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Dear Cubists,
I'm sure you'll all be interested to know that more than 100 people have
now solved the full 4D cube! I've attached a chart showing the number of
new solvers by year and you'll see that the hall-of-fame is growing at a
lively rate. The 25 new solvers in 2008 represent 1/4 of all new
solvers. I think the attachment will be sent but not archived, so if you
are reading this in the archive, here is the URL I used to generate the
Readers interested in web development and data representation might like
to look at that URL and check out the very cool Google Chart API
There are now over 120 list subscribers receiving these mailing list
messages without bouncing, making this quite a successful group. There
have been nearly 11,000 page views for the main cube page in the last
month. Google and Wikipedia are great sources of referring traffic, but
it appears that StumbleUpon.com
greatest single source of visitors. I recently installed their Firefox
discovered a lot of fun new content that way. I encourage you to try it
out and of course give your thumbs-up vote to the main MC4D page
about our favorite puzzle. Please also add links to our site on any
appropriate web sites that you might be involved with. Note that the
easiest way to do that is to simply add the address and a description to
blog posts or blog comments and let Google do the rest.
The final bit of news is that Roice has recently updated his solution
clarifications, corrections, and by using his mad web skills to greatly
improve the presentation and usability of this wonderful resource.
Thanks Roice and congratulations to all new solvers!
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Dear Cubists,
I'm sure you'll all be interested to know that more than 100 people
have now solved the full 4D cube! I've attached a chart showing the
number of new solvers by year and you'll see that the hall-of-fame is
growing at a lively rate. The 25 new solvers in 2008 represent 1/4 of
all new solvers. I think the attachment will be sent but not archived,
so if you are reading this in the archive, here is href="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvs&chs=400x200&chbh=30&chxt=x,y&chds=0,25&chxr=1,0,25&chd=t:7,2,5,9,10,14,8,14,25&chl=00%7C01%7C02%7C03%7C04%7C05%7C06%7C07%7C08">the
URL I used to generate the chart. Readers interested in web
development and data representation might like to look at that URL and
check out the very cool Google
Chart API to learn how to generate your own charts.
There are now over 120 list subscribers receiving these mailing list
messages without bouncing, making this quite a successful group. There
have been nearly 11,000 page views for the main cube page in the last
month. Google and Wikipedia are great sources of referring traffic, but
it appears that StumbleUpon.com
is our greatest single source of visitors. I recently installed their href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/138">Firefox
plug-in and have discovered a lot of fun new content that way. I
encourage you to try it out and of course give your thumbs-up vote to
the main MC4D page
in order to help spread the word about our favorite puzzle. Please also
add links to our site on any appropriate web sites that you might be
involved with. Note that the easiest way to do that is to simply add
the address and a description to blog posts or blog comments and let
Google do the rest.
The final bit of news is that Roice has recently updated href="http://www.superliminal.com/cube/solution/solution.htm">his
solution by adding clarifications, corrections, and by using his
mad web skills to greatly improve the presentation and usability of
this wonderful resource.
Thanks Roice and congratulations to all new solvers!
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