Roice Nelson pisze:
> Whoa, hold it right there! [Insert the sound of a vinyl LP
scratching to a halt here.] Did anybody not notice that buried in Chris'
message is the announcement that he solved the dodecahedral prism?!?!
That's amazing! Way to go Chris! That's amazing! Way to go Chris! Check
out the last entry in the wiki hall-of-fame.
Nice Tour de Force, Chris!
> And now that I'm checking out the wiki HOF... Remi, how was the
simplex with 4-per-side?
Simplex-4 was not so bad but not so simple :) As I understand I'm the
first man on the Earth who solved this "classic "cube" that, right? I
must tell European Champion (and vice World Champion) in Pyramid, who I
know :) Start on this puzzle was very tricky. I was starting this
puzzle at least 4 times because I couldn't pass some stage. But now I
see what I was doing wrong. First thing to do is to set four central
"trunks" inside every tetrahedron and later just filling the rest. (I
also made mistake to not finish all facial-central pieces before solving
3C pieces on the edges so I had to generate very long macros to
manipulate only central pieces. Basicly one can generate algorithms to
manipulate every kind of pieces separately. I can easily cut solution of
simplex-4 by around 300 twists from my result. (which I can't say about
{5}x{4} Pentagonal Duoprism - I did my best here...) I was trying to
solve simplex-4 as fast as possible because already Chris swept {5}x{4}
Pentagonal Duoprism (length2) on which I was working on and stuck at the
very end.
For sure I will try new cubes but now I have very hectic time (I hope
that there will be some records left :P)
All the best,
BTW: We all set new record in numbers of posts: in one month we have
generated almost 80 messages!
> seeya,
> Roice
> P.S. I loved your pictures Melinda, especially the {20]x{20} ones -
so cool!
> _
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