Hello all,
In "Files/MC7D" you can find the next version of the program. There is a =
couple of improvements:
1) Click mode "2 Click (opposite)" added - you make first click not in the =
rotating face, but in face that defines "from" direction (i.e. on the oppos=
ite side of 2C piece")
2) In the bottom of right panel you can see checkbox "Quick Macro Apply". I=
f you check it, then macros will be performed without asking of reference s=
tickers - program will find the best match for the current orientation of t=
he camera with its orientation in the moment of macro recording start. Cent=
ral face, main/secondary dimensions and their collinearity are invariants f=
or the match (that is if you have recorded macro that did something with ce=
ntral face, you cannot apply it to the bottom face on the screen just by lo=
oking at it - you need to switch the center of the model). This function wi=
ll work only for macros recording in the new version - old macros will cont=
inue to ask you about reference stickers. Function was not tested in 5D and=
6D, so there may be some strange behavior. But in 7D it works fine :)
Good luck!
Wow, that second feature sounds like it'd be really useful to add to
MC4D as well! It'd be great if someone wanted to implement that. I'd
suggest naming your new feature something else because MC4D has a
similarly named feature which causes each of the macro twists to be
performed in a single animation frame. I.E. "Quick Moves" but just for
macro application.
Another suggestion: Consider allowing a keyboard modifier to toggle the
macro apply to prompt if the new mode is selected and to not prompt if
it is. That will make it so that users will not need to switch modes as
often. (Modes are the most difficult things for users to learn about
user interfaces.) I recommend using the "Shift" key as the modifier
though "Ctrl" may work just as well.
Great stuff, Andrey!
Andrey wrote:
> Hello all,
> In "Files/MC7D" you can find the next version of the program. There is a couple of improvements:
> 1) Click mode "2 Click (opposite)" added - you make first click not in the rotating face, but in face that defines "from" direction (i.e. on the opposite side of 2C piece")
> 2) In the bottom of right panel you can see checkbox "Quick Macro Apply". If you check it, then macros will be performed without asking of reference stickers - program will find the best match for the current orientation of the camera with its orientation in the moment of macro recording start. Central face, main/secondary dimensions and their collinearity are invariants for the match (that is if you have recorded macro that did something with central face, you cannot apply it to the bottom face on the screen just by looking at it - you need to switch the center of the model). This function will work only for macros recording in the new version - old macros will continue to ask you about reference stickers. Function was not tested in 5D and 6D, so there may be some strange behavior. But in 7D it works fine :)
Well, "Auto Reference" may be a name for this mode. I'm not sure that I =
can catch "ctrl" or "shift" in the click to the context menu, but I'll see =
what can be done here.
Autoreference in MC4D is more tricky. Your camera position/orientation i=
s defined by four 4D vectors, right? So you need to get full group of symme=
tries of the object (it may be done once), compute an orbit of camera posi=
tions, "congruent" to the position at the moment of macro definition, and t=
hen find an element of that orbit that is closest to the current camera pos=
ition. And then find stickers correspondence - but you already do it when m=
atch sets of reference stickers.
Keyboard modifier may be more useful in switch between 2click and 3click =
modes. Now I work in 3click, but sometimes see that 2click could be more ef=
ficient in some situations... But it's faster to make extra click than swit=
ch modes. May be Alt-click (first click in alternative mode) will be a good=
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, Melinda Green
> Wow, that second feature sounds like it'd be really useful to add to=20
> MC4D as well! It'd be great if someone wanted to implement that. I'd=20
> suggest naming your new feature something else because MC4D has a=20
> similarly named feature which causes each of the macro twists to be=20
> performed in a single animation frame. I.E. "Quick Moves" but just for=20
> macro application.
> Another suggestion: Consider allowing a keyboard modifier to toggle the=20
> macro apply to prompt if the new mode is selected and to not prompt if=20
> it is. That will make it so that users will not need to switch modes as=20
> often. (Modes are the most difficult things for users to learn about=20
> user interfaces.) I recommend using the "Shift" key as the modifier=20
> though "Ctrl" may work just as well.
> Great stuff, Andrey!
