New version of the program is here:
There are only small changes:
- twists counter doesn't count start/stop macro commands;
- macros in F1..F2 block are not expanded in the reverse block and Undo/Red=
o works with them correctly.
New twists counter shows that my solve of 3^5 was 4361 twists long.
Couple of things about 3^7:
It has about 5.4*10^8936 possible states (if I didn't miss some invariant=
). It is more than 120-Cell and somewhere between 5^5 and 6^5.
"Computational limit" of number of operations to solve it is about 3400, =
but it can be improved (increased) if we take in account sequences of opera=
tions on the same side (or couple of opposite sides) and find number of pos=
sible positions after 1,2,.. sequentional twists of that side.
If you spend two minutes for the positioning of one piece (one to move it=
to place and another to rotate it), it will take about 72 hours to solve t=
he cube. So we may expect first solutions in a month or two (but may be fas=
ter, e.g. in 3 days of continuous work :D )
New version of the program is here:" target=3D"_blank">http://games.grou=
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Believe me, 3 days of continuous work isn't going to happen here. After a
while of doing these I find myself looking at the world around me in a
different way, and it just makes everyday life frustrating. You mean I hav=
to walk around to the door? Why can't I just step around the wall through
the fourth dimension?
How are people's solves coming along? I've solved the 2C pieces, then I
solved the 3C pieces on one side. I have macros that will make the rest of
the 3Cs go smoothly enough.
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Andrey
> New version of the program is here:
> There are only small changes:
> - twists counter doesn't count start/stop macro commands;
> - macros in F1..F2 block are not expanded in the reverse block and
> Undo/Redo works with them correctly.
> New twists counter shows that my solve of 3^5 was 4361 twists long.
> Couple of things about 3^7:
> It has about 5.4*10^8936 possible states (if I didn't miss some invariant=
> It is more than 120-Cell and somewhere between 5^5 and 6^5.
> "Computational limit" of number of operations to solve it is about 3400,
> but it can be improved (increased) if we take in account sequences of
> operations on the same side (or couple of opposite sides) and find number=
> possible positions after 1,2,.. sequentional twists of that side.
> If you spend two minutes for the positioning of one piece (one to move it
> to place and another to rotate it), it will take about 72 hours to solve =
> cube. So we may expect first solutions in a month or two (but may be fast=
> e.g. in 3 days of continuous work :D )
Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
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Believe me, 3 days of continuous work isn't going to happen here.=A0 Af=
ter a while of doing these I find myself looking at the world around me in =
a different way, and it just makes everyday life frustrating.=A0 You mean I=
have to walk around to the door?=A0 Why can't I just step around the w=
all through the fourth dimension?
How are people's solves coming along?=A0 I've solved the 2C pie=
ces, then I solved the 3C pieces on one side.=A0 I have macros that will ma=
ke the rest of the 3Cs go smoothly enough.
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Andrey <">> wrot=
border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
There are only small changes:
- twists counter doesn't count start/stop macro commands;
- macros in F1..F2 block are not expanded in the reverse block and Undo/Red=
o works with them correctly.
New twists counter shows that my solve of 3^5 was 4361 twists long.
Couple of things about 3^7:
It has about 5.4*10^8936 possible states (if I didn't miss some invar=
iant). It is more than 120-Cell and somewhere between 5^5 and 6^5.
"Computational limit" of number of operations to solve it is ab=
out 3400, but it can be improved (increased) if we take in account sequence=
s of operations on the same side (or couple of opposite sides) and find num=
ber of possible positions after 1,2,.. sequentional twists of that side.
If you spend two minutes for the positioning of one piece (one to move it=
to place and another to rotate it), it will take about 72 hours to solve t=
he cube. So we may expect first solutions in a month or two (but may be fas=
ter, e.g. in 3 days of continuous work :D )
From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:42:44 -0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MC7D v0.12 uploaded
I've solved 2C and 3C, and about 20% of 4C (positioned and oriented). 5470 =
twists so far. Now I can set one 4C piece in a minute, but not for a long (=
10 minutes of work - 15 minutes of break). I have macros for the rest of 4C=
in file and all others (for 5C-7C) on the paper, but I'm not sure that the=
se macros can handle all parity/orientation problems at the last pieces of =
every kind.
--- In, Anthony Deschamps
> Believe me, 3 days of continuous work isn't going to happen here. After =
> while of doing these I find myself looking at the world around me in a
> different way, and it just makes everyday life frustrating. You mean I h=
> to walk around to the door? Why can't I just step around the wall throug=
> the fourth dimension?
> How are people's solves coming along? I've solved the 2C pieces, then I
> solved the 3C pieces on one side. I have macros that will make the rest =
> the 3Cs go smoothly enough.
From: "" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 17:27:08 -0000
Subject: Re: MC7D v0.12 uploaded
Hello again everyone. It's been a long time since I've looked at any of the=
se higher-dimensional puzzles but am I glad I came back! What an astounding=
program you have Andrey!=20
I've given it a test drive with a quick solve of the 3^4 (about 500 moves w=
hich is average for me, solve took about an hour). I've noticed something i=
nconvenient - at least for the way I solve the cube. When you highlight pie=
ces by colour (which is an excellent feature which I use heavily) and perfo=
rm a move, the pieces that are highlighted don't stay highlighted. Instead,=
the positions where those pieces were stay highlighted. If this could be f=
ixed in the next release I'll likely use this program exclusivity for solvi=
ng 4D cubes (I may even try the 4^4 and 5^4 again :D)
Again, this is truly an amazing program!
Noel Chalmers=20=20
From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 19:08:25 -0000
Subject: Re: MC7D v0.12 uploaded
Hello Noel,
thank you for your words and for the report. You are right, I didn't thin=
k that anybody will twist cube in "highlighted" mode. So it's definitely a =
bug and it will be fixed soon.
Good luck!
P.S. It's 68th message in a month :D
--- In, "noel.chalmers@..."
> Hello again everyone. It's been a long time since I've looked at any of t=
hese higher-dimensional puzzles but am I glad I came back! What an astoundi=
ng program you have Andrey!=20
> I've given it a test drive with a quick solve of the 3^4 (about 500 moves=
which is average for me, solve took about an hour). I've noticed something=
inconvenient - at least for the way I solve the cube. When you highlight p=
ieces by colour (which is an excellent feature which I use heavily) and per=
form a move, the pieces that are highlighted don't stay highlighted. Instea=
d, the positions where those pieces were stay highlighted. If this could be=
fixed in the next release I'll likely use this program exclusivity for sol=
ving 4D cubes (I may even try the 4^4 and 5^4 again :D)
> Again, this is truly an amazing program!
> Cheers,
> Noel Chalmers
From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:58:49 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: MC7D v0.12 uploaded
The record number of messages this month is entirely due to your amazing
contributions. It's a funny thing but it seems to keep happening that
everything worth saying about this narrow subject seems to have been
said and then suddenly someone will bring up a new and exciting facet
and set off a brief storm of activity. This has been going on for
decades so I've gotten very used to the pattern and enjoy it immensely.
Please don't forget to produce a version 1.0 of your program after your
feature development and bug fixes settle down and I will link to it from
the main page for the general public.
Thanks for all of your amazing contributions, Andrey!
Andrey wrote:
> [...]
> P.S. It's 68th message in a month :D