Thread: "The School of Hard Knocks"

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 23:47:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [MC4D] The School of Hard Knocks

OMG, that story simply breaks my heart! Are you sure there are no copies
anywhere? Was an intermediate copy ever emailed to work account or to a
friend? Maybe a computer profession can extract it from
delete-but-not-erased space on the hard drive? I know that if it were
me, I'd be trying everything to recover an earlier version of that file
so long as there was any chance at all.

When I've lost a couple of hours of creative work in the past I'd been
extremely upset. I can't begin to imagine how I'd feel about a lost of
this size. My small losses were enough to make me as paranoid as Roice
and now I try to keep careful backups, but there's always room for
error. It's funny but because of my paranoia I never rely on software
auto backups, prefering to manage that by saving early and often and in
multiple locations including off-site in case of fire or other complete

My sincere condolences on your user's loss. That is a very tragic story.

Roice Nelson wrote:
> Dear All,
> I got a stomach sinking email today from a member who accidentally
> overwrote an almost completed solution in Magic120Cell. 17000 moves
> had been done. MC5D and Magic120Cell do not make any automatic
> backups of log files (something I now plan to change). When using
> MC4D, I've always made copies of my log files at milestone points from
> paranoia, and I think this is a good habit when investing so much
> effort in a solution.
> As with many programs, be aware that using "Save" instead of "Save
> As..." can be dangerous if you are not making log file backups
> yourself. What happened in this case was that the puzzle type was
> switched to investigate something (which reset the state in the older
> version of the program being run), then "Save" was used. In the
> version that has been online since September, you'd have to go more
> out of your way for an accidental overwrite like this because changing
> the puzzle type no longer resets the state. You'd have to manually
> reset the state from the options menu, then save. That behavior is
> perhaps reasonable, but I will also make the program more defensive by
> making "Save" do a "Save As..." if the puzzle has been reset.
> Thoughts on other ways to improve the defensiveness are welcome, but I
> wanted to send out this notice to help avoid this happening (I really
> hope to avoid this kind of grief again). I also encourage people to
> make sure they have the latest versions if they are actively working
> on solutions.

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