> -Melinda
> Andrey wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > In "Files/MC7D" you can find the next version of the program. There i=
s a couple of improvements:
> > 1) Click mode "2 Click (opposite)" added - you make first click not in =
the rotating face, but in face that defines "from" direction (i.e. on the o=
pposite side of 2C piece")
> > 2) In the bottom of right panel you can see checkbox "Quick Macro Apply=
". If you check it, then macros will be performed without asking of referen=
ce stickers - program will find the best match for the current orientation =
of the camera with its orientation in the moment of macro recording start. =
Central face, main/secondary dimensions and their collinearity are invarian=
ts for the match (that is if you have recorded macro that did something wit=
h central face, you cannot apply it to the bottom face on the screen just b=
y looking at it - you need to switch the center of the model). This functio=
n will work only for macros recording in the new version - old macros will =
continue to ask you about reference stickers. Function was not tested in 5D=
and 6D, so there may be some strange behavior. But in 7D it works fine :)
I like the sound of not having to click reference stickers, that's been a b=
it of a pain really. Especially given that it seems to require quite a few=
stickers to define a position (6 is the fewest I could find easily). I pr=
eferred the MC5D system where I just had to select the macro and if it was =
backwards or forwards, so a similar system here should be great. I don't t=
hink speed to change between 2-click and 3-click is much of a problem perso=
nally, but maybe that's just me. I mainly use 3-click but every so often 2=
-click is much better, but not often. I would also like to second a reques=
t made a few days ago, can't remember who made it, about highlighting piece=
s. I also like to make twists when I have a certain piece highlighted, and=
it is a little cumbersome to reset the search after every move or two in o=
rder to see the piece again. Since I know a fairly quick workaround it isn=
't a huge problem, but it can still be annoying. Nice work on these update=
s though, I will be trying them out soon.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Andrey"
> Well, "Auto Reference" may be a name for this mode. I'm not sure that =
I can catch "ctrl" or "shift" in the click to the context menu, but I'll se=
e what can be done here.
> Autoreference in MC4D is more tricky. Your camera position/orientation=
is defined by four 4D vectors, right? So you need to get full group of sym=
metries of the object (it may be done once), compute an orbit of camera po=
sitions, "congruent" to the position at the moment of macro definition, and=
then find an element of that orbit that is closest to the current camera p=
osition. And then find stickers correspondence - but you already do it when=
match sets of reference stickers.
> Keyboard modifier may be more useful in switch between 2click and 3clic=
k modes. Now I work in 3click, but sometimes see that 2click could be more =
efficient in some situations... But it's faster to make extra click than sw=
itch modes. May be Alt-click (first click in alternative mode) will be a go=
od idea.
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, Melinda Green
> >
> > Wow, that second feature sounds like it'd be really useful to add to=20
> > MC4D as well! It'd be great if someone wanted to implement that. I'd=20
> > suggest naming your new feature something else because MC4D has a=20
> > similarly named feature which causes each of the macro twists to be=20
> > performed in a single animation frame. I.E. "Quick Moves" but just for=
> > macro application.
> >=20
> > Another suggestion: Consider allowing a keyboard modifier to toggle the=
> > macro apply to prompt if the new mode is selected and to not prompt if=
> > it is. That will make it so that users will not need to switch modes as=
> > often. (Modes are the most difficult things for users to learn about=20
> > user interfaces.) I recommend using the "Shift" key as the modifier=20
> > though "Ctrl" may work just as well.
> >=20
> > Great stuff, Andrey!
> > -Melinda
> >=20
> > Andrey wrote:
> > > Hello all,
> > > In "Files/MC7D" you can find the next version of the program. There=
is a couple of improvements:
> > > 1) Click mode "2 Click (opposite)" added - you make first click not i=
n the rotating face, but in face that defines "from" direction (i.e. on the=
opposite side of 2C piece")
> > > 2) In the bottom of right panel you can see checkbox "Quick Macro App=
ly". If you check it, then macros will be performed without asking of refer=
ence stickers - program will find the best match for the current orientatio=
n of the camera with its orientation in the moment of macro recording start=
. Central face, main/secondary dimensions and their collinearity are invari=
ants for the match (that is if you have recorded macro that did something w=
ith central face, you cannot apply it to the bottom face on the screen just=
by looking at it - you need to switch the center of the model). This funct=
ion will work only for macros recording in the new version - old macros wil=
l continue to ask you about reference stickers. Function was not tested in =
5D and 6D, so there may be some strange behavior. But in 7D it works fine :=
> >
There are some nice and easy to remember sets of 3 stickers for 3^7 (and I =
think that for 3^6 it's enough to have 2 stickers - but it will be very str=
ange set). For the highlighting during twists, I've fixed that situation wh=
en you use "Highlight by Colors", but not for the single piece. I'll take a=
look on it, but not very soon.
