Thread: "Introducing"

From: "michael.koko" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 04:44:13 -0000
Subject: Introducing

Hello everyone, my name is Michael Kokosenski, number 60 on the list
to solve the MC4d. I'm 18, living in Southern California, and I'm
going to Stanford in the fall to begin undergrad studies in either
mathematics or computer science.

Well, theres my short introduction, and hope to hear more about the group.

-Michael Kokosenski

From: "michael.koko" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:28:42 -0700
Subject: Introducing

Maybe it's sort of a combinatorial puzzle built on a 2^4 but is some
drastically reduced subset of anything that could reasonable be called a
Rubik analog? Whatever it is, it seems safe to guess that it won't match
any reasonable definition of one. I recommend that someone, probably
Norbert, contact the people and ask them to remove the
records reported that used N-teract-4.


Micha� Wizner wrote:
> Yes, that's really really funny!;)
> As remiq wrote we are able to solve this 'puzzle' using only four
> algoritms that
> change an 'orientation' on the West 'cubie'. We just join pieces which
> are the same
> colour then we move each wrong 'oriented' cubie to the West repairing
> its orientation.
> But the author of this aplet writes: "The corners are not sensitive to
> orientation in 4-space."...
> So what actually are we doing?
> I feel so stupid and confused solving this puzzle in about 30sec;)
> *How does it work, where is the connection with 2^4, and finally what
> the hell is this?;)*
> Theese are questions we still are looking answers for. heh
> And I can't imagine how can it be compared with any other
> puzzles/applets like for example MC4D
> (
> Remigiusz Durka pisze
>> Hi!
>> Could someone tell me what is that?
>> I've tried and tried to see/understand how "that" is related to 2^4
>> but I couldn't...
>> Nethertheless I've managed to solve this around 30 sec. (Michal
>> Wizner one sec less)
>> (Scramble is terrible, always the same, so I scrambled this extra) ->
>> After lucky scramble I did it under 15 sec (but it doesn't count)
>> I don't see how this aplet earned name "A four dimensional version of
>> Rubik's Cube ". There is only 4 colors, etc.

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