Next version of MC7D is here: tr/MC7D/" target=3D"_blank"> Next version of MC7D is here: tr/MC7D/" target=3D"_blank">
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I've not yet gotten used to the extra twist features, but I think they will
prove a very powerful tool. I like the way you handled showing/hiding
pieces of certain colours. If there's one thing I could suggest, however,
it would be to always show the 1C pieces regardless of whether they are
checked or not. These can be very important in keeping the cube properly
These improvements definitely warrant the progression to v0.1. I think I'm
ready to make a legitimate attempt at solving it. Great work!
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Andrey
> Next version of MC7D is here:
> What is new:
> 1) You can hide cubies with selected number of visible sides (1C, 2C, ...=
> 2) You can highlight cubies that have colors from some set and have not
> colors from another set. Under color buttons there are 3-state checkboxes=
> If some box is checked then the corresponding color must be in the
> highlighted cubie, and if it's empty, then the color can't be in the cubi=
> To turn this highlighting on and off use checkbox "Highlight by colors".
> 3) Macros. Ctrl-M starts macro. First you must select the sequence of
> reference stickers (program continues to ask them while the set is
> symmetric). Then make some twists, press Ctrl-M again and enter macro nam=
> It will appear in the listbox.
> To start macro, left-click its name, select "Apply" or "Reverse" command
> and select sequence of stickers (if it doesn't match the reference sequen=
> background becomes red).
> If you click in the empty space during sticker selection, it cancels macr=
> definition or application. To cancel macro defenition after sticker
> selection, press Ctrl-M and click "Cancel" button.
> Macros file can be saved and loaded.
> 4) Extra twists and commutators.
> If you make some twists before your favorite twists sequence and want to
> make them in reverse after that, do the following.
> - Press F1
> - Perform preparing twists
> - Press F2
> - Perform operation
> - Press F3. Program will make the inverse of preparing twists sequence.
> If you make [F1 A F2 B F4] sequence (where A and B are some twists
> sequences) it will be equivalent to [A B inv(A) inv(B)].
> Blocks F1..F2 may be nested or delayed. For example,
> [F1 A F1 B F2 C F1 D F2 E F4 G F3 H F2 K F3] is equivalent to
> [A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) H K inv(A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B=
> H)] :)
> If you press F3 when the last block was not closed (i.e. [F1 A F3]) then =
> will be canceled. Also if you press F2 when the last block was closed but
> not applied, you "unblock" it. Last string in the right panel shows curre=
> state of the stack of blocks.
> Good luck!
> Andrey
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I've not yet gotten used to the extra twist features, but I think they =
will prove a very powerful tool.=A0 I like the way you handled showing/hidi=
ng pieces of certain colours.=A0 If there's one thing I could suggest, =
however, it would be to always show the 1C pieces regardless of whether the=
y are checked or not.=A0 These can be very important in keeping the cube pr=
operly oriented.
These improvements definitely warrant the progression to v0.1.=A0 I thi=
nk I'm ready to make a legitimate attempt at solving it.=A0 Great work!=
<andreyast=> wrote:r-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
What is new:
1) You can hide cubies with selected number of visible sides (1C, 2C, ...).=
2) You can highlight cubies that have colors from some set and have not col=
ors from another set. Under color buttons there are 3-state checkboxes. If =
some box is checked then the corresponding color must be in the highlighted=
cubie, and if it's empty, then the color can't be in the cubie. To=
turn this highlighting on and off use checkbox "Highlight by colors&q=
3) Macros. Ctrl-M starts macro. First you must select the sequence of refer=
ence stickers (program continues to ask them while the set is symmetric). T=
hen make some twists, press Ctrl-M again and enter macro name. It will appe=
ar in the listbox.
To start macro, left-click its name, select "Apply" or "Re=
verse" command and select sequence of stickers (if it doesn't matc=
h the reference sequence, background becomes red).
If you click in the empty space during sticker selection, it cancels macr=
o definition or application. To cancel macro defenition after sticker selec=
tion, press Ctrl-M and click "Cancel" button.
Macros file can be saved and loaded.
4) Extra twists and commutators.
If you make some twists before your favorite twists sequence and want to ma=
ke them in reverse after that, do the following.
- Press F1
- Perform preparing twists
- Press F2
- Perform operation
- Press F3. Program will make the inverse of preparing twists sequence.
If you make [F1 A F2 B F4] sequence (where A and B are some twists sequen=
ces) it will be equivalent to [A B inv(A) inv(B)].
Blocks F1..F2 may be nested or delayed. For example,
[F1 A F1 B F2 C F1 D F2 E F4 G F3 H F2 K F3] is equivalent to
[A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) H K inv(A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) =
H)] :)
If you press F3 when the last block was not closed (i.e. [F1 A F3]) then =
F1 will be canceled. Also if you press F2 when the last block was closed bu=
t not applied, you "unblock" it. Last string in the right panel s=
hows current state of the stack of blocks.
Good luck!