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "matthewsheerin"
> I like the sound of not having to click reference stickers, that's been a=
bit of a pain really. Especially given that it seems to require quite a f=
ew stickers to define a position (6 is the fewest I could find easily). I =
preferred the MC5D system where I just had to select the macro and if it wa=
s backwards or forwards, so a similar system here should be great. I don't=
think speed to change between 2-click and 3-click is much of a problem per=
sonally, but maybe that's just me. I mainly use 3-click but every so often=
2-click is much better, but not often. I would also like to second a requ=
est made a few days ago, can't remember who made it, about highlighting pie=
ces. I also like to make twists when I have a certain piece highlighted, a=
nd it is a little cumbersome to reset the search after every move or two in=
order to see the piece again. Since I know a fairly quick workaround it i=
sn't a huge problem, but it can still be annoying. Nice work on these upda=
tes though, I will be trying them out soon.
> Matt
Thank you very much for the 2 click opposite mode! No more searching for of=
f-screen faces to twist.
You could also make it so that if you click the same 2C twice you get a rot=
ation similar to the MC4D 1-click. Useful for opposite mode, or when findin=
g two places to click is a pain
For a programming challenge (but I'm sure you've got better things to do) y=
ou could make a 3C mode. It would work just like the 2C mode if you add a c=
onstraint: all stickies on the clicked face must remain on that face. Like =
in opposite mode, an adjacent face is twisted. This allows the user to twis=
t a face as if it were a (n-1)D puzzle of a different projection.
thanks again!
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Andrey"
> Hello all,
> In "Files/MC7D" you can find the next version of the program. There is =
a couple of improvements:
> 1) Click mode "2 Click (opposite)" added - you make first click not in th=
e rotating face, but in face that defines "from" direction (i.e. on the opp=
osite side of 2C piece")
> 2) In the bottom of right panel you can see checkbox "Quick Macro Apply".=
If you check it, then macros will be performed without asking of reference=
stickers - program will find the best match for the current orientation of=
the camera with its orientation in the moment of macro recording start. Ce=
ntral face, main/secondary dimensions and their collinearity are invariants=
for the match (that is if you have recorded macro that did something with =
central face, you cannot apply it to the bottom face on the screen just by =
looking at it - you need to switch the center of the model). This function =
will work only for macros recording in the new version - old macros will co=
ntinue to ask you about reference stickers. Function was not tested in 5D a=
nd 6D, so there may be some strange behavior. But in 7D it works fine :)
> Good luck!
> Andrey
Ah yes, with a little bit of experimenting I found a 3 sticker definition, =
and soon afterwards I found a nice one. However, I fully intend to stick w=
ith quick macro apply from now on. I see what you mean about the highlight=
ing not following the piece when the piece is highlighted with a right clic=
k, but I was only interested in using it for the "Highligh by Colours" anyw=
ay, so I'm happy, and nobody seems to have requested the same implementatio=
n for right click highlighting. I'm personally pretty happy with this vers=
ion, I can't think of anything which urgently needs added or changed, so I =
would like to send a huge thanks for all your hard work in making this prog=
ram (as if you didn't already know how much I appreciate it). Now back to =
solving, and hopefully I will get better at solving it without getting dist=
racted, I'm still solving the 3C pieces! And I'm meant to be a speedsolver=
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Andrey"
> There are some nice and easy to remember sets of 3 stickers for 3^7 (and =
I think that for 3^6 it's enough to have 2 stickers - but it will be very s=
trange set). For the highlighting during twists, I've fixed that situation =
when you use "Highlight by Colors", but not for the single piece. I'll take=
a look on it, but not very soon.
> Andrey
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "matthewsheerin"
> >
> > I like the sound of not having to click reference stickers, that's been=
a bit of a pain really. Especially given that it seems to require quite a=
few stickers to define a position (6 is the fewest I could find easily). =
I preferred the MC5D system where I just had to select the macro and if it =
was backwards or forwards, so a similar system here should be great. I don=
't think speed to change between 2-click and 3-click is much of a problem p=
ersonally, but maybe that's just me. I mainly use 3-click but every so oft=
en 2-click is much better, but not often. I would also like to second a re=
quest made a few days ago, can't remember who made it, about highlighting p=
ieces. I also like to make twists when I have a certain piece highlighted,=
and it is a little cumbersome to reset the search after every move or two =
in order to see the piece again. Since I know a fairly quick workaround it=
isn't a huge problem, but it can still be annoying. Nice work on these up=
dates though, I will be trying them out soon.
