Thread: "Other platonic polychora puzzles."

From: <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 02:06:13 -0600
Subject: Other platonic polychora puzzles.

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We all know that MC4D is a completely awesome program. When it first intro=
duced shapes that were not hypercubes, it became all the awesomer. It also=
made me hungry for more.


I apologize if this has already been discussed a few times, but I would lik=
e to ask about the 16 and 24 cell shapes. I was playing with the puzzle in=
ventor, and I was dissapointed that they were not appearing when I typed th=
eir symbols in. Is it because there is no obvious way to slice such shapes=
into puzzles, or is it just that the program does not support four cells p=
er edge for some reason? It seems like these puzzles would be fairly new e=
xperiences, as I can't really think of any simple analog of either. Sounds=


P.S. Has anyone ever seen any kind of octahedron twisty puzzle? I've neve=
r heard of one, but it sounds awesome. (maybe magictile could support one?=
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We all know that MC4D is a completely awesome program.  When it first =
introduced shapes that were not hypercubes, it became all the awesomer.&nbs=
p; It also made me hungry for more.


I apologize if this has already been discussed a few times, but I woul=
d like to ask about the 16 and 24 cell shapes.  I was playing with the=
puzzle inventor, and I was dissapointed that they were not appearing when =
I typed their symbols in.  Is it because there is no obvious way =
to slice such shapes into puzzles, or is it just that the program does not =
support four cells per edge for some reason?  It seems like these puzz=
les would be fairly new experiences, as I can't really think of any simple =
analog of either.  Sounds fun.


P.S.  Has anyone ever seen any kind of octahedron twisty puzzle? =
I've never heard of one, but it sounds awesome.  (maybe magictile cou=
ld support one?)


From: "matthewsheerin" <>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 16:17:43 -0000
Subject: Re: Other platonic polychora puzzles.

I also want to see these shapes, but I understand the reasons they are more=
difficult to achieve than the shapes with simple certex figures. The best=
I can think of is an analogue of the Trajber's octahedron which has the sa=
me cutting planes as a normal 3x3, but in its dual shape. i.e. its a verte=
x-turning octahedron instead of a face turning cube. I'm not sure how vert=
ex-turning puzzles would work in MC4D, since the current interface works by=
clicking the face which has to turn. However, with the number of puzzles =
currently available, I'm not that bothered about seeing any of these realis=

In reply to your PS, several octahedra exist, such as the Trajber's I menti=
oned, and the recently mass-produced face turning octahedron.


--- In, wrote:
> We all know that MC4D is a completely awesome program. When it first int=
roduced shapes that were not hypercubes, it became all the awesomer. It al=
so made me hungry for more.
> I apologize if this has already been discussed a few times, but I would l=
ike to ask about the 16 and 24 cell shapes. I was playing with the puzzle =
inventor, and I was dissapointed that they were not appearing when I typed =
their symbols in. Is it because there is no obvious way to slice such shap=
es into puzzles, or is it just that the program does not support four cells=
per edge for some reason? It seems like these puzzles would be fairly new=
experiences, as I can't really think of any simple analog of either. Soun=
ds fun.
> P.S. Has anyone ever seen any kind of octahedron twisty puzzle? I've ne=
ver heard of one, but it sounds awesome. (maybe magictile could support on=

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