As requested, I hope I have successfully uploaded the solution log
file. Enjoy!
Hello to all of you,
I think, I should say something about me. So let's start. My name is Denny
K�hler. I came from Reinholdshain, its about 20km away from Dresden in
Saxonya in Germany in the world in the milkyway in the universe.(Thats
exactly enough, isn't it?) I'm 22 years old an I'm studying physics in
Dresden University. And my english is not so good. :-(
From time to time I play the guitare or read a book and I like things like
the magic cube (in 3 and 4 dimensions ;-)) I'm not sure about what I can
tell more about me. I think if there is anybody who wants to know more
about me. Just ask me!
Thats it for the first time
Your Denny
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