> >=20
> > Matt
> >
Ah yes, with a little bit of experimenting I found a 3 sticker def=
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I know this thread is a few weeks old, but I just got back into solving thi=
(it's a lot easier now because I just got a 24 inch monitor), and I had to
express how much I love the quick macro apply feature. It takes a lot of
the tedium out of it and I'm really enjoying it now. I'm about halfway don=
with the 3Cs.
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 9:14 AM, matthewsheerin
> Ah yes, with a little bit of experimenting I found a 3 sticker definition=
> and soon afterwards I found a nice one. However, I fully intend to stick
> with quick macro apply from now on. I see what you mean about the
> highlighting not following the piece when the piece is highlighted with a
> right click, but I was only interested in using it for the "Highligh by
> Colours" anyway, so I'm happy, and nobody seems to have requested the sam=
> implementation for right click highlighting. I'm personally pretty happy
> with this version, I can't think of anything which urgently needs added o=
> changed, so I would like to send a huge thanks for all your hard work in
> making this program (as if you didn't already know how much I appreciate
> it). Now back to solving, and hopefully I will get better at solving it
> without getting distracted, I'm still solving the 3C pieces! And I'm mean=
> to be a speedsolver ...
> Matt
> --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com <4D_Cubing%40yahoogroups.com>, "Andrey"
> >
> > There are some nice and easy to remember sets of 3 stickers for 3^7 (an=
> I think that for 3^6 it's enough to have 2 stickers - but it will be very
> strange set). For the highlighting during twists, I've fixed that situati=
> when you use "Highlight by Colors", but not for the single piece. I'll ta=
> a look on it, but not very soon.
> >
> > Andrey
> >
> >
> > --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com <4D_Cubing%40yahoogroups.com>,
> "matthewsheerin"
> > >
> > > I like the sound of not having to click reference stickers, that's be=
> a bit of a pain really. Especially given that it seems to require quite a
> few stickers to define a position (6 is the fewest I could find easily). =
> preferred the MC5D system where I just had to select the macro and if it =
> backwards or forwards, so a similar system here should be great. I don't
> think speed to change between 2-click and 3-click is much of a problem
> personally, but maybe that's just me. I mainly use 3-click but every so
> often 2-click is much better, but not often. I would also like to second =
> request made a few days ago, can't remember who made it, about highlighti=
> pieces. I also like to make twists when I have a certain piece highlighte=
> and it is a little cumbersome to reset the search after every move or two=
> order to see the piece again. Since I know a fairly quick workaround it
> isn't a huge problem, but it can still be annoying. Nice work on these
> updates though, I will be trying them out soon.
> > >
> > > Matt
> > >
> >
Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
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I know this thread is a few weeks old, but I just got back into solving thi=
s (it's a lot easier now because I just got a 24 inch monitor), and I h=
ad to express how much I love the quick macro apply feature.=A0 It takes a =
lot of the tedium out of it and I'm really enjoying it now.=A0 I'm =
about halfway done with the 3Cs.
rin <dam=
ienturtle@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:_quote" style=3D"margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204,=
204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
inition, and soon afterwards I found a nice one. However, I fully intend t=
o stick with quick macro apply from now on. I see what you mean about the =
highlighting not following the piece when the piece is highlighted with a r=
ight click, but I was only interested in using it for the "Highligh by=
Colours" anyway, so I'm happy, and nobody seems to have requested=
the same implementation for right click highlighting. I'm personally =
pretty happy with this version, I can't think of anything which urgentl=
y needs added or changed, so I would like to send a huge thanks for all you=
r hard work in making this program (as if you didn't already know how m=
uch I appreciate it). Now back to solving, and hopefully I will get better=
at solving it without getting distracted, I'm still solving the 3C pie=
ces! And I'm meant to be a speedsolver ...
--- In 4D_=
Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "Andrey" <andreyastrelin@...> w=
> There are some nice and easy to remember sets of 3 stickers for 3^7 (a=
nd I think that for 3^6 it's enough to have 2 stickers - but it will be=
very strange set). For the highlighting during twists, I've fixed that=
situation when you use "Highlight by Colors", but not for the si=
ngle piece. I'll take a look on it, but not very soon.
