Thread: "N-teract-4"

From: "Remigiusz Durka" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 15:20:29 +0200
Subject: N-teract-4

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Could someone tell me what is that?=20

I've tried and tried to see/understand how "that" is related to 2^4 but I c=

Nethertheless I've managed to solve this around 30 sec. (Michal Wizner one=
sec less)

(Scramble is terrible, always the same, so I scrambled this extra) -> After=
lucky scramble I did it under 15 sec (but it doesn't count)

I don't see how this aplet earned name "A four dimensional version of Rubik=
's Cube ". There is only 4 colors, etc.
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Could someone tell me what is=


I've tried and tried to see/understa=
nd how=20
"that" is related to 2^4 but I couldn't...

Nethertheless  I've=
managed to solve this around 30 sec. (Michal Wizner one sec=20

(Scramble is terrible, always the same, so I scrambled this ex=
-> After lucky scramble I did it under 15 sec (but it doesn't count)

don't see how this aplet earned name "A four dimensional version of Rubik's=
". There is only 4 colors, etc.

12px Courier New, Courier,; padding: 3px; background: #ffffff;=
color: #000000">=0D


Ks.Jankowski u Mela Gibsona =0D




From: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Micha=B3_Wizner?= <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 15:10:07 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] N-teract-4

Yes, that's really really funny!;)

As remiq wrote we are able to solve this 'puzzle' using only color="#ff0000">four
algoritms that

change an 'orientation' on the West 'cubie'. We just join pieces which
are the same

colour then we move each wrong 'oriented' cubie to the West repairing
its orientation.

But the author of this aplet writes: "The corners are not
sensitive to orientation in 4-space."...

So what actually are we doing?

I feel so stupid and confused solving this puzzle in about 30sec;)

How does it work, where is the connection with 2^4, and finally what
the hell is this?;)

Theese are questions we still are looking answers for. heh

And I can't imagine how can it be compared with any other
puzzles/applets like for example MC4D


Remigiusz Durka pisze


Could someone tell me what is that?


I've tried and tried to see/understand how "that" is related to 2^4 but
I couldn't...

Nethertheless� I've managed to solve this around 30 sec. (Michal Wizner
one sec less)

(Scramble is terrible, always the same, so I scrambled this extra)
-> After lucky scramble I did it under 15 sec (but it doesn't count)

I don't see how this aplet earned name "A four dimensional version of
Rubik's Cube ". There is only 4 colors, etc.

style="background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">


Ks.Jankowski u Mela Gibsona

>>> href="">

From: "Norbert Hantos" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:18:57 -0000
Subject: Re: [MC4D] N-teract-4

I wrote an e-mail to Ron van Bruchem, the owner of the
about this.

From: "Norbert Hantos" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:10:01 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] N-teract-4

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You also have got this link on your web page :-) even on first place!

Other 4D Cube Puzzle Implementations=20
a.. N-teract-4 by John Bailey - Java applet, corners only
b.. Another Java applet - corners only
c.. Tesseract for the Mac by Charlie Dickman
d.. Dan Velleman's Rubik's Tesseract for the Mac
e.. Rubik's Hypercube by Nate Berglund.
f.. Kostka4d=20
And you don't have my web page: :-) (ok. it's avaible =
by clicking on my name :-)

One more thing.

Latelty I returned to solving 4^4 and I noticed that I need bigger window. =
My ask is that in the future there was option of closing tab with preferenc=
e and macros. (I compared this with older version without this tab and I wa=
s very helpful).=20

Soon you will hear me again!


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You also have got this link on your web =
page :-)=20
even on first place!




Other 4D Cube Puzzle Implementations=20

And you don't have my web page: href=3D"">  :-) (ok. =
avaible by clicking on my name :-)



One more thing.


Latelty I returned to solving 4^4 and I =
that I need bigger window. My ask is that in the future there was option of=
closing tab with preference and macros. (I compared this with older version=
without this tab and I was very helpful).


Soon you will hear me again!>




12px Courier New, Courier,; padding: 3px; background: #ffffff;=
color: #000000">=0D

O Twoich stronach juz si=EA m=F3wi...=0D

Na >>> http://link.interi=



From: "Remigiusz Durka" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:33:59 +0200
Subject: Re: [MC4D] N-teract-4

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I was planing to write to him (RON who is now on Holidays) asking him to ad=
d some categories (unofficial):

Fastest Solve:

-2x2x2x2 (with macros)
-3x3x3x3 (with macros)

-2x2x2x2 (without macros)
-3x3x3x3 (withou macros)

and Shortest Solutions:


(of course all by using MC4D, there are some others programs for 2^4 but no=
t so very popular)

With group of polish hypercubers we are planning few things (contest on-lin=
e and normal contest in autumn). Soon we will be holding mini on-line confe=
rence for people who wanted solve this - many people were just stuck at one=
stage -unfortunatelly in polish language). We will met Ron B. on polish op=
en championships in September and we will try to give him some kind of offi=
cial regulation of making OFFICIAL hypercube contest (he was interested in =

Take care,

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I was planing to write to him (RON who i=
s now on=20
Holidays) asking him to add some categories (unofficial):



Fastest Solve:DIV>

-2x2x2x2  (with macros)>
-3x3x3x3  (with macros)>


-2x2x2x2  (without macros)DIV>
-3x3x3x3  (withou macros)IV>


and Shortest=20







(of course all by using MC4D, there are =
others programs for 2^4 but not so very popular)



With group of polish hypercubers we are =
few things (contest on-line and normal contest in autumn). Soon we will be=
holding mini on-line conference for people who wanted solve this - many peo=
were just stuck at one stage -unfortunatelly in polish language).
face=3DVerdana size=3D1>We will met Ron B. on polish open championships in =
and we will try to give him some kind of official regulation of making OFFI=
hypercube contest (he was interested in this).


Take care,



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color: #000000">=0D

Nudysci wychodza z ukrycia >> zobacz=0D

>>> http://link.interia.p=
