hello friends,
thought you'd like to know that i received solutions from 2 new solvers
in the same day! now that's a new first. they're on the hall-of-fame
page and i hope will join the mailing list and introduce themselves. one
is from russia and the other from romania. lots of strong math geeks in
the east!
My name is Ivan.
Thanks Melinda, I'm new member.
This weekend I've solved 4D cube using hints.
My story is as follows.
Two weeks ago I surfed web for some special geometric puzzles info.
Fortunately, I found Your MagicCube4D perfect 3d representation.
First, I tried to solve scrambled Cube myself,
but after solution of first cell (3d side) I realized
the obstacles, luck of time and ideas.
I decided to follow Roice Nelson's principles
and finally I've worked off this pretty captivating toy.
Not at all... it is interesting to investigate 4^3 and 3^5 puzzles.
Now I do my best to share MagicCube4D among my colleges and friends.
Best regards,
Ivan Timofeev, PhD in physics,
Russia, Krasnoyarsk,