> Andrey
> --- In ">4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, "matthewsheerin" <damienturtl=
e@> wrote:
> >
> > I like the sound of not having to click reference stickers, that&=
#39;s been a bit of a pain really. Especially given that it seems to requi=
re quite a few stickers to define a position (6 is the fewest I could find =
easily). I preferred the MC5D system where I just had to select the macro =
and if it was backwards or forwards, so a similar system here should be gre=
at. I don't think speed to change between 2-click and 3-click is much =
of a problem personally, but maybe that's just me. I mainly use 3-clic=
k but every so often 2-click is much better, but not often. I would also l=
ike to second a request made a few days ago, can't remember who made it=
, about highlighting pieces. I also like to make twists when I have a cert=
ain piece highlighted, and it is a little cumbersome to reset the search af=
ter every move or two in order to see the piece again. Since I know a fair=
ly quick workaround it isn't a huge problem, but it can still be annoyi=
ng. Nice work on these updates though, I will be trying them out soon.
> >
> > Matt
> >
From: "Andrey" <andreyastrelin@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 02:53:51 -0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MC7D v1.10 released
Good luck in that. Yes, large monitor helps a lot in the solving.=20
As for the quick macro, I know that there is a bug in it, but not in 7D -=
if you create macro in 4D and try to apply it you get some internal error.=
To avoid it one should to save macro file and reload it again. I'll fix it=
in the next version, probably in the end of August.
My result in speedsolving of 3^4 in MC7D with prepared macro file and qui=
ck macros is 38 minutes. Too slow, but I've made only one attempt.
Good luck again!
P.S. 150 messages (in July!!!) and keep counting... Thanks to deustfrr for =
that! :D
--- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Deschamps
> I know this thread is a few weeks old, but I just got back into solving t=
> (it's a lot easier now because I just got a 24 inch monitor), and I had t=
> express how much I love the quick macro apply feature. It takes a lot of
> the tedium out of it and I'm really enjoying it now. I'm about halfway d=
> with the 3Cs.
> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 9:14 AM, matthewsheerin
> >
> >
> > Ah yes, with a little bit of experimenting I found a 3 sticker definiti=
> > and soon afterwards I found a nice one. However, I fully intend to stic=
> > with quick macro apply from now on. I see what you mean about the
> > highlighting not following the piece when the piece is highlighted with=
> > right click, but I was only interested in using it for the "Highligh by
> > Colours" anyway, so I'm happy, and nobody seems to have requested the s=
> > implementation for right click highlighting. I'm personally pretty happ=
> > with this version, I can't think of anything which urgently needs added=
> > changed, so I would like to send a huge thanks for all your hard work i=
> > making this program (as if you didn't already know how much I appreciat=
> > it). Now back to solving, and hopefully I will get better at solving it
> > without getting distracted, I'm still solving the 3C pieces! And I'm me=
> > to be a speedsolver ...
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
> > --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com <4D_Cubing%40yahoogroups.com>, "Andrey=
> >
> > >
> > > There are some nice and easy to remember sets of 3 stickers for 3^7 (=
> > I think that for 3^6 it's enough to have 2 stickers - but it will be ve=
> > strange set). For the highlighting during twists, I've fixed that situa=
> > when you use "Highlight by Colors", but not for the single piece. I'll =
> > a look on it, but not very soon.
> > >
> > > Andrey
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In 4D_Cubing@yahoogroups.com <4D_Cubing%40yahoogroups.com>,
> > "matthewsheerin"
> > > >
> > > > I like the sound of not having to click reference stickers, that's =
> > a bit of a pain really. Especially given that it seems to require quite=
> > few stickers to define a position (6 is the fewest I could find easily)=
. I
> > preferred the MC5D system where I just had to select the macro and if i=
t was
> > backwards or forwards, so a similar system here should be great. I don'=
> > think speed to change between 2-click and 3-click is much of a problem
> > personally, but maybe that's just me. I mainly use 3-click but every so
> > often 2-click is much better, but not often. I would also like to secon=
d a
> > request made a few days ago, can't remember who made it, about highligh=
> > pieces. I also like to make twists when I have a certain piece highligh=
> > and it is a little cumbersome to reset the search after every move or t=
wo in
> > order to see the piece again. Since I know a fairly quick workaround it
> > isn't a huge problem, but it can still be annoying. Nice work on these
> > updates though, I will be trying them out soon.
> > > >
> > > > Matt
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >=20=20
> >