Thread: "Now with mouse wheel scaling and custom user colors"

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 21:22:16 -0700
Subject: Now with mouse wheel scaling and custom user colors

Download the latest version
if you want to try
out the new features. Scaling is straightforward enough but the face
colors takes a little explaining: You can create sets of face colors for
puzzles of any particular number of faces. To do that, create a file
named exactly "facecolors.txt" in the same folder as the jar file. In
that file, write one line for each set. On each line, enter one color
specification per face separated by a space. The program will count the
number of colors on each line and will use those colors for for each
puzzle with that number of faces. If there is more than one line with
the same number of colors, the first one will be used. The format for a
color is either three comma separated RGB vales between 0 and 255, or by
using web color format #RRGGBB values. For example, a file with these
two lines:

128,128,128 0,255,255 25,100,200 200,100,10 #FFCC00
50,50,230 0,128,255 25,100,200 150,100,10 #00DDEE 20,190,90 150,10,110

will use the first line of colors for any simplex, and the second line
for the hypercubes and any other puzzles with eight faces.

Let me know if you have any problems, and have fun!!

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