Thread: "Predictions"

From: "markoram109" <>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 17:06:22 -0000
Subject: Predictions

Hi RemiQ,

Thank-you for your comments, although (unless I'm missing=20
something!) I count now 10 names on the Hall of Insanity list for=20
the 3^5 solution. Also, for some reason there seem to be clusters of=20
solutions coming out every 7 months or so: does this mean we have to=20
wait until Feb 2008 for the next set of 3 or 4 solutions?

I guess talk of a 6-D version was inevitable, but I agree with you=20
that we don't need to be too troubled in our sleep by it just yet.=20
Perhaps we would even need holographic 3-D computer screens first to=20
have any relaistic hope of creating a workable representation of=20
such an entity?

--- In, "Remigiusz Durka" =20
> Great job Mark. Welcome on the board. So... There is now 9 people=20
who managed with 5D cube. Nice! Lately I was joking with Michal=20
Wizner that there should be deal with Roice: If all 5D cubes be=20
solved (from 2^5 to 5^5) Roice should start working on creating 6D=20
cube but not before. I think it is good deal. My laptop has problems=20
with 4^5 (1,6 Ghz, 0,5 GB RAM) so we can sleep well not troubled by=20
existance of 6D rubik cube:)
> As you pointed Mark:
> "I ended up hiding the +U, -U and +V faces, and setting the=20
> of the 5-D version to give a representation similar to the 4-D=20
cube projection.=20
> This I found workable, whereas other settings made everything too=20
> In my first concept of 5D cube I put +U and -U disconnected from=20
the cube and hanging next to it (and I've moved +V down -> changing=20
projection into unfolded cube).=20
> When you start with default view in MC5D it is really hard to get=20
started with solving. I did the same settings (and as far as I know=20
others the same) and in one case just suggesting setting like this=20
let this person solving the whole cube in less than 2 weeks).=20
> I even suggested two defaults views. Maybe Roice you consider this=20
in the future version.
> Maybe we could consider 4D version of others puzzles? Pyraminx=20
4D :) for example.
> Keep hypersolving,
> RemiQ

From: "Remigiusz Durka" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 19:30:44 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Predictions

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I know. 10 people :). You people coming and coming. faster Than I can count=
:P Soon in every village there will be someone who solved 3^5 :P

I also noticed that people coming in groups during some periods and next th=
ere is a break... Interesting, why?

All the best,

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I know. 10 people :). You people coming =
coming. faster Than I can count :P Soon in every village there will be some=
who solved 3^5 :P


I also noticed that people coming in gro=
during some periods and next there is a break... Interesting, why?

All the best,



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color: #000000">-----------------R--E--K--L--A--M--A-----------------=0DR>
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