Thread: "4D Paper Complete"

From: "David Smith" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 02:56:46 -0000
Subject: 4D Paper Complete

Hello all,

I am pleased to say that I have finally finished my paper which derives the=
number of possible positions of an n^4 Rubik's Cube! I actually can't say=
it is truly finished yet until it is studied by more people, so I am hopef=
ul that maybe a few of you will take a look at it. Feel free to post any q=
uestions, comments, suggestions, or corrections, or email me at djs314djs31=

Here is the paper:

My deepest thanks goes out to Roice for all of his contributions! (and the =
use of his website, as always.)

Here is the formula by itself:^4_Cube.pdf

Some of you may have noticed that the formula changed. Actually, it only c=
hanged in appearance; I just expanded the binomial coefficient in the expon=
ent of the last term. I did this because it allows a simpler discussion in=
the paper when I discuss the exponent's derivation.

I would like to thank Melinda, Don Hatch, and Jay Berkenbilt for creating M=
agic Cube 4D and thus opening my mind to such a fascinating concept that I =
have enjoyed studying very much.

I am planning to work on an n^5 Cube paper, but first I want to try finding=
that n^d Cube formula again, which may prove too difficult for me. But I =
will give it a try anyway.

Thanks so much for everyone's support, and even if nobody reads my paper, I=
am still happy I wrote it. I hope that it somehow contributes to the lega=
cy of Magic Cube 4D, even if only in a small way.

All the best,

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