From: Chris Locke <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 14:31:38 +0900
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MC7D v0.1
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Wow, that's quite a significant set of meaningful changes! One of the
reasons why I was asking about animation last time was because seeing
animation of a sequence of moves makes it easier to undo the sequence when
conjugating a macro. But with your F-key features that makes the step of
remembering the exact sequence of moves you used to put the puzzle into
position to apply a macro much easier. It also makes building macros on
commutators a much easier step as well. Nice job! Still too many pieces i=
7 dimensions for me to want to solve it, but I definitely want to play with
it ^^
2010/6/23 Andrey
> Next version of MC7D is here:
> What is new:
> 1) You can hide cubies with selected number of visible sides (1C, 2C, ...=
> 2) You can highlight cubies that have colors from some set and have not
> colors from another set. Under color buttons there are 3-state checkboxes=
> If some box is checked then the corresponding color must be in the
> highlighted cubie, and if it's empty, then the color can't be in the cubi=
> To turn this highlighting on and off use checkbox "Highlight by colors".
> 3) Macros. Ctrl-M starts macro. First you must select the sequence of
> reference stickers (program continues to ask them while the set is
> symmetric). Then make some twists, press Ctrl-M again and enter macro nam=
> It will appear in the listbox.
> To start macro, left-click its name, select "Apply" or "Reverse" command
> and select sequence of stickers (if it doesn't match the reference sequen=
> background becomes red).
> If you click in the empty space during sticker selection, it cancels macr=
> definition or application. To cancel macro defenition after sticker
> selection, press Ctrl-M and click "Cancel" button.
> Macros file can be saved and loaded.
> 4) Extra twists and commutators.
> If you make some twists before your favorite twists sequence and want to
> make them in reverse after that, do the following.
> - Press F1
> - Perform preparing twists
> - Press F2
> - Perform operation
> - Press F3. Program will make the inverse of preparing twists sequence.
> If you make [F1 A F2 B F4] sequence (where A and B are some twists
> sequences) it will be equivalent to [A B inv(A) inv(B)].
> Blocks F1..F2 may be nested or delayed. For example,
> [F1 A F1 B F2 C F1 D F2 E F4 G F3 H F2 K F3] is equivalent to
> [A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) H K inv(A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B=
> H)] :)
> If you press F3 when the last block was not closed (i.e. [F1 A F3]) then =
> will be canceled. Also if you press F2 when the last block was closed but
> not applied, you "unblock" it. Last string in the right panel shows curre=
> state of the stack of blocks.
> Good luck!
> Andrey
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
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Wow, that's quite a significant set of meaningful changes!=C2=A0 One of=
the reasons why I was asking about animation last time was because seeing =
animation of a sequence of moves makes it easier to undo the sequence when =
conjugating a macro.=C2=A0 But with your F-key features that makes the step=
of remembering the exact sequence of moves you used to put the puzzle into=
position to apply a macro much easier.=C2=A0 It also makes building macros=
on commutators a much easier step as well.=C2=A0 Nice job!=C2=A0 Still too=
many pieces in 7 dimensions for me to want to solve it, but I definitely w=
ant to play with it ^^
; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
What is new:
1) You can hide cubies with selected number of visible sides (1C, 2C, ...).=
2) You can highlight cubies that have colors from some set and have not col=
ors from another set. Under color buttons there are 3-state checkboxes. If =
some box is checked then the corresponding color must be in the highlighted=
cubie, and if it's empty, then the color can't be in the cubie. To=
turn this highlighting on and off use checkbox "Highlight by colors&q=
3) Macros. Ctrl-M starts macro. First you must select the sequence of refer=
ence stickers (program continues to ask them while the set is symmetric). T=
hen make some twists, press Ctrl-M again and enter macro name. It will appe=
ar in the listbox.
To start macro, left-click its name, select "Apply" or "Re=
verse" command and select sequence of stickers (if it doesn't matc=
h the reference sequence, background becomes red).
If you click in the empty space during sticker selection, it cancels macr=
o definition or application. To cancel macro defenition after sticker selec=
tion, press Ctrl-M and click "Cancel" button.
Macros file can be saved and loaded.
4) Extra twists and commutators.
If you make some twists before your favorite twists sequence and want to ma=
ke them in reverse after that, do the following.
- Press F1
- Perform preparing twists
- Press F2
- Perform operation
- Press F3. Program will make the inverse of preparing twists sequence.
If you make [F1 A F2 B F4] sequence (where A and B are some twists sequen=
ces) it will be equivalent to [A B inv(A) inv(B)].
Blocks F1..F2 may be nested or delayed. For example,
[F1 A F1 B F2 C F1 D F2 E F4 G F3 H F2 K F3] is equivalent to
[A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) H K inv(A B C D E inv(D) inv(E) G inv(B) =
H)] :)
If you press F3 when the last block was not closed (i.e. [F1 A F3]) then =
F1 will be canceled. Also if you press F2 when the last block was closed bu=
t not applied, you "unblock" it. Last string in the right panel s=
hows current state of the stack of blocks.
Good luck!
From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 14:25:57 -0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MC7D v0.1
Yes, conjugate. I forgot the existence of this term, shame on me... I know =
about twist counting bug (start/stop macros are counted as twists) and I'm =
not sure that I'll fix it soon. May be, I'll do "cleanup" command that remo=
ves all macro marks and pairs of rotations of the same face in opposite dir=
ections, and so restores the twist count, but not in the next version.
Thank you and good luck! v 0.11 is coming soon ))
From: "Andrey" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 15:29:00 -0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] MC7D v0.1
Sorry for frequent updates, but couple of bugs in v0.1 was very serious. So=
new version is in the same place:
New feature: command "Recalculate" (in Edit menu). It performs all twists =
again, from the solved cube, without all Undo/Redo branches. I recommend to=
run it from time to time to be sure that your puzzle is in state consisten=
t with the twist history (and that it's solvable :) )