Thread: "Inching closer to god"

From: Melinda Green <>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:39:45 -0000
Subject: Inching closer to god

Many congratulations on your amazing achievement Noel! This is=20
excellent news and I trust you are enjoying all the buzz and=20
stisfaction you deserve with this effort. Being in the most=20
exclusive club possible (i.e. with one member) must be a great=20
feeling, although you may not get to enjoy the complete exculsivity=20
for too long (and no, I am not hinting that I have plans to climb=20
the 4x4x4x4x4 mounatain any time soon).

Two other (light-hearted) and general points also came to mind from=20
Melinda's comments. Although I often believe we are not alone in=20
this universe I am happy to accept that we could be (just to make=20
you the ultimate 5-D Revenge solver!) but I wonder if there are (a)=20
viable 4-D, 5-D etc univserses that exist somewhere, and that (b)=20
beings from those places might be solving analogous cubes themselves.

Secondly, it is no mean feat for us 3-D beings to represent (and=20
then solve!) a 5-D cube in a format that our brains can deal with,=20
but I wonder if a 4-D being would find a 6-D cube, for example,=20
easier to solve (relatively speaking) than a 5-D cube is for us;=20
since maybe their (hyper)brains are 'more geared' to dealing with=20
extra dimensions. What do people think?

--- In, Melinda Green wrote:
> Congratulations indeed!!
> This is definitely a tour de force, Noel. Congratulations on=20
setting a=20
> record that can never be taken from you. There is no question that=20
> are the first human being to perform this feat and for all we know=20
> may be the first time in the universe!
> One thing that I'm confused about is why you say that you won't=20
> parity problems in the 5^5. Doesn't the 5^5 contain the 4^5? I=20
know that=20
> it's been said that after 5^d there are no more new combinatorial=20
> elements for all dimensions. Can someone please spell out exactly=20
> the issues are and why this is true?
> I can certainly understand why Noel says that he'll never do the=20
> again. I can imagine that other people might accomplish that if=20
> feel that they can turn in a shorter solution, and I'll also make=20
> guess that this is the year that someone will solve the 5^5 for=20
> first time. I'm also on record for predicting that it will be a=20
> long time before a second person slays that monster if ever! The=20
lure of=20
> the shortest 5^5 may simply not be attractive enough for anyone to=20
> attempt it.
> So please tell us, Noel. What was it like to battle this beast and=20
> it really only take you a week? Any advice for others thinking=20
> attempting to repeat your achievement? And are you *really* going=20
> take a break before attempting the 5^5 or are you just trying to=20
> other would-be solvers *think* that they don't need to hurry to be=20
> first? No need to answer that last question, BTW. :-)
> -Melinda
> jwgibson3 wrote:
> > CONGRATS!!!! Fantastic! Although, I must admit, I'm a little
> > jealous. I was hoping I could be first ;) And Noel, your=20
solution is
> > a great length; it's shorter than the median solution for the=20
> > I'm still pairing up edges and have reached 4000 moves. Roice -=20
> > finder will be fantastic. It's pretty mind-rotting looking=20
> > 1000 pieces with the shift key held down hoping the next one is=20
> > Congrats Noel! And thanks for the new features, Roice!
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > John
> >
> > --- In, "Roice Nelson" wrote:
> >=20=20=20
> >> Hey guys,
> >>
> >> I wanted to let you all know the Revenge version of the 5D cube=20
has been
> >> solved for the first time! I just uploaded Noel Chalmer's=20
solution to the Hall of Insanity if you'd like to take a look.
> >>
> >> **
> >> **
> >> This puzzle has 2560 stickers and 1024 cubies and as best I can=20
tell from our emails, I think it only took him about a week! But=20
I'll let him expound if he's interested.
> >>
> >> Since they have so many pieces, Noel requested a new feature (a=20
> >> finder) to help him out with the Revenge and Professor 5D=20
puzzles, and this is part of the install now. It is on the options=20
menu or you can CTRL+F. Also, thought I'd mention redo was added=20
last year as well (that had been requested a lot so I finally did=20
it, but I never mailed out about it).
> >>
> >> I hope this finds everybody well,
> >>
> >> Roice
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: Noel Chalmers
> >> Date: Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 1:43 AM
> >> Subject: Re: small thing
> >> To: roice3@
> >>
> >>
> >> Hey Roice,
> >>
> >> Well, I said I'd do it and it's done. This thing was HARD. I=20
had a parity error at every step of solving it like a 3x3 and I had=20
to kind of make up a sequence on the fly that would correct it. I'm=20
looking forward to the 5^5 where I won't have to worry about parity!=20
But I think I'll take a bit of a break before that.
> >> This is by no means a shortest move solution, I gave up on=20
trying to have a low move count when I hit the parities. I suspect=20
that if someone else
> >> solves it they'll have less moves but that's fine by me, I=20
don't plan on
> >> doing this ever again. Thanks again for the update to the=20
program, I
> >> couldn't have done it without your help!
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Noel

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