Thread: "The final build?"

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 19:09:12 -0800
Subject: The final build?

Dear Cubists,

Because of the testing that you've done on the 4th beta build, I think
we're good to go. At the same time, we couldn't resist making a couple
of last minute improvements. Specifically, we've implemented the popular
suggestion of storing the mc4d.props file in the same folder as the jar
file (, and we
also made puzzle resets and full scrambles faster. I've installed the
new jar file in the downloads section as usual. We don't need any
serious testing of this build but would definitely appreciate it if some
of you would test both the property file thing and puzzle resetting and
scrambling. Unless anyone discovers problems with this build, I intend
to make it the first public 4.0 tomorrow.

Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!

From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:46:25 +0100
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?

Thank you Melinda for time spend on mc4D.props!

Unfortunately I've found a bug:

If you hold Ctr+F (full scramble) for few seconds the whole program is
blocked (java process is getting 50% on CPU and you can't do anything)
on small and bigger cubes.

I think it's due to not finishing scrambling process and getting command
to scramble it again.

In previous version I could get faster scrambles on small cubes -
simplex-2 (in one second I could change at least 3 scrambles so if I
push Ctr+F I saw constant change of scrambles; now it's impossible)

(Scrambling of bigger cubes is now really faster). Solution to that
problem could be (in worst scenario) disable shortcut Ctr+F

Parameters of my laptop: Windows7Ultimate, Lenovo g530, Intel Pentium
Dual Core 2,16 GHz, new java installed


Melinda Green pisze:
> Dear Cubists,
> Because of the testing that you've done on the 4th beta build, I think
> we're good to go. At the same time, we couldn't resist making a couple
> of last minute improvements. Specifically, we've implemented the popular
> suggestion of storing the mc4d.props file in the same folder as the jar
> file (
> ), and we
> also made puzzle resets and full scrambles faster. I've installed the
> new jar file in the downloads section as usual. We don't need any
> serious testing of this build but would definitely appreciate it if some
> of you would test both the property file thing and puzzle resetting and
> scrambling. Unless anyone discovers problems with this build, I intend
> to make it the first public 4.0 tomorrow.
> Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!
> -Melinda

Yoskine i Anna Maria Jopek zapraszaja do konkursu
Wygraj 3 luksusowe weekendy w SPA lub 10 zestawow kosmetykow od Yoskine
Sprawdz >>

From: Klaus Weidinger <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 05:13:46 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?



Dear Cubists,

Because of the testing that you've done on the 4th beta build, I think=20

we're good to go. At the same time, we couldn't resist making a couple=20

of last minute improvements. Specifically, we've implemented the popular=20

suggestion of storing the mc4d.props file in the same folder as the jar=20

file (http://code. p/magiccube4d/ issues/detail? id=3D70), and =

also made puzzle resets and full scrambles faster. I've installed the=20

new jar file in the downloads section as usual. We don't need any=20

serious testing of this build but would definitely appreciate it if some=20

of you would test both the property file thing and puzzle resetting and=20

scrambling. Unless anyone discovers problems with this build, I intend=20

to make it the first public 4.0 tomorrow.

Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!






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top" style=3D"font: inherit;">Hi Melinda,

I'm sorry to post this her=
e, but I don't have a google account and so I can't post in the issue track=
er. I hope you will read this in time, but it is a minor change anyway.

I would really be pleased if you could manage to change the keyboard co=
ntrols, because this caused me a loss of about 30 twist for several times n=
This happened in two different ways. The first one was, that I unfor=
tunately pressed Ctrl + T (Solve / Cheat) instead of Ctrl + Z (Undo), becau=
se Z and T are next to each other on the German keyboard.
The second tim=
e (including today) was when I pressed Ctrl + S because I wanted to "S"cram=
ble a solved cube, but it overwrote one of my log-files. Here you could eit=
her find another shortcut for "Save" or always ask if one is sure to overwr=
ite the old log file. I would prefer the second way, because S is really
common for "Save"

@ matthew: Congratulations to your phenomenal sol=
ve! I did not expect this to happen so soon, but that was also, because I t=
hought it would even take more twists than the 6^5.
Solving a mor comple=
x puzzle with less turns is a really amazing job.
btw: Thanks for your l=
og-file, but I first off all have to "resolve" my cube to this state, becau=
se I overwrote a log-file as written above.

Have a nice twist,

--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Melinda Green <melinda@superlimin=>
b(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">
From: Melinda Gre=
en <>
Subject: [MC4D] The final build?
To: "MagicCube4D" <>
Date: Monday, Novemb=
er 16, 2009, 3:09 AM



Dear Cubists,

Because of the testing that you've done on the 4th beta build, I think

we're good to go. At the same time, we couldn't resist making a couple

of last minute improvements. Specifically, we've implemented the popular r>
suggestion of storing the mc4d.props file in the same folder as the jar >
file (p/magiccube4d/issues/detail?id=3D70">http://code. p/magiccube4d=
/ issues/detail? id=3D70
), and we

also made puzzle resets and full scrambles faster. I've installed the

new jar file in the downloads section as usual. We don't need any

serious testing of this build but would definitely appreciate it if some r>
of you would test both the property file thing and puzzle resetting and >
scrambling. Unless anyone discovers problems with this build, I intend

to make it the first public 4.0 tomorrow.

Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!





From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:30:50 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?


Thank you so much for the bug report.

I did check and found that the problem you're seeing is not due to
scramble commands queuing up. I suspect the problem is actually that the
scrambling is so fast that the graphics system can't keep up. Holding
the Ctrl-F will hang the display depending upon how long you hold it,
but it seem to always come back to normal eventually. I currently don't
see a good way to keep that from happening, so until then I suppose the
best workaround is to simply not do that. ;-)

While I've not fixed that problem, I did discover that an important
related problem was making a mess of the log files. I've fixed that one,
uploaded the fixed version and deleted the previous one (162).

Thanks again!
-Melinda wrote:
> Thank you Melinda for time spend on mc4D.props!
> Unfortunately I've found a bug:
> If you hold Ctr+F (full scramble) for few seconds the whole program is
> blocked (java process is getting 50% on CPU and you can't do anything)
> on small and bigger cubes.
> I think it's due to not finishing scrambling process and getting command
> to scramble it again.
> In previous version I could get faster scrambles on small cubes -
> simplex-2 (in one second I could change at least 3 scrambles so if I
> push Ctr+F I saw constant change of scrambles; now it's impossible)
> (Scrambling of bigger cubes is now really faster). Solution to that
> problem could be (in worst scenario) disable shortcut Ctr+F
> Parameters of my laptop: Windows7Ultimate, Lenovo g530, Intel Pentium
> Dual Core 2,16 GHz, new java installed
> Remi
> Melinda Green pisze:
>> Dear Cubists,
>> Because of the testing that you've done on the 4th beta build, I think
>> we're good to go. At the same time, we couldn't resist making a couple
>> of last minute improvements. Specifically, we've implemented the popular
>> suggestion of storing the mc4d.props file in the same folder as the jar
>> file (
>> ), and we
>> also made puzzle resets and full scrambles faster. I've installed the
>> new jar file in the downloads section as usual. We don't need any
>> serious testing of this build but would definitely appreciate it if some
>> of you would test both the property file thing and puzzle resetting and
>> scrambling. Unless anyone discovers problems with this build, I intend
>> to make it the first public 4.0 tomorrow.
>> Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!
>> -Melinda
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yoskine i Anna Maria Jopek zapraszaja do konkursu
> Wygraj 3 luksusowe weekendy w SPA lub 10 zestawow kosmetykow od Yoskine
> Sprawdz >>
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 17:03:16 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?

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OK, so it turns out that we weren't even close to ready to release
yesterday's version. The problem that Remi discovered turned out to be a
nasty memory leak when resetting. Scrambles do resets, so leaning on the
Ctrl-F key can quickly hang you when running out of memory. I've plugged
that leak which got a little messy. I therefore don't have strong
confidence in the latest version and could use help from one or two of
you to beat on the latest version
. Please let me
know right away if you find any problems. Otherwise I'll try to release
this in 24 hours.


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OK, so it turns out that we weren't even close to ready to release
yesterday's version. The problem that Remi discovered turned out to be
a nasty memory leak when resetting. Scrambles do resets, so leaning on
the Ctrl-F key can quickly hang you when running out of memory. I've
plugged that leak which got a little messy. I therefore don't have
strong confidence in the latest version and could use help from one or
two of you to beat on the href="">latest
version. Please let me know right away if you find any problems.
Otherwise I'll try to release this in 24 hours.



From: Brandon Enright <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 02:20:20 +0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?


From: Brandon Enright <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 03:02:12 +0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?


From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 00:30:11 -0800
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The final build?

Brandon Enright wrote:
>> n-jdk- on Linux amd64/x86_64
>> I'm pretty adept with GDB and troubleshooting compiled applications
>> but I don't know enough about Java to be useful. If you can give me
>> the steps to force Java to print a stack trace when it is hung I'd be
>> happy to do so. I'm also up for running a special build if you have
>> some patches in mind. I may need my hand held through the build phase
>> though.
> I ended up figuring out how to take a stacktrace (jstack -l ). It
> looks like it could be a deadlock. Almost all of the threads are
> waiting on various locks.
> Rather than clutter the list, I have put the stacktrace here:
> This was taken with the application hung after pressing ^F
Hey, that's cool. Thanks for looking into this, Brandon; that's a very
helpful tool! I don't know what all the SyntheticImageGenerator threads
are doing, but the most important thread is always the AWT EventQueue
thread in which all the application UI work happens (or should happen!)
It's especially great to have someone actively testing on Linux. Now if
only we could find a similarly motivated Mac user, we'd have the bases

As you now know, you weren't using the latest build (r164). That's
entirely my fault because I uploaded and deleted several versions today
as I rapidly found problems, fixed them, and created more problems. At
this point I seem to have repaired the worst of them. There are still
some annoying jumping around of the panels when you rebuild puzzles, but
everything *appears* to be functionally solid to me. Please retest as
much as you have patience for and let us know how it goes. With a bit of
luck tomorrow could be the day!

Thanks again,

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