re-solving again, I decided to give up and take =
a fresh start.

I took another full scramble. Since I thought that I had seen all parity is=
sues in this puzzle, I made a thorough plan to count the parity of the perm=
utations of all the troubling pieces and the parity of their orientations. =
I wanted to make sure that all the parities were even in the beginning. I t=
ook some time counting them. Then I used only two turns to fix all the pari=
ty issues! The remaining part was very smooth. I solved every type of piece=
s without seeing any parity issue.=20

Of course, another way to fix the parity issues is to construct algorithms =
that directly flip only one piece at a time without affecting other solved =
pieces. But I don't know such a method. My method of counting parity in the=
beginning works well enough for {3}x{3}-3. But for {5}x{5}-3, maybe it wil=
l be impractical because there are too many pieces to count. That puzzle wi=
ll be the next for me to try.


From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:00:05 -0000
Subject: Re: MC7D v 1.30 released

--- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> What is new - checkbox "Run by Click". When it is checked macros are perf=
ormed immediately, without drop down menu. But you cannot make reversed mac=
ros this way - if you want direct and reversed macros, you have to uncheck =
this box.
> With this feature I easily took 47 seconds from my best time :)
> Good luck!
> Andrey

Some questions:
1.How to let the program solve the cube? (Or do you plan to have this funct=
2.How many turns the "Full Scramble" turned?

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:57:06 -0000
Subject: Re: MC7D v 1.30 released

> Some questions:
> 1.How to let the program solve the cube? (Or do you plan to have this fun=

No, I don't plan this. You can Reset cube or select new puzzle - it will be=
come in solved state.=20

> 2.How many turns the "Full Scramble" turned?

For N^5 it's 100 twists, for other N^D it's 2*D*(D-1)*N.

From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 15:07:10 -0000
Subject: Re: MC7D v 1.30 released

--- In, "Andrey" wrote:
> What is new - checkbox "Run by Click". When it is checked macros are perf=
ormed immediately, without drop down menu. But you cannot make reversed mac=
ros this way - if you want direct and reversed macros, you have to uncheck =
this box.
> With this feature I easily took 47 seconds from my best time :)
> Good luck!
> Andrey
I found a big bug. Leave the macro box empty then check on "Run by click". =
Click anywhere in the macro box and there will be an error. It will not clo=
se the software but still very noisy.

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