After scrambling of 3^5 and about 1100 twists I've found a piece with two s=
tickers of the same color. So there's some hidden bug inside the program :(=
- not all scrambled puzzles are solvable.
I'm pretty happy about the twist features too. In MC5D I relied heavily on=
commutators to make algorithms. I used the macro feature back then for se=
tup moves too: record the setup moves as a macro, perform the necessary alg=
orithm, then run setup macro in reverse. Your feature is then a stroke of =
genius, as only minimal effort is required to perform commutators and undo =
setup moves (as an aside, I believe ABinv(A) is called a conjugate). The p=
iece highlight feature is unusual, but it could be a pretty good way to imp=
lement piece finding. I won't know for certain how good it is until I prop=
erly use it, but it looks very promising. Personally I would keep the opti=
on to hide 1C pieces. I do see your point Anthony, but I always like to ha=
ve the option.
I found a bug in the macros feature, it seemed to mess up the twist count f=
or me, although that isn't a huge problem.
A great improvement over the last version, keep it up! :)
--- In, Anthony Deschamps
> I've not yet gotten used to the extra twist features, but I think they wi=
> prove a very powerful tool. I like the way you handled showing/hiding
> pieces of certain colours. If there's one thing I could suggest, however=
> it would be to always show the 1C pieces regardless of whether they are
> checked or not. These can be very important in keeping the cube properly
> oriented.
> These improvements definitely warrant the progression to v0.1. I think I=
> ready to make a legitimate attempt at solving it. Great work!
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Andrey
> >
> >
> > Next version of MC7D is here:
> > What is new:
> > 1) You can hide cubies with selected number of visible sides (1C, 2C, .=
> > 2) You can highlight cubies that have colors from some set and have not
> > colors from another set. Under color buttons there are 3-state checkbox=
> > If some box is checked then the corresponding color must be in the
> > highlighted cubie, and if it's empty, then the color can't be in the cu=
> > To turn this highlighting on and off use checkbox "Highlight by colors"=
> > 3) Macros. Ctrl-M starts macro. First you must select the sequence of
> > reference stickers (program continues to ask them while the set is
> > symmetric). Then make some twists, press Ctrl-M again and enter macro n=
> > It will appear in the listbox.
> > To start macro, left-click its name, select "Apply" or "Reverse" comman=
> > and select sequence of stickers (if it doesn't match the reference sequ=
> > background becomes red).
> > If you click in the empty space during sticker selection, it cancels ma=
> > definition or application. To cancel macro defenition after sticker
> > selection, press Ctrl-M and click "Cancel" button.
> > Macros file can be saved and loaded.
> > 4) Extra twists and commutators.
> > If you make some twists before your favorite twists sequence and want t=
> > make them in reverse after that, do the following.
> > - Press F1
> > - Perform preparing twists
> > - Press F2
> > - Perform operation
> > - Press F3. Program will make the inverse of preparing twists sequence.
> > If you make [F1 A F2 B F4] sequence (where A and B are some twists
> > sequences) it will be equivalent to [A B inv(A) inv(B)].
> > Blocks F1..F2 may be nested or delayed. For example,
> > [F1 A F1 B F2 C F1 D F2 E F4 G F3 H F2 K F3] is equivalent to
> > [A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) H K inv(A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv=
> > H)] :)
> > If you press F3 when the last block was not closed (i.e. [F1 A F3]) the=
n F1
> > will be canceled. Also if you press F2 when the last block was closed b=
> > not applied, you "unblock" it. Last string in the right panel shows cur=
> > state of the stack of blocks.
> >
> > Good luck!
> > Andrey
> >
> >=20=20
> >