Hi all,
Some months ago I mentioned that another of my 4D games was tetris. Today=
I found it in my archives (this program is 5.5 years old now) and uploaded=
it to http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/4D_Cubing/files/MC7D/t4.zip .
Before new game you can select pieces set and dimensions of well bottom (=
from 3x3x3 to 4x4x4). Default is the largest - 4x4x4, 7-cube pieces, but I =
recomment to start with more simple - 3x3x3, 5- or 6-cube, they are more in=
You see color-coded depth map of the bottom of the well (colors are shown=
on the vertical scale on the left). Projection of current piece on the bot=
tom and on the side is shown by dots. The shape of current and next pieces =
is shown in the right top corner of screen. Long lines from top-left to bot=
tom-rigth go in 4th dimension, others are same as in the field. You can use=
buttons for rotations and movement (also they are paired on the keyboard -=
qwertyasdfgh for rotations, numeric keypad with NumLock on - for movements=
and mirror/exchange/drop). "Mirror" may be used to reflect piece in 3rd di=
mension, "exchange" - to exchange current and next pieces.
It's possible to save and load current position. There is no undo of last=
step, so I recommend to save it before any difficult drop.
Good luck,