Just wanted to say congratulations on the solves for the 3^4, 4^4, and
5^4. Keeping the cubing world of higher dimensions alive, I give you a
big hearty "Well done!"
Hello Remi,
I guess I should have announced when your 3^4 checkerboard record was
taken from you last year! Well you have your record back now and the
universe is once more in balance.
Congratulations also to Chris Ahna, our first new solver of the year,
and to all the other recent solvers. I'm looking forward to seeing what
amazing accomplishments you guys will come up with this year.
Remigiusz Durka wrote:
> Hi Melinda.
> I've noticed that someone took my record in 3^4-checkerboard! From 40
> twists suddenly there was only 28 twists. Impressive. Why nobody told me?
> One hour later I noticed this fact I came up with 24 twist solution...
> (attached files for your page).
> All the best,
> Remi